• 虽然不是什么大师不过喜欢研究

    Although I am not a master in playing tarot, but I actually like studying it.


  • 摄影师盖伦厄尔(1940至20002年)个善于稍纵即逝自然光纳入作品大师。 一天晚上,加州东部内华达巴特米尔克地区登山时看到这一壮丽的光卷云。

    The photographer Galen Rowell (1940–2002) was a master of incorporating fleeting natural light in his compositions.


  • 杰作包括《冬日之光》、《假面哭泣低语,这位杰作背后大师于瑞典睡梦安祥的辞世,享年89

    The great mastermind behind masterpieces such as "Winter Light," "Persona" and "Cries and Whispers" died peacefully in his sleep on the Swedish island of Faro at the age of 89.


  • 汽车艺术品大师查尔斯·塞克斯应邀尔斯·易斯汽车公司设计标志时深深印脑海中的女神像立刻使产生创作灵感

    When the car works of art guru Charles Sykes was invited to Roll Winslow Lewis Motor Company design logo, etched in his mind of the goddess at once led him inspiration.


  • 股神巴菲特,国象大师卡斯帕,再到“老虎”伍兹所有超级成功者都经历了漫长刻意练习达到了胜利的巅峰

    From Warren Buffet to grand chess master Gary Kasparov to golfer Tiger Woods, all super performers reached the heights only after long drawn out periods of deliberate practice.


  • 肌纤维疼痛症研究涵盖杨氏太极波士顿太极大师梅尔斯所教授

    The fibromyalgia study involved the yang style of tai chi, taught by a Boston tai chi master, Ramel Rones.


  • 几个世纪以来,成为伦萨雕刻家的办法就是模仿米开朗基大师学习

    For centuries, the way tobecome a Florentinesculptor has been to copy Michelangelo, to learn from themaster.


  • 他一起遇难的还有美国著名幽默大师威尔.杰斯。波斯特的飞机刚起飞不久就坠落在角机场

    Post and the famous American humorist Will Rogers were killed when Post's plane crashed on takeoff near Point Barrow.


  • 可以国立艺术馆游览一上午,附近有个特拉法加广场(有很多鸽子),在馆里可以欣赏历来大师作品包括达芬奇伦勃朗毕加索米开朗琪莫奈以及梵高等。

    Spend your morning at the National Gallery off Trafalgar Square , where you'll see paintings by the masters including Leonardo da Vinci , Rembrandt , Picasso , Michelangelo , Monet and Van Gogh.


  • 一些学术成果的宣扬,也在一定程度上成就了一大师牛津理论物理学家杰•斯﹑普林斯顿的数学家约翰康维

    Some, such as Roger Penrose (an Oxford mathematical physicist) and John Conway (a Princeton mathematician), owe some of their own celebrity to his writings about their work.


  • 下面看到来自CWC葡萄酒大师雨果·(Hugo Rose)品尝心得,另外《科学家》杂志·海菲尔德(RogerHighfield克·奥黑尔(MickOHare其中的科学原理作出了解释。

    You'll find the results below - the tasting notes are by CWC's Hugo Rose, Master of Wine, and the scientific ones by New Scientist'sRoger Highfield and Mick O'Hare.


  • 印第安维尔斯大师半决赛纳达尔决胜盘的抢七中,倒于地亚的比西奇的拍下,三局的比分为3-6 6-4 7-6(1)。

    Rafael Nadal collapsed in a third set tie-break to lose his Indian Wells Masters semi-final against Croatia's Ivan Ljubicic 3-6 6-4 7-6(1).


  • 风水大师雷蒙(Raymond Lo),“首先风水先生办公室评估能量。”

    Feng shui Master Raymond Lo says that first, a feng shui expert needs to come to your workplace to evaulate the energy flow.


  • 剧本最初是要求黑色零团机器人守卫拖曳失去知觉大师

    The script originally called for black-hued retail droid guards to haul Master Ropal's unconscious body.


  • 米开朗琪视为杰出大师

    Michelangelo is regarded as one of the most outstanding artists.


  • 宁姆斯·博希怪诞绘画大师

    Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.


  • SSOA希望2000年底左右印刷一些光书本横幅利用所得的收益举行年度大师密会

    SSOA anticipates printing an official Language of Light deck, book and banner at the end of 2000 and will utilize the proceeds from their annual Masters Conclave for this purpose.


  • 屏幕截图中快速下看球队清单能够看到很多熟悉名字大师联赛传奇卡斯特米兰达仍然游戏里。

    Having a quick look down the squad list from the screenshot you can see plenty of familiar names with ML legends Castolo and Minanda still in the game.


  • 我们点时间了解一些历史上大师:恩加跟着克里斯托巴尔巴伦西亚加学习了

    To get a bit history teacher for a moment: Ungaro spent six years with Crist bal Balenciaga.


  • ·沙里20世纪受尊敬建筑师之一认为是那个时代的大师

    Eero Saarinen is one of the most respected architects of the 20th Century, often regarded as a master of his craft.


  • 52扑克影院:惊魂记,以标签扩增技术,重后现代希治阁大师之作《惊魂记》,为这出划时代惊世距著作出新的诠译。

    In 52 Card Psycho, Rhodes USES marker-based augmented reality technology to look back on the late modern Hitchcock masterpiece, Psycho - which has become an icon of artistic appropriation.


  • 柯洛是精通色调渐层法柔和边线大师替印象派风景画家们开辟了一条道路后来的画家内、毕沙和摩里索影响很大

    A master of tonal gradation and soft edges, he prepared the way for the Impressionist landscape painters and had an important influence on Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Berthe Morisot.


  • 国际象棋大师加里·卡斯帕持类似观点。他认为扑克提供关于运气风险管理课程甚至钟爱的游戏都提供了。

    Similarly, Garry Kasparov, a chess grandmaster, argues that poker offers lessons on chance and risk management that even his beloved game cannot.


  • 人偶大师创造第三第四人偶。这是人偶大师真创造的第五人偶,这是人偶大师真创造的第六人偶。

    This is the true puppet master to create the third and fourth Luo dolls. This is the true puppet master to create the fifth doll Lo, this is true puppet master to create the sixth dolls Romania.


  • 一班作曲家好友——永晖麦伟铸和邓乐妍专程大师创作了别开生面的作品贺寿。

    His good friends and the eminent composers, Law Wing-fai, Clarence Mak and Tang Lok-yin will also compose their fabulous works for him and the concert!


  • 一个名叫阿加提诺·迪杜奇奥当时著名雕刻大师唐纳·特的副手,雕刻大卫的任务正是首先委派他的。

    It was a man named Agustino Deduchio, an assistant to the 11 renowned master sculptor Donetello, who was first commissions to make this David.


  • 一个名叫阿加提诺·迪杜奇奥当时著名雕刻大师唐纳·特的副手,雕刻大卫的任务正是首先委派他的。

    It was a man named Agustino Deduchio, an assistant to the 11 renowned master sculptor Donetello, who was first commissions to make this David.


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