• 美国总统理查德·尼克中国进行正式访问其间《中美联合公报上海发表。

    The US President Richard Nixon paid an official visit to China, during which Sino-US joint communique was issued in Shanghai.


  • 然而并不是每个人都所以美国想出其他方法筹集资金,比如马拉

    However, not everyone can run, so people in the USA have thought of other ways to raise money, using the idea of a marathon.


  • 在1972年理查德·尼克连任之前美国经历了一场严重的通货膨胀

    There's a big inflation before Richard Nixon's reelection in 1972.


  • 1972年,当时的美国总统理查德·尼克将其定为国家法定假日。

    In 1972, the then USA President Richard Nixon made it a national holiday.


  • 这次历史性访问之后的几年里,美国总统理查德·尼克于1972年对中国进行了一次具有里程碑意义的访问。

    In the years that followed the historical visit, US president Richard Nixon made a landmark visit to China in 1972.


  • 例如有一个展出单元介绍布勒美国粗鄙贪婪种族主义”的批判

    One section, for instance, is introduced as Cartier-Bresson's criticism of "American vulgarity, greed and racism".


  • 律师的出色美国一口气了,穷国新闻媒体来说可能多大差别。

    Prominent Americans with good lawyers may gain some relief, but for news outlets in poor countries it is likely to make little difference.


  • 剧情简介:这部瑞典电影改编自已故斯蒂格·拉赫StiegLarsson)的作品千禧年三部曲的最终章,小说的粉丝大概早已迫不及待等着这部电影美国上映。 (以下透,小心!)

    Synopsis: Those who are fans of the Millennium Trilogy will probably be in line for the American release of this, the third Swedish film adaption of the late Stieg Larsson’s novel series.


  • 所有调查指控、相关的调查取证以及对于尼克过去所做所为的评论顿时戛然而止美国应该继续向前看(不应当被此事蒙蔽视野)。

    All inquiries, charges, rootings through the evidence, rehashings of the past were short-circuited; America would move on.


  • 约翰·马特报道2011年8月25美国《环球科学》。

    John Matson reports August 25 2011.


  • 尼克:“美国绝对不会出现这样天,就是我们无法了解到什么。”

    Nixon: "There is not a day in the United States when we cannot read what you say."


  • 一对威尔士兄弟斯科特里斯托马斯历时70多穿越美国13个相当于74次马拉距离,完成慈善长跑。

    Welsh brothers Scott and Rhys Thomas recently completed a charity run across 13 states in the US –the equivalent of 74 back-to-back marathons–for 70 days.


  • 美国马拉一个海豚研究中心的海豚池子里游泳时候等待喂食已经适应了这儿的环境

    Marathon, US: a dolphin at the dolphin Research Centre waits to be fed fish while swimming in a pen, as he acclimates to his new surroundings after being found.


  • 这些数据包括美国在内的全球国家能够一口气。根据协议,这些国家2012年之前,需要将其排放量从1990年的基础减少5.2%。

    The figures will come as a relief to the world's rich countries which - the US aside - are legally committed to reducing emissions by a collective 5.2% on 1990 figures by 2012.


  • 赫鲁晓夫美国公认肯尼迪尼克对立人物,但是随着冷战时期的苏联的演变,的形象成为了一个改革家,而且性格十分魅力。

    Khrushchev was known in the United States for his confrontations with Kennedy and Nixon, but as Cold War Soviets went, he was a reformer and a fascinating character.


  • 其他地区木材没有享受这种出口激增比如美国价格同期62美元上涨到65美元,涨幅4.8%。

    The export surge also doesn't include wood from other regions. Prices for southern pine, for example, rose just 4.8% in the period, to $65 from $62.


  • 当时,理查德·尼克在带领赫鲁晓夫参观莫斯科美国国家展览会时,设法叫卖百事可乐的亭子停下

    Richard Nixon was showing Nikita Khrushchev around the American National Exhibition in Moscow. He made him stop at a kiosk hawking Pepsi-Cola.


  • 尼克深谙美国中产阶级如何看待国内自我满足上层阶级。

    Nixon understood in his marrow how middle-class Americans felt about the country's self-satisfied elites.


  • 日本光电公司加入摩根·士丹利世界指数以后,上升了6.4%,日本电产因收购美国艾默生电气公司的马达业务上升了3.8%。

    Hamamatsu Photonics gained 6.4% after it was added to the MSCI World Index, while Nidec rose 3.8% on news it will acquire U. S. -based Emerson Electric's motors and controls unit.


  • 穿过加拿大北部针叶林带,并一路延伸东海岸直到美国

    Jack pines cross the boreal forest of northern Canada, stretching all the way to the East Coast and down into the United States.


  • 美国马拉石油公司赤道几内亚部分地区也曾在根除疟疾方面提供了帮助。地区公司拥有一个很大的液体天然气项目

    Marathon, an American energy company, helped eradicate malaria in part of Equatorial Guinea, where it has a big liquefied natural-gas project.


  • 过去几年美国,半程马拉参与者的数量飞速增加,半程马拉已经席卷全国

    Half marathon participation in the U.S. has been growing at a rapid pace for the past several years and half marathon RACES are selling out across the country.


  • 尼克沉默大多数”(即普通美国民众)一边抗衡精英分子,自己迫不得已的事包装成出于自己的正直品质

    Nixon made a virtue of his squareness by siding with America’s “silent majorityagainst the elites.


  • 今年大约有20万美国马拉估计,他们40%遭遇"撞墙"。

    About 200, 000 Americans will run marathons this year, and by some estimates about 4 out of 10 of them will bonk.


  • 事实上尼克8月15宣布美国不再履行无力承担义务,即美元以固定汇率兑换黄金

    On August 15th Nixon, in effect, announced that America was now unwilling to do what it would soon be incapable of doing-converting dollars into gold at the agreed exchange rate.


  • 根据美国跑步协会调查,20092010年,跑完半程马拉人数增加的惊人大道24%,从2009年的1100万人到2010年的1400万人。

    From 2009 to 2010, the number of half marathon finishers grew an incredible 24%, from 1.1 million finishers in 2009 to nearly 1.4 million finishers in 2010, according to Running USA.


  • 马拉参与者美国将近1,500万人经常跑步人群中的一小部分。

    Marathoners represent only a small fraction of the nearly 15 million frequent runners in the U.S..


  • 量身定做的一样,”GordonBakoul is49岁纽约市一名跑步教练,曾4次参加美国奥林匹克马拉审判

    "The shoes should feel like they belong on your feet," said Gordon Bakoulis, 49, a running coach in New York City who has competed in four United States Olympic Marathon Trials.


  • 量身定做的一样,”GordonBakoul is49岁纽约市一名跑步教练,曾4次参加美国奥林匹克马拉审判

    "The shoes should feel like they belong on your feet," said Gordon Bakoulis, 49, a running coach in New York City who has competed in four United States Olympic Marathon Trials.


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