• 端庄优雅美丽所折服,默默地欣赏着,然后想起自己已死去的美丽妻子

    The knight was fascinated by its sober and elegant beauty, and admired it in silence as he remembered the beauty of his lost wife.


  • 伊丽莎白·格拉泽一个美丽聪明女子是保罗·迈克尔·格拉泽妻子,她丈夫大获成功电视连续剧《警界双雄》中出任主角。

    Elizabeth Glaser was a beautiful, intelligent woman, the wife of Paul Michael Glaser, who had starred in the successful TV series Starsky and Hutch.


  • 那个影子进入房间并且宝宝发现才是真正妻子,就用手臂捉住了她,,“爱的妻子,还以前一样美丽。”

    As soon as the figure came in and took up her baby, he saw it was his real wife, and caught her in his arms, saying, "You are my own beloved wife, as beautiful as ever."


  • 上校从沉思中游离出来,注意力集中桌子个像上,妻子美丽的女人想起他们成婚的那一天不禁自语道

    But he pushed away those thoughts and turned his attention to a framed photograph on his desk. His wife was beautiful, he told himself as he remembered the day they were married.


  • 那天妻子去城镇的路上看到了一美丽房子

    My wife and I were driving around town one day when we saw this beautiful home.


  • 永远记得我荷兰到了美丽新娘我们结婚有40年了,养育了一个孩子,她真是美丽女性(跟上一任妻子离了? 这块理解的可能不够准确~)。

    I will always have a reminder, as I married a wonderful woman from Holland whom I have been married to for 40 years, who gave us a child who has become a beautiful woman.


  • 埃及历史上短暂辉煌时期,是法老阿肯纳坦美丽妻子奈菲提提统治下发生划时代变革的时期。

    It was a brief, shining moment in Egypt's history — a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti.


  • 不敢相信美丽曼迪成为他的妻子

    He said couldn't believe that his beautiful Mandy was going to be his wife.


  • 加斯顿双手捧起妻子美丽温和满带笑意地凝视焦虑的双眼

    Gaston took his wife's pretty face between his hands and looked tenderly and laughingly into her troubled eyes.


  • 妻子海蒂带着我们孩子丹尼尔蕾切尔克罗地亚开始了一段两旅行那是世界上美丽国家之一

    My wife Heidi and I took my children, Daniel and Rachel, on a two-week trip to Croatia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world.


  • 人物》杂志上看到妻子结婚照美丽脸庞时,我感觉棒了。

    Seeing your and your wife's beautiful faces on your wedding day in People Magazine was gorgeous.


  • 虽然阿伦已婚而且与美丽妻子阿莉·桑德育有许多孩子,可还是爱上奥加纳

    Despite being married, and having a number of children with his own beautiful wife, Alisande, Aron fell in love with Organa.


  • 我们有机会远离生活杂事工作的时候,身上看到的是我最好朋友、我逼的妻子美丽皇后

    I get to see her as my best friend, my hilarious wife, and my beautiful queen when we get the chance to be away from here and work.


  • 小说《水浒传》中,潘金莲美丽爱财的妻子丈夫,相貌平平的武大郎不忠。最终甚至杀害了

    In the novel Water Margin, Pan Jinlian, a beautiful money-loving wife, cheats on her husband Wu Dalang, who is relatively more unattractive. She eventually kills him.


  • 知道很多感激的。我很感激能够有三个漂亮健康,又捣蛋孩子。我很感激有每个男人都梦寐以求的美丽妻子

    You know, I have a lot to be grateful for. You know, I have three beautiful, healthy, troublemaking kids. I have the prettiest wife a man could wish for.


  • 小说《水浒传》中,潘金莲美丽爱财的妻子丈夫,相貌平平的武大郎不忠。

    In the novel Water Margin, Pan Jinlian, a beautiful money-loving wife, cheats on her husband Wu Dalang, who is relatively more unattractive.


  • 一段时间里这个妻子人们称为大卫美丽妻子事实维多利亚时尚非常努力工作成功了。

    For a long time, this man's wife was known to people as David's beautiful wife, while the fact is that Victoria works so hard for her fashion circle and she makes it.


  • 大卫讲述这个故事时美丽妻子莉莉得上气不接下气。

    While David was telling the story, his beautiful wife Lilly began laughing hysterically.


  • 宙斯里达女儿、曼尼·拉斯妻子被认为世界美丽女子帕里司诱拐绑架导致特洛伊战争的发生。

    The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.


  • 想象,当我四十岁的时候又再次,结果他已经稳定下来有了美丽妻子一群可爱孩子,他非常的幸福,可是我……我是一自己

    I can imagine being about forty and looking for him again, and turning up he's settled down, and he has a beautiful wife and beautiful kids, and he's completely happy, and I'm... still on my own.


  • 想象,当我四十岁的时候又再次,结果他已经稳定下来有了美丽妻子一群可爱孩子,他非常的幸福,可是我……我是一自己

    I can imagine being about forty and looking for him again, and turning up he's settled down, and he has a beautiful wife and beautiful kids, and he's completely happy, and I'm... still on my own.


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