• 罗凯北京已经3年了

    Carleton Ruthling: I've been in Beijing for 3 years.


  • 罗凯橱柜,推出大系列,供您选择

    Schrock features three cabinet lines to choose from.


  • 罗凯美国欧盟批准用于小细胞肺癌化疗后一线治疗

    Tarceva approved in US and EU for first-line treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer after chemotherapy.


  • 胰腺癌试验中,特罗凯发生这些事件比率为2.5%,安慰剂组中此比率为0.4%。

    In pancreatic cancer trials, the incidence of these events was 2.5% in the Tarceva group and 0.4% in the placebo group.


  • 接受罗凯治疗患者观察到罕见严重间质性肺病(ILD)疑似事件,甚至导致死亡

    Infrequent cases of serious Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) -like events, including fatalities, have been observed in patients receiving Tarceva.


  • 特林顿为两位科学家播放了录音,一位是杰·佩恩,另一位是蒂·佩恩。

    Watlington played the recordings for a pair of scientists named Roger and Katy Payne.


  • 那天夜里,汤米普兰父母带上汤米、、我母亲、其他几个一家意大利餐馆吃饭。

    That night, Tommy Caplans parents took Tommy, Mother, Roger, me, and a few others out to dinner at an Italian restaurant.


  • 另外还有一个小小的危机:·布朗拒绝州长鲍勃·西大会发言不是因为表达反对堕胎的立场,而是因为他不同意支持

    There was also a minor flap when Ron Brown refused to let Governor Bob Casey speak to the convention, not because he wanted to speak against abortion but because he wouldn't agree to endorse me.


  • 走廊满了名人朋友签名照片伯特▪科斯特纳麦当娜以及老虎伍兹詹姆斯布朗两个世界小姐

    One hallway is crammed with photographs signed by celebrity pals: Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, Madonna, as well as Tiger Woods, James Brown and a Miss World or two.


  • 先生指出穆尔尔先生一些经销店工作过没有证据证明《世界新闻任何记者参与其中

    Mr Crone pointed out that Mr Mulcaire worked for a number of outlets and there was no evidence that the any News of the Worldjournalist was involved.


  • 这次则个较为轻松地角色为一个节日最爱的动画片驯鹿比配音

    In what was probably a more relaxing role, Keira did voice duty on animated festive favourite Robbie the Reindeer.


  • 使银行领头羊蒙羞之后,新观察家杂志称热姆•埃尔“仅一个周末之后就变成现代英雄”。

    By humiliating a leading bank, as Nouvel Observateur magazine put it, Jérôme Kerviel “has over the course of one weekend become a modern hero”.


  • 可能告诉最近辩论中有质疑其他参选人机会就先不要攻击

    It is perhaps telling that Mr Romney did not attack Mr Cain in the most recent debate when offered the opportunity to question another candidate.


  • 仅仅过去了分钟文·加梅就获得了射门的机会,上半场行将过半,帕斯托雷的射门稍稍偏横梁。

    Kevin Gameiro had a shot punched clear after only four minutes, while midway through the first half Pastore had a shot deflected off the post.


  • 诺夫说,拘押期间遭到殴打。 沃什市警方声,针对德诺夫所说的他遭到殴打之事实正在调查之中。

    When he refused, he was detained overnight and, according to Dudukina, beaten while in custody; Voronezh police say an investigation into the allegation is under way.


  • 发言人亚历山大,落酒店常见失物护照信用卡身份证计算机其他首饰MP3现金

    At Hyatt hotels generally, passports, credit CARDS, state ID CARDS, computers, wedding rings and other jewelry, MP3 players and cash are most often left behind, says Hyatt spokeswoman Lori Alexander.


  • 还有肖像画,历史意义虽不重要却令人浮想联翩,其中幅描绘的是绰号巴巴萨的尔丁,一个担任苏丹舰队海军司令海盗

    A number of small portraits, more evocative than important, depict among others Khair ad-Din Barbarossa, a pirate who became admiral of the sultan’s fleet.


  • 8那年,安布杂志上看到荷兰超模·穆德照片,便下定决心模特

    She was just 8 years old when she decided she wanted to be a model after seeing a magazine picture of Dutch supermodel Karen Mulder.


  • 埃维亚岛屿、斯·岛屿肯索斯岛屿报道此次严重火灾这三个岛屿今年夏天也都发生过火灾

    Serious fires were reported on the islands of Evia, Skyros and Zakynthos, which has already been damaged by blazes this summer.


  • 其他到场队员,还有若瑞、尼·布鲁尔泰瑞克·埃文斯加瑞特·杰克

    Other players in attendance included Kyle Lowry, Ronnie Brewer, Tyreke Evans, and Jarrett Jack.


  • BBC科技通讯记者·兰·琼斯。

    By Rory Cellan-Jones Technology correspondent, BBC news.


  • 理查森Lee Richardson):“文·博阿滕(Kevin-PrinceBoateng选择父亲出生国家加纳效力弟弟梅·博阿滕(Jérôme)则决定为自己出生地德国踢球

    "Kevin-Prince Boateng has opted to play for his father's country of Ghana, while his brother Jérôme, has opted to play for his own country of birth, Germany, " writes Lee Richardson.


  • 7月9日尼克斯在与金州勇士队的交易块拼图——安东尼·兰多Anthony Randolph)、兰纳·阿祖布克(Kelenna Azubuike)尼·图里亚夫(Ronny Turiaf)。

    On July 9, the Knicks acquired three more piecesAnthony Randolph, Kelenna Azubuike and Ronny Turiaf — in a trade with the Golden State Warriors.


  • 11日,亚历山大.诺夫,此人艺术界人称为Shurik ,正准备在位于什市西南部市政厅悬挂幅拼贴画

    On June 11, Alexander Shchednov, known in Russia's art circles as Shurik, was hanging up a collage outside the town hall in the southwestern city of Voronezh.


  • 1992年,·坎贝尔美国北卡莱纳州利创建了软件开发公司InterfaceTechnologiesInc梦想设计轮美奂的技术改变世界

    In 1992 when Kelly Campbell started Interface Technologies Inc., a software development company in Raleigh, North Carolina, his dream was to change the world with beautifully designed technology.


  • ·奈特利、戈登·拉姆齐J.K.一同百强上届排名最高大卫·贝克·汉姆第5位第28位。

    Keira Knightley, Gordon Ramsay and JK Rowling have dropped out of the top 100 rankings altogether, while last year's highest placed Briton, David Beckham, has slipped from fifth to 28th.


  • 认为一个令人尊敬的思考时间旅行方式,这才是正经应该有的。”同样是《迷失第五dvd的特邀嘉宾。

    "I think that that is a very respectable way to think about time travel; that is what it would have to be like," said Carroll, who is also a guest on a "Lost" Season 5 DVD extra.


  • 认为一个令人尊敬的思考时间旅行方式,这才是正经应该有的。”同样是《迷失第五dvd的特邀嘉宾。

    "I think that that is a very respectable way to think about time travel; that is what it would have to be like," said Carroll, who is also a guest on a "Lost" Season 5 DVD extra.


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