• 安徽省黄山市歙县鸡母山首次发现大量中体罗世恐龙骨骼化石

    A great number of mid-Jurassic dinosaur bone fossils were firstly found in Jimu Mt, She County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province.


  • 玛雅安吉20纪70年代首次戏剧将奋起》搬上舞台。

    Maya Angelou first staged the play "And I Still Rise" in the late 1970s.


  • 这些变化影响气候观点最早是詹姆斯·克19纪末提出的。

    The idea that these changes affect climate was first advanced by James Croll in the late 1800s.


  • 拉德斯基引用了发展心理学家埃德·特尼克20纪70年代设计无表情实验”。

    Radesky cites the "still face experiment" devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s.


  • 比舍是一位16纪的英国探险家来自加拿大Kodlunarn土壤样品进行了含金量检测。

    Frobisher, a sixteenth-century English explorer, had soil samples from Canada's Kodlunarn Island examined for gold content.


  • 时至今日,当我们观看画时,还是几乎可以触及皇后衣裙上纹理……然而内塞只因其绘画技巧为人所对色彩运用闻名于

    In today's painting, we can almost touch the texture of the dress and the cloth of the empress... However, Veronese is not only known for his technique but also for the use of the color.


  • 约翰·亚当斯,托马斯·杰斐逊,詹姆斯·麦迪逊约翰·昆西·亚当斯,然后亚伯拉罕·林肯20仅有伍德·威尔逊,”

    "There's John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams, then Abraham Lincoln and in the 20th century just Woodrow Wilson," he said.


  • 不同于福尔摩斯,这位天下第一侦探绅士怪盗这个极为不同造型,成为纵横20小说界影坛受欢迎人物

    In contrast to Sherlock Holmes, the ultimate detective, Lupin was an extreme version of the gentleman criminal, a popular character in fiction and film throughout the 20th century.


  • 17开始,塞·帕斯科镇一直进行矿井开采主要

    Cerro DE Pasco has been mined, mainly for silver, lead and zinc, since the 17th century.


  • 独家报道:德尔•主演,以19英格兰背景的恐怖片,电脑特效帮助表现月时和善的人类变化为凶残的过程。

    The Scoop: Del Toro stars as a good-natured man who transforms into a savage wolf by moonlight in this special effects-packed horror remake set in 19th century England.


  • 中国提供日本海上港口使用权,自从19中期中国满洲割让给俄国以来,港口曾一直拒绝中国使用。

    Rason offers a port on the Sea of Japan, something denied China since it ceded Outer Manchuria to Russia in the mid-19th century.


  • 直到19数学家才发现隐藏数学方程解法中的对称性,其中包括郁郁寡欢的法国数学天才艾瓦里斯特·瓦。

    But it was not until the 19th century that mathematicians such as Evariste Galois, an unhappy French genius, discovered symmetries hidden in the solutions to mathematical equations.


  • 跟随父亲巴勃代表乌拉圭参加1974年界杯足迹

    He follows in the footprints of his father, Pablo, who played for Uruguay in the 1974 World Cup.


  • 菲律宾婴儿儿科营养学会婴儿配方奶粉制造商进行分类,这个组织常务董事亚历克斯·卡斯特学会完全支持母乳喂养

    Alex V. Castro III, executive director of the infant Pediatric Nutrition association of the Philippines that groups infant formula makers, said the association fully supports breast-feeding.


  • 有一天,一部伟大小说会问来描述这次信用危机安东尼·特洛普19经典著作《我们现在生活方式》一书中的台词也会忝列其间。

    SOME day a great novel will be written about the credit crunch, along the lines of Anthony Trollope's 19th-century classic, "the Way We Live Now".


  • 尽管卡斯特塑造传奇,但从不深思熟虑自知之明而著名于

    Although Castro is built on a larger-than-life scale, he has never been known as reflective or self-aware.


  • 米特·希望21还是美国纪,似乎贪了点

    Mitt Romney says that he wants the 21st century to be American too. That seems a little greedy.


  • 笔者最中意的本季新款裙装图左卡斯特打趣说成“亨利遭遇美国橄榄球队员”。

    My favourite dress in the newcollection (left) was described by de Castro, tongue firmly in cheek, as "HenryVIII meets American footballer".


  • 公园建于16石桥

    Eight tiered, 16th century stone bridge called Athpula in Lodi Gardens.


  • 很快维洛德体育场就迎来1938年界杯第一场比赛,由卫冕冠军意大利迎战来自斯堪的纳维亚半岛的新军挪威队

    The first match in the Velodrome in the 1938 FIFA World Cup was the first-round clash between holders Italy and Scandinavian hopefuls Norway.


  • 诗人德雅吉卜林在演讲中说国王(乔治五)曾称赞广播时说,过去因为地理的原因,人类四散各地,现在是广播把他们联系在了一起。

    In a speech written by the poet Rudyard Kipling, the king extolled radio as a way to reach out to men and women isolated by snow and sea.


  • 这些专家分别来自塞内加尔泰国巴西意大利马提尼克岛瓜德普岛法属圭亚那以及组织内部

    The experts come from Senegal, Thailand, Brazil, Italy, Martinique, Guadeloupe, French-Guyana and from within WHO.


  • 正如一位克莱斯勒高管所言,超级经销商杰.放弃分销经营的打算,将精灵品牌交还奔驰公司之后,这款微型车似乎便不那么灵动了。

    To paraphrase a former Chrysler executive, Smart looked less so after superdealer Roger Penske relinquished his distribution deal and gave the brand back to Mercedes.


  • 看来了解,那么最早博会什么时候

    Xiao Luo: it seems that you are quite familiar with World Expo; could you tell me when the first World's Fair was held?


  • 2002年界杯在对阵英格兰打进了记匪夷所思的任意球,别忘了,当时巴西队中还有如日中天里瓦尔多正值当打之年的纳尔多

    In 2002, he scored a fantastical free-kick against England while leading Brazil, along with Rivaldo and the original Ronaldo, to the World Cup.


  • 巴黎乔治酒店上海半岛酒店,从著名的和平咖啡馆到各地的赫布匈美食坊,先生以融合古典和现代风格的能力而著称。

    From the George V in Paris to the Peninsula inShanghai,from the famed Café de la Paix to JoëlRobuchon restaurants around theworld,Mr.


  • 达州20纪20年代土地繁荣最近次贷泡沫历史房地产狂热最终血泪收场的故事不胜枚举。

    History is littered with stories of property crazes that ended in tears, from the Florida land boom of the 1920s to the recent subprime bubble.


  • 20中叶时,伊利莎白·丝观察到人们难过五个阶段否认愤怒讨价还价沮丧接纳然后去做。

    Back in the mid-twentieth century, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross identified the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance - and they stuck.


  • 20中叶时,伊利莎白·丝观察到人们难过五个阶段否认愤怒讨价还价沮丧接纳然后去做。

    Back in the mid-twentieth century, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross identified the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance - and they stuck.


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