• 美国广播电台新闻主播PeterJennings肺癌去世,享年67岁。

    ABC news anchor Peter Jennings dies of lung cancer at age 67.


  • 过去800历次金融危机进行分析后,罗格夫教授在美国广播电台上表示:“这些事件造成了极大的创伤。”

    From his joint analysis of financial crises over 800 years, Prof Rogoff told US radio: "These are very traumatic events."


  • 这场海湾战争期间美国国家公共广播电台进行整点新闻报道

    During this war in the Persian Gulf, NPR will have newscasts every hour on the hour.


  • 莫兰告诉国家公共广播电台记者尼尔·科南爵士乐似乎并不美国的喜爱。

    Jazz seems like it's not really a part of the American appetite, Moran tells National Public Radio's reporter Neal Conan.


  • 突然出现在任何地方,包括俄罗斯英语电视频道脏兮兮巴基斯坦报纸以及美国的国家广播电台

    It crops up everywhere from Russia's English-language TV channel to scruffy Pakistani newspapers to America's stately National Public Radio.


  • 律师库比法国广播电台接受访问时,明确指出这项法国提出的控告纽约案件完全是两码事并且,他没有美国司法机构合作。

    Banon's lawyer David Koubbi made it clear in interviews on French radio that the French and New York case were completely separate. He said he was not collaborating with the American justice system.


  • 白天苏茜·汉克斯美国德克萨斯州休斯顿一家经典广播电台DJ(流行音乐主持人),但是工作之后所作所为却耳根发红

    By day, Suzi Hanks is a DJ at a classic radio station in Houston, Texas. It's what she does after work that makes people's ears blush.


  • 节目芝加哥公共广播电台制作美国国际公众电台发行。 节目宣称这本笔记本属于在1886年研发出可口可乐配方药剂师伯顿友人所有。

    The show, produced by WBEZ Chicago and distributed by Public Radio International, claims the notebook originally belonged to a friend of John Pemberton, the pharmacist who created Coca-Cola in 1886.


  • 治文在接受美国国家公共广播电台采访时谈到这些足迹化石深入研究了解古代人类行动方式提供了难得的机会。

    As Richmond told NPR in an interview about his work, these footprints provide rare insight into understanding the evolution of human locomotion.


  • 人类特质”将于1月6周三美国公共广播电台播出,第二第三集在接下来的2周的周三13日和20日。

    The Human Spark debuts on PBS Wednesday, January 6th, with episodes two and three on the following Wednesdays, the 13th and 20th.


  • 美国有线电视广播网络地方广播电台、有线电视和卫星电视运营商每年超过600亿美元的收入来自广告

    U.S. cable and broadcast networks, local broadcast affiliate stations, and cable and satellite operators take in more than $60 billion a year from advertising.


  • 根据一份美国媒体协会所作的全国性调查显示尽管高科技产业的竞争下美国人仍认为地方性商业广播电台相当重要他们息息相关。

    Americans rate the importance and relevance of local commercial radio very highly, despite the entry of high-technology competition, a national survey commissioned by American Media Services shows.


  • 美国美的油画115个公共广播电台全国各地以及创建全国电视频道

    In the United States, the Beauty of Oil Painting is carried by 115 PBS stations across the country, as well as by the Create TV Channel nationwide.


  • 美国全国公共广播电台(npr)采访俄罗斯一位安全官员认为斯诺可能——可能——肯定是俄罗斯情报机构合作

    That week, NPR ran an interview with a Russian security official who posited that Snowden is maybe, probably, most definitely cooperating with Russian intelligence.


  • 美国全国公共广播电台(简称npr)同一位专家进行了对话,该专家警告说,并非所有咖啡都有同样反应

    The news organization NPR spoke with one expert who warns that not everyone reacts to coffee the same way.


  • 主持的《学徒节目美国全国广播电台播出,成为了电视名人

    He hosted The Apprentice, a U. S. television program on NBC which made him a popular TV personality.


  • 美国国家公共广播电台NPR)报道,最新研究显示较之于男性,女性大脑控制何时入睡、何时清醒生物钟走更快。

    The biological timekeeper deep in the brain that governs when we sleep and when we wake runs at a faster pace in women, a new study shows, NPR reported.


  • KDKA电台首次广播美国就有600家无线电台开播,其他国家开播了一些广播电台

    Only four years after the first KDKA broadcast, there were six hundred radio stations in the United States. Radio stations also began to broadcast in other countries.


  • 亚利桑那州立大学安德鲁·梅纳德(Andrew Maynard)美国全国公共广播电台表示,这项研究所记录健康益处很小

    Andrew Maynard of Arizona State University told NPR that the health benefits documented in this new study are "small."


  • 美国国家公共广播电台报道旅行者1空间探测器正在飞越太阳系边缘,进入星际空间。

    The Voyager 1 spacecraft is passing through the outer reaches of the solar system and moving into interstellar space, NPR reports.


  • 美国国家公共广播电台报道旅行者1空间探测器正在飞越太阳系边缘,进入星际空间。

    The Voyager 1 spacecraft is passing through the outer reaches of the solar system and moving into interstellar space, NPR reports.


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