• 美国花旗集团股价上涨超过至少1.3%,领涨个股,此前德意志行和瑞集团收益好于预期。

    Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. climbed at least 1.3 percent, leading Banks higher following better-than-estimated earnings at Deutsche bank and UBS AG.


  • 这个经济危机美国里手华尔街,形成数以百万计地落空工作房子,和退休基金美国和世界各地。

    This economy crisis was created by the us banker and the Wall Street, that caused millions of people to lose their job, house, and retirement fund in us and around the globe.


  • 皮卡目标还包括一些财大气粗华尔街巨头,如JP摩根大通汇丰花旗美林(目前美国一部分)。

    Mr Picard's deep-pocketed targets include some of Wall Street's top brass, among them JPMorgan Chase, UBS, HSBC, Citigroup and Merrill Lynch (now part of Bank of America).


  • 看看行业的情况吧:汇丰行(HSBC)裁员30,000人,美国计划裁掉3,500-1,0000人,集团(UBS)裁3,500人,荷兰行(ABN Amro)2,350人。

    Look at banking: HSBC (HBC) will lay off 30, 000, Bank of America 3, 500 to 10, 000, UBS (UBS) 3, 500, ABN Amro 2, 350.


  • 成立日美国美元定义为一个明确黄金重量

    In its founding days, the United States defined the dollar by an explicit weight of gold or silver.


  • 不是美国检察官这个瑞士对抗监视技术训练一些员工并且渗透进了美国

    Not so for UBS, a Swiss bank which trained some staff in counter-surveillance techniques and infiltrated them into America to meet clients, say American prosecutors.


  • 一家美国珠宝公司查尔斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼于1837年纽约城创立

    Tiffany & Co. is an American jewellery and silverware company which was founded in 1837 in New York City by Charles Lewis Tiffany.


  • 美国方面的声明指出,集团能够违反瑞士法律的情况下向美方提交上述账户信息瑞士方面则辩称瑞士法律禁止此类行为

    US declaration that UBS would be able to and over account details without committing a crime in Switzerland has been rebutted by the Swiss side, which argues that Swiss law precludes such an action.


  • 除了美国其他最大损失转为较大利润包括集团俄罗斯VTB荷兰集团德国最大

    Outside the US, other banks that jumped from biggest losers to big profits include UBS, Russia's VTB, Dutch bank ING and two of Germany's largest banks.


  • 美国方面的声明指出,集团能够违反瑞士法律的情况下向美方提交上述账户信息瑞士方面则辩称瑞士法律禁止此类行为

    A US declaration that UBS would be able to and over account details without committing a crime in Switzerland has been rebutted by the Swiss side, which argues that Swiss law precludes such an action.


  • 集团更换新的CEO清理内部。目前正应对由信用紧缩带来巨大历史亏空以及暴露出来帮助美国客户逃税的问题。

    UBS brought in a new CEO to clean house but is still struggling with the legacy of huge credit-crunch losses and Revelations it helped U.S. clients evade taxes.


  • 集团定下周出席美国参议院会议,为离岸业务应对质询

    UBS is due to appear before a U.S. Senate committee next week to answer questions about its offshore banking practices.


  • 集团金融服务部门分析师阿尔特·卡辛说,过去美国股市一直受到经济负面消息的折磨,最新就业数据总算让市场受到一点儿鼓舞。

    Having been battered by a year of sour economic news, U.S. markets were little-impressed by the latest unemployment figure, according to Art Cashin of UBS Financial Services.


  • 证券一次照会中指出,美国出口量增幅有所反弹,十月份同比增长14%。

    Growth in exports to the United States rebounded, increasing 14 percent in October compared with the level of a year earlier, UBS Securities said in a note.


  • 优雅利用生长制造纳米二元开关实验中,美国国家标准技术研究院两名研究人员证实这种现象可能成为一种特性而不会成为一种故障

    Two NIST researchers have demonstrated that this can be a feature, not a bug, in an elegant experiment that USES this growth to make a nanoscale binary switch.


  • 如果一个掌握美国互联网未来可能就是孙正义53岁创始人

    If there is one person who holds the key to the future of the American Internet also-ran, it may be Mr. Son, the 53-year-old billionaire founder of Softbank.


  • 管理6400亿美元资金纽约金融公司美国财富管理负责人麦克瑞恩(Mike Ryan)表示,“美国股市增长势头强劲。

    “The stock market has momentum,” said Mike Ryan, New York-based head of wealth management research for the Americas at UBS Financial Services Inc., which oversees about $640 billion.


  • (ubs)分析师梅纳德•尤姆最近一份报告预测:登陆verizon之后,iPhone美国销量将会翻番

    A recent report from UBS (UBS) analyst Maynard Um predicts that the Verizon (VZ) launch could double iPhone sales in the United States.


  • 美国检方指出,离岸业务集团敛集了大概200亿美元的资产这些资产来自至少2万名美国客户行带来2亿的利润。

    The offshore-banking business of UBS gathered some $20 billion in assets from at least 20, 000 American clients, earning the bank some $200m a year, according to prosecutors.


  • 然而律师们表示协议会涉及提供至少5000名美国离岸客户姓名可能支付巨额罚金

    However, lawyers said the settlement would involve UBS supplying the names of least 5,000 US offshore clients and possibly paying a big fine.


  • 规模略大可以选择客户提供在岸服务。集团美国拥有超过32000名雇员

    The bigger Swiss banks have the option of serving their clients onshore: UBS has more than 32,000 employees in America.


  • 证券(DeutscheBank Securities)分析师预计2010年底前,将2,100万美国家庭抵押贷款上的债务超过房屋净值。

    Analysts at Deutsche Bank Securities expect 21 million U.S. households to end up owing more on their mortgages than their homes are worth by the end of 2010.


  • 比如说法庭上抗诉美国国税局要求集团交出他们认为存在52000个账户持有人名单的要求。

    They will, for instance, contest in court a separate demand from America's Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that UBS hand over the names of the 52, 000 American account-holders it is thought to have.


  • 英国最大保险企业保诚保险公司(Prudential)股价上涨3.6%,集团调高了保诚保险的股票评级标准普尔上调美国保险企业的预期。

    Prudential Plc climbed 3.6 percent as UBS AG recommended Britain’s largest insurer and Standard &Poor’s raised its outlook for the U.S. life insurance industry.


  • 瑞士协会发表声明支持集团美国协议。该协议有效地延缓了一个美国联邦法院针对瑞的诉讼案。

    Switzerland's bankers association issued a statement in support of UBS 'agreement with the United States.


  • 瑞士协会发表声明支持集团美国协议。该协议有效地延缓了一个美国联邦法院针对瑞的诉讼案。

    Switzerland's bankers association issued a statement in support of UBS 'agreement with the United States.


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