• 之后罗尔德美国,在那里写了一个关于作为飞行员经历故事

    After this, Roald went to America where he wrote a story about his experience as a pilot.


  • 几天前,TMZ名记者美国国家橄榄球联盟委员罗杰·古德尔发出质问:“我们发布视频就把·赖斯停职。”

    "You suspended Ray Rice after our video," a reporter from TMZ challenged National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell the other day.


  • 不完全因为西罗··夸德罗斯这样竞选者美国健康组织著名前任董事接种作为地区骄傲的一件

    This is partly because campaigners such as Ciro DE Quadros, the legendary former director of the Pan American Health Organisation, have made vaccination rates a matter of local pride.


  • 约翰·德罗,布什告诉吉拉尼,策划袭击事件极端分子不仅巴基斯坦美国构成威胁而且全世界构成威胁。

    Johndroe says he told the prime minister that the extremists behind these attacks pose a threat not just to Pakistan and the United States, but to the world.


  • 这个美国俄罗斯和国际原子能机构合作使一批高度浓缩铀乌兹别克斯坦交还俄罗斯城市德米特罗夫·格勒。

    This month, the United States, Russia and the IAEA worked to return highly-enriched uranium from Uzbekistan to a nuclear facility in the Russian city of Dmitrovgrad.


  • 在她好友同事罗克赫德森因艾滋病去世,泰勒参与创立美国艾滋病基金会

    She helped start the American Foundation for AIDS Research after the death of her former costar and friend, Rock Hudson.


  • 最前面理性傲慢”:伍德罗·威尔逊错误地认为一战取得胜利美国重新建立一个受规则约束的和平理性的全球体系

    And that was preceded by the "hubris of reason" : Woodrow Wilson's delusion that victory in the first world war would enable America to create a global system of rule-bound peace and reason.


  • 伍德罗·威尔逊因为美国没有加入国联丢脸后来这个打击之下黯然离职。

    Woodrow Wilson was humiliated by America's failure to join the League of Nations and then incapacitated by a stroke.


  • 德拉·罗查女士1965年后经常造访美国,坚持每年举办独奏会,协奏曲音乐会偶尔也会举办室内音乐会直到2003年退休为止。

    After 1965, Ms. DE Larrocha visited the United States regularly, and continued making annual recital, concerto and, occasionally, chamber music appearances, until her retirement in 2003.


  • 笔者最中意的本季新款裙装图左卡斯特罗打趣说成“亨利八世遭遇美国橄榄球队员”。

    My favourite dress in the newcollection (left) was described by de Castro, tongue firmly in cheek, as "HenryVIII meets American footballer".


  • 美国作为回报伍德堡--当时一个哨所--存有里面负责修建雕塑地基基座

    America, in return, was responsible for the statue's base and pedestal, to be constructed within the existing walls of Fort Wood, an Army post on what was then known as Bedloe's Island.


  • 美国麦科罗国际研究所的研究人员维罗德·米奇拉主持一项关于非洲夫妇研究

    Vinod Mishra at Macro International, a research group in the United States, led a study of married couples in Africa.


  • 和艾伦德先生农场一样路易斯安那州几乎所有甘蔗农场都家庭所有的。而在美国产量第一福罗达州,几乎所有糖都控制在农业综合企业手中。

    Almost all Louisiana's sugarcane farms are, like Mr Ellender's, family-owned; in Florida, America's top-producing sugar state, almost all of the sugar is in the hand of agribusiness.


  • 49罗克珊.贝尔德女士就是受到上述就业趋势影响而遭受失业打击的美国田纳西州查塔努加市人。

    Roxanne Baird, 49, of Chattanooga, Tenn., is one American buffeted by labor trends.


  • 美国重要卫星制造公司包括洛克希德马丁公司、波音公司和诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司。

    Major U.S. satellite makers include Lockheed Martin Corp .


  • 大部分童年时光都这里度过,整个的成年生活也是居住在这里.我的妈妈爱尔兰/德裔美国人(来自威斯康辛州)小学开始在这里长大.我的父亲是查莫罗人,关岛土著民族.关岛是家乡,我孩子所知道的唯一家乡.

    My mom is Irish/German-American (originally from Wisconsin) but grew up here since elementary school. My father is Chamorro, the native ethnicity of Guam, and part Filipino too.


  • 美国司法部佛罗里达州罗德岱堡联邦法官周三接受一协议

    The Justice Department said the agreement was accepted Wednesday by a federal judge in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


  • 英特尔公司多样化包容性组织罗莎琳德·赫德·内尔:“其实很多美国女性极大野心她们不过承认罢了。”

    "A lot of women in the U.S. are incredibly ambitious, but they are too embarrassed to admit it," says Rosalind Hudnell, the head of diversity and inclusion at Intel Corp.


  • 美国艾莫利大学罗尔德 列维论文的补充解释中说,氨甲芳干扰纤维蛋白溶解过程,即血块的溶解。

    Tranexamic acid, explains Jerrold Levy of Emory University, in a comment piece accompanying the paper, interferes with the process of fibrinolysis, the breakdown of clots.


  • 罗迪·伯这本研究美国国际集团破产的著作写好。的确正如书中论证那样,正是美国集团极其可靠的信用等级使步入歧途

    Indeed, as Roddy Boyd demonstrates in his well-written study of AIG's fall, it was the very solidity of the company's credit rating that led it astray.


  • 美国国务卿希拉里•罗德克林顿险胜阿拉斯加州州长萨拉·佩林电视节目主持人普拉·温弗瑞,连续第九被评为“最受尊敬的女性”。去年也是击败这两位竞争对手而荣登榜首的。

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most-admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and TV host Oprah Winfrey, as she did last year.


  • 我们今天所要讲述故事有关航运、探险、海盗侵扰及战争,一个古老军事基地的故事----卡斯特罗..马科斯堡 (以下简称圣马科斯堡),城堡建于美国最早欧洲永久殖民地----圣奥古斯丁,它位于美国南部佛罗里达州

    It is the story of an old military base, the Castillo de San Marcos. It was built in the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States -- Saint Augustine, in the southern state of Florida.


  • 觉得所有家庭家庭一样罗纳、德克·斯的家庭,像所有美国养育孩子

    And I think of all the families like mine, like the one in Lorena, Texas, like the ones that nurture children all across America.


  • 罗德。G .,(2005年),火山灰遥测美国国家气象协会,2010年5月24日检索

    Ellrod, G. (2005). Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash. National Weather Association. Retrieved May 24, 2010.


  • 很多美国女性非常雄心勃勃但是她们不好意思承认,”英特尔公司,"多样化包容性"部门主管罗萨琳·哈德奈尔(RosalindHudnell)说。

    A lot of women in the U.S. are incredibly ambitious, but they are too embarrassed to admit it,” says Rosalind Hudnell, the head of diversity and inclusion at Intel Corp.


  • 图38.2010年2月24星期三阿富汗赫尔曼德省的马尔扎,美国海军陆战队第63的安布罗加•卡AmbrogaCarson上士正在巡逻

    U.S. Marine 1st SGT Ambroga Carson from 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment patrols in Marjah in Afghanistan's Helmand province on Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)


  • 图38.2010年2月24星期三阿富汗赫尔曼德省的马尔扎,美国海军陆战队第63的安布罗加•卡AmbrogaCarson上士正在巡逻

    U.S. Marine 1st SGT Ambroga Carson from 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment patrols in Marjah in Afghanistan's Helmand province on Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)


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