• 一个来自美国老人午夜时分宽大卧室里快乐地着舞。

    At midnight, an old man who comes from America was dancing happily in his own big bedroom.


  • 美国老年医学会杂志》上发表一项研究通过考察246名孩子性格特征研究了这个问题,这些孩子都100岁以上老人的后代。

    A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100.


  • MGI计算,如果欧洲其它国家介乎55到64岁之间老人象瑞典人一样辛勤工作,那么整个欧洲美国工作时间差额减少四分之一

    If other Europeans aged between 55 and 64 were as industrious as older Swedes, the continent could reduce the gap in hours with America by almost a quarter, according to the MGI.


  • 这位拒绝美国电视新闻网透露姓名老人清理工作已经持续了好几周了

    The man, who declined to share his name with CNN, says the clean-up has been going on for weeks.


  • 美国老年化带来大量问题可以通过更多老人继续工作来解决。

    Many of the problems caused by the ageing of America would be eased if more old people carried on working.


  • 美国疗养院另一个为人所诟病之处在于,当居住疗养院中的老人濒临死亡之时,疗养院仍忙不迭地他们医院。

    Another common gripe about American nursing homes is that their residents are still all too likely to be rushed off to hospital as they begin to die.


  • 最近经合组织对其12个成员国进行调查,发现其中5个国家(包括美国)丧失行为能力老人明显减少

    When the OECD recently looked at 12 member countries, it found clear signs of a recent decline in disability in elderly people in only five of them (including America).


  • 几乎有三成美国民众告诉民调机构美国没有准备位70好几的老人入主白宫

    Almost 30% of Americans tell pollsters that America is not ready to put a septuagenarian into the White House.


  • 我们责任信守这项承诺;为了我们老人残疾人以及所有美国捍卫《社会保障法》,今天明天直至永远。

    We have an obligation to keep that promise; to safeguard Social Security for our seniors, people with disabilities, and all Americans - today, tomorrow, and forever.


  • 北极"是美国阿拉斯加州一个小镇1954年起,每年数千名"圣诞老人行动"志愿者写给"北极·圣诞老人"的人回信

    Since 1954, thousands of volunteers in the Alaska town of North Pole have run the tradition of replying to letters addressed "Santa Claus, The North Pole".


  • 美国残疾老人生命垂危照护大约80%家属提供的。

    A: in the USA about 80% of all care for disabled elderly and dying people is provided by family.


  • 美国关于圣诞老人概念源于-尼古拉斯生于公元280年亚细亚。众所周知是个和蔼慈善确实由于慷慨宽大而成为一位圣徒

    The concept of the American Santa Claus originated with St. Nicholas, who was born in Asia Minor in 280 A.D. he was known as a kind, benevolent man; indeed made a saint because of his generosity.


  • 没有根本改变美国权利——最大项目老人养老金医疗补贴预算危机潜在威胁依然存在

    Without radical change to America's entitlements, whose largest items are pensions and subsidised health care for the elderly, the looming threat of a budget crisis will remain.


  • 大型发达国家中,美国唯一儿童老人数量大,也是少数几个工作年龄人口增长的发达国家之一。

    America will be the only big developed country where children outnumber pensioners, and one of the few developed countries where the working-age population is still growing.


  • 该项议程对于们来说错误的,对于美国来说也是错误的,不会允许发生

    That agenda is wrong for seniors, it's wrong for America, and I won't let it happen.


  • 数百万快乐美国老人已经证明了事实并非如此。

    Millions of happy, fulfilled older Americans prove it’s not.


  • 本该是个好日子,是该为这使美国尊严、活得受尊重机制喝彩的日子。

    It should have been a joyous occasion, a time to celebrate a program that has brought dignity and decency to the lives of older Americans.


  • 今年圣诞美国各地胡子、红衣服圣诞老人收到圣诞心愿中,反映出经济困难时期萧瑟之象。

    A wintry measure of hard times can be found this holiday season on the knee of white-bearded, red-suited men around the country.


  • 约翰·洛特AARP政策主管问题不是老人津贴丰厚而是医疗通货膨胀太高美国没有退休足够的储备。

    John Rother, AARP's policy director, says the problem is not that old people's benefits are too generous, but that medical inflation is too high and Americans do not save enough for retirement.


  • 多年来不少研究报告都手机使用发出警告,但美国佛罗里达大学科学家日前却发现,手机不仅增强记忆力,还能预防老人痴呆

    After years of health warnings about mobile phones, scientists from the University of South Florida have discovered that mobile phones might improve memory and protect against Alzheimer's disease.


  • 美国缅因州装扮圣诞老人滑雪者滑冰者星期日的冰面上滑行。

    Skiers and snowboarders dressed as Santa Claus head down the slope at Sunday River, Maine.


  • 西方,在欧洲美国人口统计最能说明问题,快速老龄化趋势,越来越少税收支持越来越多的老人

    In the West, in Europe and America, the big economic story is a demographic one — a rapidly ageing population and a dwindling tax take with which to support our increasingly doddery citizens.


  • 实际上美国人口增长最快85岁以上老人

    And actually, the fastest-growing group of people in the United States are those people over 85.


  • 美国公共卫生署代理署长一个肥胖进行“艰苦斗争”的国度圣诞老人如果变得更苗条一些,也许能成为孩子们更为理想的行动榜样

    The acting US surgeon general said a thinner Santa would be a better role model for kids in a land battling obesity.


  • 1900年出生美国人中老人兄弟能活岁的可能性同龄人17姊妹为8倍。

    Among Americans born in 1900, brothers of centenarians were 17 times as likely to reach a century as their peers, and sisters, eight times.


  • 1900年出生美国人中老人兄弟能活岁的可能性同龄人17姊妹为8倍。

    Among Americans born in 1900, brothers of centenarians were 17 times as likely to reach a century as their peers, and sisters, eight times.


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