• 今年奥运会上不仅回来了而且创造历史

    At this year's Pyeong Chang Olympics, Wu not only returned, but also made history.


  • 反之国际旅游业也引起了一些国家政府关注因为不仅提供了新的就业机会而且创造赚取外汇手段

    In turn, international tourism became the concern of a number of world governments since it not only provided new employment opportunities but also produced a means of earning foreign exchange.


  • 不仅带来了巨大的经济效益而且创造一种新的艺术形式

    It has not only brought huge economic profits but has created a new artistic form as well.


  • 不但创造新的影视艺术形式而且创造了一种新的观影经验

    This has not only created a kind of new artistic form of film and television, but also created a new kind of watching experience.


  • 然而环生方舟”不仅做到了回收再利用而且创造垃圾黄金巨大商机

    However, the "EcoARK" not only achieves recycling and reusing, it also has the huge business opportunity of transforming trash into gold.


  • 我们应当大胜。你看到我们如何比赛而且创造机会会觉得1比0是远远不够的。

    We really deserved a big win, 1-0 was not enough when you look to how we played and how we created opportunities to score.


  • 当然,有时真的有些自闭症患者的确极为擅长机械计算机系统——而且创造表达特烂

    Of course, this is true some of the time: some people with autism are indeed terrific with machines, computers and systems - and rotten at creative expression.


  • 漫漫历史长河中,勤劳朴实的人民,不仅创造丰富物质文明而且创造灿烂的民俗文化

    During the course of its long history, the hardworking people in Pingle have created an ample material civilization as well as a splendid folk culture.


  • 因为觉得我有激情去做这个项目而且创造全新娱乐方式肯定会很大市场(异想天开吧!)听我讲完后,Paul有点心动了。

    Because it was something I was clearly passionate about, and because creating a new form of entertainment was clearly a big market (if you could invent one!), Paul was actually into it.


  • 通过提高知识我们不仅创造新的资源形式而且找到节约使用资源方法

    By advancing knowledge, we not only create new forms of resources, but we also find ways to economize their use.


  • 工业革命对于卢德分子而言不利,他们工作机械化织布机取代工业革命最终提高了生活水平而且相比被其淘汰的工作而言,创造更多的工作。

    The Industrial Revolution didn't go so well for Luddites whose jobs were displaced by mechanized looms, but it eventually raised living standards and created more jobs than it destroyed.


  • 家中最小孩子精力充沛,他们往往外向冒险乐观创造而且没有家里其他人那么雄心勃勃

    The youngest child of the family thrives on attention and tends to be outgoing, adventurous, optimistic, creative and less ambitious than others in the family.


  • 研究发现给了我们思考自己目标机会而且似乎还提高创造

    Researches have found that it gives us a chance to think about our goals and it also seems to increase creativity.


  • 动物陪伴下,那里创造奇迹而且似乎乐此不疲

    In the company of his creatures, he did wonders there and was never tired of doing them, it seemed.


  • 喜欢尝试材料而且一直尝试开发技术时尚项目创造独特的纺织品

    I loved experimenting with new materials, and I always tried to develop new techniques to make the most unique textiles for my fashion projects.


  • 们都享誉世界,而且创造了意大利美食的历史。

    Both are famous all over the world, and both have made the history of Italian food.


  • 彩为你的创造性思维增添了巨大的能量,而且很有趣!

    Color adds great energy to your creative thinking, and is fun!


  • 术不仅可以给别人带来快乐,而且它还表明,即使是冰冷、坚硬的铁,也可以用一点创造力恢复生机。

    Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be back to life with a little creativity.


  • 创造思想不仅随着时间环境需要产生自己生存工具而且允许已变化环境的压力新的形式代替的形式。

    Creative ideas not only produce their own instruments of survival as time and circumstances demand, but permit the substitution of new forms for old under the pressure of changed circumstances.


  • 而且创造就业机会越多冲突少。

    And the more jobs it creates, the less fighting there should be.


  • 如果确实一个专家而且创造人们知悉真正价值,那么以合理费用售出这些商品就是容易的工作了,那样的话享受开心吧!

    If you're truly an expert, and you've created genuine value that people are aware of, delivering the goods for a reasonable fee will be the easiest task, so have fun!


  • 比如德国允诺说,货币联盟不但不可能上升财政调度者,而且创造一种至少德国马克一样稳定货币

    The Germans were promised that monetary union would not give rise to fiscal transfers, and would create a currency at least as stable as the Deutschmark.


  • 方法无需使用病毒而且是个创造心肌细胞的极其简单的方法,他们说道

    It involves no viruses and is a foolproof method to create cardiac cells that beat, they say.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马想要创造绿色工作”机会,但是首先创造“工作机会”,而且还要马上

    Barack Obama wants to create green jobs, but he needs to create jobs above all, and quickly.


  • 虽然KC-30 60%价值由美方创造而且EADS阿拉巴马的莫比尔港市KC-30总装线制造商用货运飞机。

    More than 60% of the value of the KC-30 would be sourced in America, and EADS would also build commercial freighters on the KC-30 assembly line in Mobile, Alabama.


  • 所以出版商决定无论如何先书稿再说,而且创造了一新奇体裁:未经授权的自传。

    So the publisher decided to print the manuscript anyway, creating a curious new genre: an "unauthorised autobiography".


  • 所以出版商决定无论如何先书稿再说,而且创造了一新奇体裁:未经授权的自传。

    So the publisher decided to print the manuscript anyway, creating a curious new genre: an "unauthorised autobiography".


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