• 说起网络文件共享,这是不是就是说可以看到别处个人硬盘的内容?

    Talking of file sharing on the network, does it mean that I can see what's on someone else's hard drive in another place?


  • 办公室网络用户共享文件软件使用中央打印机

    The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer.


  • 两个位置分开的,以防可能没有文件共享网络写入权限

    These two locations are separate in case you do not have write access to the network file share.


  • 一些非法文件共享网络用户-他们要的就是监管者难以追查出其网上活动。

    Some are users of illegal file-sharing networks who want to be harder to track down.


  • wikis社区帮助创建网络在线空间,而bloggingfolksonomy文件共享有助于跨整个社交网络社区这个虚拟世界实现信息流

    While wikis and communities help to create an online space for the networks, blogging, folksonomy and file sharing help to information flow across the virtual world of the social networking community.


  • 注意到,之前网络技术在当时同样也引起了类似的担忧例如新闻组web技术文件共享这些每一个受带来了网络流量大幅增加。

    But he notes that similar worries arose with previous Internet technologies, such as newsgroups, the web and file-sharing, all of which involved big increases in the amount of network traffic.


  • 例如经常被提及Web 2.0应用程序BitTorrent不是Web站点而是一个对等文件共享应用程序网络

    For example, one frequently cited Web 2.0 application is BitTorrent, which is not a Web site but rather a peer-to-peer file-sharing application and network.


  • 音乐权威人士预测尽管人们还继续非法的下载一些音乐,但趋势会是从文件共享网络转向Spotify。

    Music executives reckon people are moving from file-sharing networks to Spotify, though they may continue to download some music illegally.


  • 那种情况下只好文件拷贝本地管理员拷贝这些文件文件共享网络中去。

    In that case, you would copy the files to your local computer, and an administrator would copy the files to the network file share.


  • 这位21岁的比萨饼厨师要求只披露的网名。 他的歌曲只能通过一些所谓“地下网络”的私人文件共享网络获得。

    The 21-year-old pizza cook, who asked to be identified by his online nickname, makes his songs available only through private file-sharing networks known as darknets.


  • 目前使用点对点网络之中,85%欢迎这样服务,57%的表示他们停止非法文件共享,他们中77%人表示将继续购买CD

    Of those currently using P2P networks 85% would welcome such a service, with 57% saying that it would stop them filesharing illegally and 77% of them claiming they would still buy CDs.


  • 现在已经Samba配置控制器告知了网络计算机用户的信息,接下来设置一些有用的文件共享

    Now that you've configured Samba to work as a domain controller and told it about the machines and users on your network, you should set up some useful file shares.


  • 文件鉴别软件产生了大量的需求它们可以用来鉴别传到UGC网站或者文件共享网络进行交换文件

    These overlapping needs have created a powerful demand for software that recognizes files as they're uploaded onto user-generated sites or swapped on file-sharing networks.


  • 在其灵活通用体系结构造就平台网络语音电话对等文件共享等一系列技术相继孕育而生。

    Its flexible, generalpurpose architecture has made it the platform on which new technologies, from voice-over-internet calling to peer-to-peer file-sharing, have been incubated.


  • 如果集群式WebSphereApplicationServer环境中进行部署,则每个集群实例必须拥有通用文件服务器企业网络存储设备文件共享访问权

    If you are deploying in a clustered WebSphere Application server environment, each cluster instance must have access to a file share on common file servers or enterprise network storage devices.


  • Gnutella网络早就不再重要文件共享网络并且音乐工业似乎表明不再将其作为威胁

    Gnutella stopped being an important file-sharing network a long time ago, and no longer presents the threat the music industry seems to indicate.


  • 上千万PC提供文档处理、电子表格电子邮件文件共享便宜电话服务中获益——更不要那些网络富豪们了。

    And hundreds of millions of people have benefited from access to word-processing, spreadsheets, E-mail, file-sharing and cheap phone calls-to say nothing of the riches of the web.


  • 他们产品CView目的为了终结非法文件共享由于网络服务提供商对此表示感兴趣,以后很可能有类似维珍交易发生。

    Their CView product is designed to help put an end to illegal filesharing, and with ISPs showing interest, it's unlikely that Virgin's deal will be the last we hear about.


  • 多数知道因特网通过它们应用程序:%万维网伊妹儿在线社交网络语音视频瞬时信息文件共享且说这几个例子

    Most people know the Internet through its applications: the World Wide Web, email, online social networking, streaming audio and video, instant messaging, file-sharing, to name just a few examples.


  • 映射网络驱动器部署实时文件创建群集文件共享资源

    Map network drives and create cluster file Share resources for deployment and run-time files.


  • 点(P2P文件共享软件广泛应用现有的网络安全造成严重的影响。

    The widely used P2P file share software has incurred a significant threat to the modern network security.


  • P 2 P更好解决了网络四大类型应用文件共享对等计算协同工作搜索引擎

    P2P solved four types of applications better on network: file sharing, P2P computing, cooperated work, search engine.


  • 网络两个多个连接在一起的计算机组成,以便共享资源交换文件或进行电子通信

    A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such as printers and CD-ROMs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications.


  • 简单策略导致这些P 2 P文件共享系统性能低,并且占据大部分网络带宽

    These simple strategies cause these P2P file sharing systems have low performance, and cost most of the network bandwidth.


  • 法律诉讼制裁已经文件共享当初公共网络转入秘密的,比如电邮这样不可能根本上禁止的方式。

    Lawsuits and crackdowns have displaced file-sharing from public networks into more secretive ones and into things like email, from which it will be virtually impossible to root out.


  • 在对内核hookPE技术深入分析基础上NDIS - HOOK实现了网络连接监控文件共享数据加密传输

    According to the thorough analysis about the technology of HOOK PE, network connection monitoring and encryption transmission for the sharing data are realized with NDIS-HOOK.


  • 某些情况下关掉文件共享程序窗口并未真正断开网络连接。

    In some instances, closing the file-sharing program window does not actually close your connection to the network.


  • 某些情况下关掉文件共享程序窗口并未真正断开网络连接。

    In some instances, closing the file-sharing program window does not actually close your connection to the network.


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