• 澳洲联储维持利率不变4.75%,预期。

    RBA left rates unchanged at 4.75%, as expected.


  • 而如果维持利率不变货币不会流通,可以肯定是货币不会升值。

    Had they kept rates the same, the currency would have gone nowhere - and certainly not up.


  • 不过大部分欧洲央行行长更加担心通胀而不是经济增长放缓,因此这些国家一直在上调利率或是维持利率不变

    Most European central bankers, however, more worried about inflation than slow growth, have been raising interest rates or holding them steady.


  • 欧洲央行几乎肯定周四会议维持利率不变同时会对欧元区经济状况给出一些指引,其中也包括希腊问题

    The ECB will almost certainly leave interest rates unchanged at its meeting on Thursday. But it should also give some indication of the state of the euro zone economy, incorporating the Greek problem.


  • 日本央行维持利率不变事实有助于保持平滑收益率曲线以及美国之间较大利差,这反过来会使日元美元进一步走

    But the fact that the BoJ is pinning rates is helping to maintain a flat yield curve and wide spread with US rates, which in turn weakens the yen against the dollar.


  • 美联储日本央行可能维持利率不变欧洲央行有望进一步上调利率因为葡萄牙爱尔兰以及希腊纷纷遭遇债务违约问题。

    The Fed and BOJ are holding rates while ECB is expected to increase further rates even as Portugal, Ireland and Greece suffer from default on debt.


  • 与此同时今天上午早些时候新西兰央行宣布维持利率2.5%不变并指出鉴于全球风险不断加剧,维持利率不变做法谨慎之举。

    Meanwhile, earlier this morning the RBNZ left interest rates unchanged at 2.5%, noting that heightened global risks make it prudent to remain on hold for the time being.


  • 外界广泛预期美联储周三结束为期两天的政策会议后,维持利率不变投资者仔细审读会后声明,来寻找有关联储对经济前景看法的线索。

    The Fed is widely expected to leave rates unchanged after its two-day meeting ends Wednesday, but investors will closely check its statement for clues on the central bank's economic outlook.


  • 周二印度央行(ReserveBank of India)维持利率不变出人意外地要求银行增加债券作为储备,从而开启了非常规刺激措施的回收之路。

    On Tuesday, India's central bank held interest rates steady but — in a surprise move — began unwinding extraordinary stimulus measures, by requiring Banks to set aside more bonds as reserves.


  • 欧洲央行将15个欧元区国家中维持主导利率4.25%不变对付通货膨胀

    The ECB left its key interest rate unchanged at 4.25% as the 15-nation euro zone continues to battle inflation.


  • 周三,欧洲央行英格兰银行维持基准利率不变情况下,美元欧元升值

    The dollar's rise against the euro came after the European Central Bank and the Bank of England separately left their benchmark interest rates unchanged Thursday.


  • 批评对美联储来说恰如其分:在2001至2003年间持续降息,使利率1%并维持了一年,然后一成不变每季度四分之一个百分比的速度缓缓加息,无疑房市繁荣火上加油

    That is most true of the Fed, which slashed rates between 2001 and 2003, held them at 1% for a year and then raised them in slow, predictable quarter-point steps, fuelling the housing boom.


  • 如今,另决定接踵而至:何时加息——过去7大部分时间里日本处于利率水平,6月15日日本央行仍维持不变

    An even bigger decision now follows: when to raise interest rates-which have been at zero for most of the past seven years and which the BoJ left unchanged on June 15th.


  • 正如市场普遍预期的那样,澳洲联储维持现金利率目标2.50%不变,同时重申审慎的做法稳定汇率澳元因此保持历史高位

    As widely expected, the RBA kept its cash rate target unchanged at 2.50%, reiterating that the prudent course is stable rates and that AUD remains high by historical standards.


  • 维持利率不变之后,欧洲中央银行终于利率提升了0.25个百分点。

    After leaving interest rates unchanged for more than two years, the European Central Bank has finally raised its key rate by a quarter of a percentage point.


  • 很大程度上是因为判断被证明都是正确的:其中最值得称道的是,8月房产业萧条、通胀压力已经缓解的背景下,他虽然停止紧缩银根将联邦基金利率维持5.25%不变但也同时又保留强硬立场。

    That is largely because his judgments have proved correct: notably, to stop tightening in August with rates at 5.25% yet retain a hawkish bias despite the housing recession.


  • 波兰中央银行维持利率5.75%不变警告要达到预定的通货膨胀目标可能需要进一步提高利率

    Poland's central bank also kept its key rate unchanged, at 5.75%, but warned that meeting its inflation objective may require further interest-rate increases.


  • 大多数经济学家预计今年余下时间韩国央行维持政策利率不变

    Most economists expect the central bank to stand pat on the policy rate for the rest of the year.


  • 报告中对于基于假设通货膨胀率做出了预测。一种预测假设基准利率市场期望为准,另一种假设以其维持不变为准。

    The report presents projections for inflation on two different assumptions, the interest rates expected by the markets and the base rate being left unchanged.


  • 只要大央行继续维持目前利率水平不变这种相关性表现短期内还继续存在。

    This correlation seems to continue in the near term as long central Banks are willing to keep the interest rates their current levels.


  • 欧元兑美元近两大部分时间里一直是上涨,目前涨至1.3240,因为美国房价显示下滑这有利于美联储继续维持接近水平利率不变

    EURUSD gained the most in two weeks to 1.3240 as home prices in the US will show declines, backing the case for Fed to keep rates unchanged at near zero levels.


  • 昨晚新西兰央行会议宣布维持利率2.50%不变市场预期一致有趣的是,新西兰央行选择保留一个明确的紧缩倾向

    The RBNZ meeting last night resulted in rates being kept on hold at 2.50% as expected, but interestingly the central bank opted to retain an explicit tightening bias.


  • 最先悉尼当地时间周二下午澳洲联储会议,预计维持官方现金利率水平4.75%不变

    The RBA is first up on Tuesday afternoon local Sydney time where the bank is expected to hold the OCR steady at 4.75%.


  • 欧洲央行决定面对经济衰退债务市场混乱时候维持关键利率1.5%不变

    The European Central Bank has left its key interest rate unchanged at 1.5 percent in the face of an economic slowdown and debt market turmoil.


  • 虽然我们认为新西兰联储维持利率政策不变相信随后声明应更加强硬因为复苏步伐加快通胀预期上升均如此暗示

    We think the RBNZ will keep policy on hold, but believe accompanying statements will be more hawkish in nature as suggested by the faster pace of recovery and rising inflation expectations.


  • 虽然我们认为新西兰联储维持利率政策不变相信随后声明应更加强硬因为复苏步伐加快通胀预期上升均如此暗示

    We think the RBNZ will keep policy on hold, but believe accompanying statements will be more hawkish in nature as suggested by the faster pace of recovery and rising inflation expectations.


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