• 美国这些公司包括美国电话电报公司通用电气公司西屋电气公司

    In the United States, they included such firms as American Telephone and Telegraph, General Electric, and Westinghouse.


  • 美国电话电报公司经常作为一个公司黄金标准,该公司决定进行大规模的再培训计划不是采取裁员和再雇佣策略

    AT&T is often given as the gold standard of a company who decided to do a massive reskilling program rather than go with a fire and hire strategy.


  • 今年6月,美国联邦通信委员会美国电话电报公司处以1亿美元罚款,原因是公司被指控用户使用了一定量数据偷偷地降低了无线网速

    Back in June, the Federal Communications Commission fined AT&T $100 million over accusations that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of data.


  • 金融市场支持美国电话电报公司这样的标杆企业大手笔的战略性举措

    The financial markets supporting an iconic company like AT&T is making a big strategic move.


  • 通讯领域中,美国电话电报公司在一些产品方法享有技术垄断

    T has a technological monopoly over a number of products and processes in the communications world.


  • 批评家认为美国电话电报公司公司威胁网络中立化神圣原则

    Critics felt that AT&T and Verizon were threatening to abandon the hallowed principle of network neutrality.


  • 你们iPhone用户还在抱怨美国电话电报公司(AT&T)的高速3G网络不好?

    You iPhoners complain about AT&T’s high-speed 3G Internet network?


  • Whitacre因为管理一家美国电话电报公司分离出来继而崛起电信公司而赚得声誉

    Mr Whitacre made his reputation running one of the small telecom firms that emerged from the break-up of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T).


  • 美国电话电报公司(AT&T Inc.)按照苹果公司独家销售协议销售iPhone

    AT&T Inc. sells the iPhone under an exclusive arrangement with Apple.


  • 美国电话电报公司AT&T蜂窝网络速度太慢,还是拥有数据要求较高的客户群

    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- Does AT&T have the slowest cellular network, or simply the one that is home to the biggest population of data-hungry devices?


  • 后现代主义设计具争论例子却是完工于1984年AT&T美国电话电报公司大厦,位于纽约

    The most contentious example of postmodern design, however, is the AT&T building in New York which was completed in 1984.


  • 同时美国电话电报公司iPhone用户一旦合同到期选择威瑞森尽管他们花钱购买新手机

    At the same time, AT&T iPhone customers may switch to Verizon as their contracts expire, even though they would have to buy a new phone to do so.


  • 事实上金融市场支持美国电话电报公司这样的标杆企业实施如此大手笔的战略性举措,无疑一个积极信号

    The fact that the financial markets support an iconic company like AT&T is making a big strategic move that can't help be anything but a positive sign.


  • 加入惠普美国电话电报公司朗讯公司工作了20时间,担任营销市场方面高级领导职务

    Prior to joining HP, she spent nearly 20 years at AT&T and Lucent Technologies, where she held a number of senior leadership positions in sales and marketing.


  • 价值型管理一种世界先进企业美国电话电报公司百事可乐公司联合碳素、非亚特等广泛应用的管理模式。

    VBM is world-widely used by many advanced companies, such as AT&T, Pepsi Cola, United Carbon, FIAT, and so on.


  • 另外一个推动苹果终结美国电话电报公司单一合作的因素承载微软Windows Phone7软件的手机的发售。

    Another factor that could be pushing Apple to end its AT&T exclusivity is the impending arrival of phones running Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 7 software.


  • 美国电话电报公司法律顾问韦恩-瓦特说,“司法部所谓竞争影响责任我们准备积极地就此事进行法庭辩论。”

    The DOJ has the burden of proving alleged anti-competitive affects and we intend to vigorously contest this matter in court.


  • 今天,包括美国电话电报公司维珍公司在内世界各地运营商,都他们的客户提供任意宽带接入式的语音网络技术服务

    Operators around the world, including AT&T and Verizon in America, also offer VoIP services which customers can use over any broadband connection.


  • 当然也不是所有人都信服所说的,但是至今没有证据表明美国电话电报公司公司曾经试图限制网络接入或是要求给于报酬

    Not everyone believes him, of course. But so far there is no evidence that AT&T or Verizon have tried to block sites or demand ransoms.


  • 对于典型美国电话电报公司用户(AT&T)而言,这个消息有点可怕。 今年一季度他们平均每天通话时间达到了21分钟

    That's somewhat scary news for the typical AT&T (T) customer, who averaged 21 minutes a day in the first quarter of this year.


  • 美国电话电报公司所开发UNIX显示了有具有可能变成标准希望,该操作系统特别适合台计算机之间通信方面的应用

    UNIX, developed by American Telephone and Telegrap (AT&T), Shows promise of becoming a new standard , particularly for applications involving communication between two or more computers.


  • 华 为曾经入围美国一些投标其中包括VerizonWireless美国电话电报公司(AT&TInc.)第四代网络(4G)建设。

    Huawei has been a finalist in bidding for large U.S. contracts, including the fourth-generation buildouts of Verizon Wireless and AT&T Inc.


  • 这些新款安卓系统手机都4G手机,适用美国电话电报公司的HSDPA-Plus网络或者威瑞森的LTE网络,另外这10款手机中的4款搭载双核处理器

    The new Androids are 4G phones either on AT&T HSDPA-Plus network or Verizon's LTE network, and four of the 10 will come with dual core processors.


  • 的这一周上周五AT&T美国电话电报公司高尔夫比赛开始一句实在是太难翻译了……还各位指点)。 这次比赛我们邀请了美国很多重要客户以及合作伙伴参加。

    My week started last Friday down at the AT&T golf tournament where we hosted many of our important U.S. customers and partners.


  • 评论人士表示此次并购形成两强争霸格局:美国电话电报公司再加上主要竞争对手威瑞森无线通讯(Verizon)将共同占据了美国无线业务80%市场份额(下图)。

    Critics say the merger would create a predatory duopoly: AT&T and its main rival, Verizon, would have a combined share of about 80% of America’s wireless market (see chart below).


  • 最近,那些家喻户晓公司美国电话电报公司杜邦公司摩根大通公司还有喷气发动机制造商普拉特惠特尼公司以及矿业公司美国自由港麦克米伦公司都宣布了裁员

    Just in recent days, household names like AT&T Inc. , DuPont, JPMorgan Chase &Co. , as well as jet engine maker Pratt &Whitney, and mining company Freeport-McMoRan Copper &Gold Inc. announced layoffs.


  • 美国电话电报公司(AT&TInc.)首席执行长斯蒂芬森(Randall Stephenson)上周接受采访时说,该公司40%的iPhone手机给了企业企业答应给报销一部分购机费用的个人

    AT&T Inc. (T) CEO Randall Stephenson said in an interview last week that about 40% of its iPhones are sold to companies or individuals with corporate discounts.


  • 美国电话电报公司(AT&TInc.)首席执行长斯蒂芬森(Randall Stephenson)上周接受采访时说,该公司40%的iPhone手机给了企业企业答应给报销一部分购机费用的个人

    AT&T Inc. (T) CEO Randall Stephenson said in an interview last week that about 40% of its iPhones are sold to companies or individuals with corporate discounts.


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