• 国家地区经济实力的是企业而一个企业的实力靠的又是名牌生命力,名牌已经成为一个国家、一个地区经济实力地位的象征。

    The economy strength of one country or one area depends on the corporations, and the strength of one corporation depends on the life of the Name brand.


  • MichaelRaynorMumtazAhmed 就职一家名为 Deloitte 的咨询公司,这家公司决心自己转变思想领袖,不是一个企业修理工

    Michael Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed work for a consultancy, Deloitte, that is determined to turn itself into more of a thought-leader and less a corporate repairman.


  • 某种程度上可以归因于企业个人明显缺乏社会责任感社会责任感建设一个更美好世界至关重要

    To some extent, they can be ascribed to a distinct lack of a sense of social responsibility among enterprises and individuals, which is of crucial importance in building a better world.


  • 一个大型企业拥有大量程序团队认为其中一些冗余

    A large enterprise has a lot of applications, and your team thinks that there is some redundancy.


  • 需要集中企业模型不需要维护一个或者多个部门商业单位或者地区之间永久性差异性时,这种情况就会出现

    This might happen when it is desirable to centralize the enterprise models but necessary to maintain permanent variance in one or more divisions, business units or regions.


  • 根本的问题业务人员IT人员不同视角企业需要在业务和IT视角之间取得一个平衡

    The fundamental problem is that business and IT people have different perspectives, and the enterprise needs a balance between business and IT perspectives.


  • 这样同时避免一个陷阱——为妥协企业某个行业之外的应用(比如hr)扩展行业标准的做法。

    This also avoids the pitfalls of extending industry standards to accomodate communications with domains outside of an industry standard that exist within an enterprise, for e.g. HR.


  • 花来自一个商务伙伴,为的是祝贺申报中型企业对待不是公司

    The flowerswere sent by a business partner to congratulate Densho after it registered tobe treated as a medium-sized enterprise, rather than a small business.


  • 贝尔公司可能1985年上市发售股票的,但是更多是作为狭隘、混乱的合伙企业运营的,不是一个全球抱负的上市公司。

    Bear may have gone public in 1985, but it was run more as an insular, rough-and-tumble partnership than a listed company with global aspirations.


  • 中国龙源电力,作为中国最大风力发电生产商,原本一个刻板规范企业

    China's biggest producer of wind power, China Longyuan power, is in essence a staid regulated utility.


  • 组织做出最初选择是否实现企业架构TOGAF是演进中的一个逻辑阶段

    The foremost choice that an organization has to make is whether implementing enterprise architecture in general, and TOGAF in particular, is the next logical step in its evolution.


  • MySpace收购加入一个更加庞大企业后,对其财务能力大有好处

    But acquisitions such as MySpace have benefited financially by being part of a much larger corporate enterprise.


  • Expedia旗下TripAdvisor上罗列数万家酒店企业名录业务可能成为公司一个重要收入来源

    With the tens of thousands of hotels displayed on TripAdvisor, Business Listings could be a significant new revenue stream for the company, which is a unit of Expedia Inc.


  • 可以连接一个企业体系结构相关服务但是不能单独作为服务存在。

    It can be connected to another service associated with the enterprise architecture, but will not be a service in its own right.


  • 因此企业差异来源解释之外,应该一个这些差异如何随着时间持续下去机制的解释。

    Therefore, alongside an explanation of the sources of firm differentials, there must also be an explanation of the mechanism of how the differentials persist over time.


  • 使企业中的所有应用程序集成方式运行以便提供统一一致的数据功能非常艰难任务

    Making all the applications in an enterprise work in an integrated manner to provide unified and consistent data and functionality is a difficult task.


  • 一个重要数据因为如果正在赚钱,你就可以扩张企业需要来自其他人帮助,你的企业能够维持的。

    This is a critical number because if you are making money, you can grow your business without needing help from anyone else. Your business is sustainable.


  • 糟糕的情况是,他们可能在周五接到电话下周又到一个新的岗位上了-这与企业环境大相径庭(除非老板下课)。

    In the worst case, they may get a call on a Friday and be expected at a new desk on monday-not at all like the corporate world (unless the boss gets the boot).


  • 企业多个外包公司形成关系不是所有鸡蛋一个篮子里。

    Companies are forming relationships with several outsourcers, rather than putting all their eggs in few baskets.


  • 经常看到一些企业拒绝他们同行竞争者的一些高价收购,因为他们无法忍受企业出售给一个强劲的对手自己企业被完全掏空。

    I have frequently seen owners turn down higher offers from their obvious corporate rival because they cannot bear to sell out to a bitter competitor who will gut their business.


  • 博客极端企业博客。它一个团体比如广播电台或者音像商店来负责维护

    And then at the other extreme, there's the corporate blog, maintained by an institution, such as a radio station or a music store.


  • 结果就是投资者们并不情愿英特尔看作一个成长型的企业更倾向认为主营业务局限于个人电脑领域。

    As a result, investors have been reluctant to view Intel as a growth bet and continue to see the company as tied to the PC.


  • 虚拟组织鲜有实物资产这反应一个事实:(企业)的增值逐渐更多依赖于(移动知识逐渐更少地信赖(不动)的工厂机器

    The virtual organisation has few physical assets, reflecting the fact that adding value is becoming more dependent on (mobile) knowledge and less dependent on (immobile) plant and machinery.


  • 企业开始社会化营销之前,如果没有一个清晰目标只是盲目跟风一个错误的举动。

    It would be a mistake for companies to blindly jump into the social media whirlwind without first defining clear goals.


  • 企业开始社会化营销之前,如果没有一个清晰目标只是盲目跟风一个错误的举动。

    It would be a mistake for companies to blindly jump into the social media whirlwind without first defining clear goals.


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