• 这次部位与去年美国公开赛部位是一样的。

    Sharapova said she has felt pain in the same area as far back as last year's U.S. Open.


  • 不管是美国公开赛还是孩子们练球,一样练习

    He practiced the same whether he was preparing for the U. s. Open or playing with his kids.


  • 美国公开赛获胜记忆很清晰希望继续获得成功

    With memories of his US Open victory still fresh, Els is hoping to continue his run of success.


  • 首相天空体育网球选手穆雷好运,结果穆雷在美国公开赛以0 - 3落败。

    Andy Murray lost in straight sets verses in the US Open after Brown wished him luck live on Sky sports.


  • 美国公开赛中出场20,并在19941999年的比赛夺冠

    He appeared 20 times in the U. S. Open, winning the event in 1994 and in 1999.


  • 相扑选手Kelly Gneiting美国公开赛训练期间摆pose

    Former sumo wrestler Kelly Gneiting poses before a training session for the U.S. sumo Open.


  • 过去击败赛事里,如美国公开赛澳大利亚公开赛都打比较耐心

    When I've beaten him in the past – I've beaten him at the US Open and the Australian Open – I played a little bit more patient.


  • 自己的不自信,那么这次胜利是否2000年美国公开赛更为重要?

    Q. You talked about your self doubts. Does this trophy mean more to you than the 2000 US Open four years ago?


  • 弗莱德·派瑞1936年的美国公开赛夺取冠军,也是最近一个夺得大满贯冠军的英国选手。

    Fred Perry was the last British man to win a major at the 1936 US Open.


  • 高兴已经得到奥运金牌现在口袋里而且获得美国公开赛奖杯

    I'm happy that I've got an Olympic gold now in my pocket and that I've also got a US Open trophy.


  • 最后一天失去了四杆的领先优势,美国公开赛冠军格雷姆·麦克道尔延长赛中击败。

    He lost a four-shot lead on the final day and was beaten by U. S. Open champion Graeme McDowell in a playoff.


  • 年轻北爱尔兰高尔夫选手罗里•麦克罗伊6月19夺得美国公开赛冠军,整个城市准备庆祝

    The city was gearing up to celebrate the success of Rory McIlroy, the young Northern Irish golfer who won the US Open on June 19th.


  • 最近一次进入决赛去年十二月雪佛龙世界挑战赛里对阵美国公开赛冠军格雷姆·麦克道尔失利。

    The closest he has come to taking a title was a playoff loss to defending U.S. Open Graeme McDowell at the Chevron World Challenge last December.


  • 高尔夫球场美国公开赛本周邻近华盛顿马里兰州塞斯国会乡村俱乐部举行。

    In golf, the US Open championship is being played this week at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington.


  • 这个世界第二的球手第一次遭遇关节剧烈疼痛六月份的时候,在圆石滩美国公开赛之前

    The world number two first experienced intense pain in his joints back in June before the US Open got underway at Pebble Beach.


  • 最近一次进入决赛去年十二月雪佛龙世界挑战赛里对阵美国公开赛冠军格雷姆·麦克道尔失利

    The closest he has come to taking a title was a playoff loss to defending U. S. Open Graeme McDowell at the Chevron World Challenge last December.


  • 自从2000美国公开赛以后,已经很长的时间没有获得大满贯的桂冠了,你是否开始想你不会再次获得冠军?

    Q. It's been a long time since 2000 when you won the US Open. Were you beginning to think that it might not happen again?


  • 总共获得了8大满贯赛事冠军包括美国公开赛法国公开赛澳大利亚公开赛温布尔顿公开赛

    He won a total of eight Grand Slam titles, covering the U. S., French and Australian Opens, and Wimbledon.


  • 使回到训练场非常积极赢得美国公开赛去年夏天澳大利亚网球公开赛今年早些时候)。

    It led her back to the practice court, and got her very motivated to win the U. S. Open last summer and the Australian Open earlier this year.


  • 以值得人们尊敬地方式祝贺对手RafaelNadal重整旗鼓后来获得美国公开赛冠军。

    He respectfully congratulated his rival, Rafael Nadal, and regrouped, later winning the U. S. Open.


  • 今年六月,美国公开赛全国拳击锦标赛克罗拉多州斯普林斯举行时,两个女人希望获得(参加)奥运会的资格。

    Both women are hoping to qualify for the Olympics this June when the U. S. Open National Boxing Tournament is held in Colorado Springs.


  • 伍兹个人网页上说:“不能参加此次的美国公开赛感到非常遗憾但是时候听听医生的建议,把更多的精力放到以后。”

    "I am extremely disappointed that I won't be playing in the U.S. Open, but it's time for me to listen to my doctors and focus on the future," Woods said on his personal web site.


  • 纳达尔相信闯进过美国公开赛决赛法网公开赛半决赛穆雷很快就能够赢得大满贯冠军,只是需要多点运气而已

    Nadal said he believed Murray, who reached the Australian Open final and lost in the semi-finals at the French Open, would win a grand slam tournament soon and just needed more luck.


  • 本月初,费德勒赢得了第五次连续美国公开赛冠军胜利使只有大满贯赛的胜利短期桑普拉斯纪录14

    Earlier this month, Federer won his fifth-straight us Open title, a victory that brought him just one Grand Slam victory short of Pete Sampras' record 14.


  • 1988年,十六年龄进军职业赛,不到,他晋身世界排名十位成为历史上年轻的美国公开赛冠军

    His professional career began in 1988 when he was just sixteen, and within two years he had reached the top ten rankings and become the youngest winner of the U.S. Open ever.


  • 1988年,十六年龄进军职业赛,不到,他晋身世界排名十位成为历史上年轻的美国公开赛冠军

    His professional career began in 1988 when he was just sixteen, and within two years he had reached the top ten rankings and become the youngest winner of the U. S. Open ever.


  • 1988年,十六年龄进军职业赛,不到,他晋身世界排名十位成为历史上年轻的美国公开赛冠军

    His professional career began in 1988 when he was just sixteen, and within two years he had reached the top ten rankings and become the youngest winner of the U. S. Open ever.


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