• 所以研究者认为这些家庭存在不仅仅自闭症综合症状

    So the investigators believe that what is aggregating in these families is more than just the full syndrome of autism.


  • 目的观察利胃平颗粒剂治疗消化性溃疡缓解上消化道综合症状群的疗效。

    Objective: To observe the results of Liweiping particulate agent (LPA) in treating peptic ulcer and maldigestive syndrome.


  • 神经性贪食症一种进食障碍,它一种暴饮暴食狂泻的综合症状,在年轻女性多见,见于男性

    Bulimia nervosa is another type of eating disorder (binge-purge syndrome) also encountered primarily among older women and younger men.


  • 按照规范进行毫火针针刺,治疗后遗神经痛期患者,明显改善其疼痛程度、睡眠、心理状态、综合症状等;

    It was effective, secure and easily operating to use the filiform-fire needle for postherpetic neuralgia in accordance with norms.


  • 有时候损伤肿瘤中风帕金森氏综合脑部疾病以后,人们出现了面部木讷综合症状,他们无法发笑

    Sometimes after brain damage, tumours, stroke or brain disorders such as parkinson ' s disease, people get " stonefaced " syndrome and can ' t laugh.


  • 没有发明这里综合症状,是愿意考虑充分地想法因为他们作为方式部分小组考虑产品从前市场失败起因

    The not-invented-here syndrome, of not being willing to consider, adequately, ideas because they are not part of the way a group has considered products in the past, is a cause of market failure.


  • 更年期妇女失眠相当普遍一种现象,这种现象不仅严重影响了她们的精神状态心情更多加重更年期综合症状

    Insomnia is a very common menopausal women, a phenomenon, which not only seriously affected their mental state and mood, but also increased the more comprehensive menopause symptoms.


  • 作用原理独特的复合酵素配合名贵中草药精粹,达致补气补血、养颜回春之功效同时改善更年期综合症状提高机体免疫力

    Action Principle: Unique ferment complex is combined with precious herbal extracts to help invigorate body and rejuvenate skin, while relieving menopausal symptoms and enhancing body immunity.


  • 职业倦怠指个体因为不能有效地应对工作上延续不断各种压力,产生的一种由情绪衰竭、低成就感以及人格解体三个方面构成的心理综合症状

    Job burnout is mainly expressed as Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization and Reduced personal accomplishment, which will partly affect personal psychological state and behavioral effect of the work.


  • 这些女性中,大多数人体征症状综合开始后消失

    For most of these women, signs and symptoms disappear as the menstrual period begins.


  • 一方面,那些早晨用富含碳水化合物食物晚上含有脂肪食物喂养的老鼠体重会增长很多,它们同时还表现出新陈代谢综合症状

    On the other hand, those rats, which were given a high carb meal in the morning and a high fat meal at night, put on much more weight.They also displayed symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome.


  • 例如细菌治疗方法可能有助于改善诸如肠易激综合疾病精神症状

    For example, bacterial treatments may help with the mental symptoms of illnesses such as irritable-bowel syndrome.


  • 15周到18之间两个极好的检查可以选择甄别染色体异常神经管缺损症状比如:唐氏综合脊柱裂。

    There are two test options available between the 15th and 18th weeks to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects such as Down's syndrome and spina bifida.


  • 忙碌儿童综合症状之一就是强迫学龄前儿童不断参加各种班特长培训帮助他们入学做好准备

    One symptom of the hurried child syndrome is forcing pre-school children to constantly take classes and perform other "enrichment" exercises to help them prepare for school.


  • 对症治疗生活方式调节有助于缓解控制经前综合时的体征症状

    Treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.


  • 单独抑郁症本身不会引起所有症状,所以一些严重经前综合症的女性患有未确诊的抑郁症。

    Some women with severe premenstrual syndrome have undiagnosed depression, though depression alone does not cause all of the symptoms.


  • 如果改变生活方式,但仍不能控制经前综合,且体征症状严重影响了健康和日常生活,那么就要去看医生了。

    If you've had no luck managing your premenstrual syndrome with lifestyle changes, and signs and symptoms of PMS are seriously affecting your health and daily activities, see your doctor.


  • 抑郁症。单独抑郁症本身不会引起所有症状,所以一些严重经前综合症的女性患有未确诊的抑郁症。

    Depression. Some women with severe premenstrual syndrome have undiagnosed depression, though depression alone does not cause all of the symptoms.


  • 一些不幸人生来就没有脂肪组织他们身上很快就出现代谢综合症状

    A few unfortunates are born without adipose tissue. These people rapidly develop the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.


  • 虽然目前尚未有结论是否这些症状构成了某种综合大脑中用于储存数字区域用来表征手指区域紧密相连的。

    There is still no agreement on whether these symptoms constitute a syndrome, but the bits of the brain used for storing facts about numbers and for representing the fingers are close to each other.


  • 对于有些患有经前综合症的妇女症状严重到令人残废的程度。

    For some women with PMS, the symptoms are so severe that they are considered disabling.


  • 不知为何QT间期延长综合患者可以许多毫无症状而后突然停跳

    For unknown reasons, people with long QT syndrome can go without symptoms for years, and then suddenly drop dead from cardiac arrest.


  • 医生告知布森教授典型瓦伦综合——症状包括移动困难尤其是胳膊并伴有协调和复视。

    Hobson was told by doctors he had a classic case of Wallenberg's syndrome - the symptoms included difficulty moving, especially his right leg and arm, problems with balance and double vision.


  • 激素周期变化综合症的体征症状随着激素变化发生变化,而妊娠期和更年期时候会消失

    Cyclic changes in hormones. Signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome change with hormonal fluctuations and disappear with pregnancy and menopause.


  • 典型自闭症患儿相比,阿斯·伯格综合患儿在在社会交往古怪行为兴趣爱好方面症状相对较

    With Asperger's syndrome, people usually have milder versions of the social challenges and unusual behaviors and interests that are associated with classic autism.


  • 图雷特综合能够引起无意识抽搐例如咳嗽叫喊摇头神经症状的一种神经障碍

    Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause involuntary tics such as coughing, yelling, head jerking and blinking.


  • 这些刊载于《社会科学研究杂志的研究结果之前的某理论提供了佐证,该理论提到一种蜂王综合,并称该症状女性晋升经理人阶层的主要障碍

    The findings, published in the journal Social Science Research, add to previous evidence that so-called Queen Bee syndrome can be a major obstacle to women climbing the managerial ladder.


  • 尽管威廉姆斯综合患者极少,但是研究这种综合能够更好治疗孤独症——一个更加普遍发展性紊乱症状包括一些社会行为问题

    While Williams syndrome is relatively rare, studying it might shed more light on autism - a much more prevalent developmental disorder whose symptoms include problems in social behavior.


  • 尽管威廉姆斯综合患者极少,但是研究这种综合能够更好治疗孤独症——一个更加普遍发展性紊乱症状包括一些社会行为问题

    While Williams syndrome is relatively rare, studying it might shed more light on autism - a much more prevalent developmental disorder whose symptoms include problems in social behavior.


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