• 第一奥运会田径项目获得金牌中国运动员,获得枚奥运会金牌,刘21,现在他正为了在2008年北京奥运会上蝉联这枚金牌而努力。

    Liu was the first Chinese man to win an Olympic gold medal in athletics. Only 21 years old at the time of his victory, Liu vowed to defend his title when the Olympics come to Beijing in 2008.


  • 人们对寄予了厚望,期待为中国夺得奥运会男子田径比赛的刘能够祖国的土地畅快淋漓的胜利重演雅典夺冠的一幕

    Huge hopes were put in Mr. Liu that China's first Olympic men's gold medalist in track and field would repeat his gold-medal performance in Athens with a decisive win on home soil.


  • 去年北京奥运会上脚伤退出比赛。他步履蹒跚走出鸟巢之时,许多“迷”为之心碎

    Supporters were shocked and heartbroken when Liu limped out of the Bird`s Nest last year at the Beijing Olympics due to the foot injury.


  • 罗伯斯创造的纪录带来了额外的压力,刘现在世界冠军奥运会冠军,是北京奥运会田径项目中国最大希望所在。

    Robles' record puts extra pressure on Liu, the reigning world and Olympic champion who is China's biggest hope for gold on the track at the Beijing Games.


  • 奥利弗去年做出今年这种改变,刘成功证明举措正确的。

    Oliver, made the same change to his start last year that Liu did this year, and says Liu's success proves it was the right move.


  • 作为中国模范中国体育官员毫不隐瞒的表示,刘不到金牌件令人无法接受事情

    Liu is a China poster boy; its sports officials have made no secret that anything less than gold is unacceptable.


  • 退赛:中国著名跨栏运动员退出奥运会比赛,让全国人深感惋惜。

    Liu Xiang withdraws from competition: China's star hurdler brought the nation to tears when he pulled out of the Olympics.


  • 这次110米栏比赛上海黄金大奖赛最新一次亮相。接受右脚肌腱顽疾的手术治疗后,刘上个月的上海黄金大奖赛上正式宣布自己的回归。

    The race was Liu's first since he staged his comeback from Achilles tendon surgery last month at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix.


  • 荣幸介绍朋友荣幸给你介绍的一位好朋友,刘

    It is a great honor for me to introduce to you one of my very best friend, Liu Xiang.


  • 教练孙海平新的世界纪录并不准备影响取而代之的是会运动员产生更大的动力

    Liu's coach Sun Haiping said the new world mark would not have a big impact on Liu's preparations but would instead add motivation for the athlete.


  • 教练孙海平赛季不太可能再参加比赛了,但是对刘今年成绩满意。

    His coach Sun Haipin says Liu is unlikely to race again this season but he is satisfied with Liu's performance this year.


  • 这次美国牵线搭桥主要甚至专门请来了当初自己诊疗专家,参与刘会诊

    Brings both sides together trip of for the Liu Xiang this US is mainly, he specially has even invited initially for his diagnosing and treating expert, participates in Liu Xiang's consultation.


  • 问题表现得很陶醉,并且耳边耳语几句。的反应却是又愤怒又震惊

    The problem is, the man just whispered to Liuxiang sweetly, and Liuxiang was very shocked and acted very angry!


  • 训练基地厨师说,牛奶也是餐厅专门为选购的。刘经过无数次试喝之后,国内外几十种品牌中选出了其中的一种。

    According to chefs at the training base, the milk Liu Xiang drinks was finally chosen after he evaluated dozens of imported and domestic milk brands, amounting to thousands of individual tastings.


  • 退之后,中国人开始质疑奉献精神;而在刘努力跟腱伤势恢复过来的时候,中国人又担心

    They started to question his commitment immediately after his Olympic withdrawal and worried about him as he struggled to recover from the Achilles tendon injury.


  • 虽然8月8日之前,中国人共同梦想就是110米得过然而今天大家更多是在争相询问的身体状况

    Although the August 8, all the Chinese people Shared the dream is not the 110-meter hurdles Liu Xiang, who ran off, but today we are more in competing asked about the physical condition of Liu Xiang.


  • 虽然没有看到比赛但是观众仍然久久离开鸟巢原因只有一个就是大家依然心系刘

    Although Liu Xiang did not see the game, but the audience is still a long time reluctant to leave the nest, there is only one reason, that is, we remain concerned about the Liu Xiang.


  • 退出比赛新闻发布会上,刘教练孙海平潸然泪下刘出生于上海,孙海平儿童的时候就开始了指导,直到现在。

    At a press conference shortly after Liu pulled out, Liu's coach Sun Haiping, who has mentored the Shanghai-born athlete since he was a child, dissolved into tears.


  • 同事眼中的李是个外向诚实的人,对工作认真负责。

    However, his colleagues described him as "outgoing, honest" and good at his job.


  • 中国科学探险考察队唐青妻子音乐家李维在龙雪山云寺附近住守,在这里生下了达娃

    Tang Qing, member of a Chinese science expedition team, and his wife Li Wei, a musician, settled down and had a baby named Dawa.


  • 中国科学探险考察队唐青妻子音乐家李维在龙雪山云寺附近住守,在这里生下了达娃

    Tang Qing, member of a Chinese science expedition team, and his wife Li Wei, a musician, settled down and had a baby named Dawa.


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