• 承担汽车维护保养费用自然父母

    It is parents who are supporting the cost of maintaining and running students' cars.


  • 加注汽车制冷系统维护与保养重要内容

    Coolant charging-up is one of the important contents of automobile cooling system maintenance.


  • 中央空调净化系统维护保养文中详细分析

    In the central air conditioning system of the maintenance and maintenance of a detailed analysis of the article.


  • 本文汽车维护保养基本流程详细介绍了汽车的保养过程

    Based on vehicle maintenance and maintenance of the basic processes in detail on the process of vehicle maintenance.


  • 介绍汽车维护保养以及汽车面漆修补出现的问题防治。

    This article has described the maintenance and CARES of automotive top finishes and the problems after refinishing and solutions.


  • 消防车维护保养方法(包括防尘防潮缓蚀剂使用等方面)进行了说明。

    The methods of maintenance and care of fire engine including dust prevention, humidity protection and use of corrosion inhibitor etc, was stated.


  • 而随着二氧化氯发生器处理行业不断普及设备运行维护保养措施越来越重要

    With the continued popularity of ClO2 generator in the water industry, the measures of equipment operation, maintenance and repair are becoming increasingly important.


  • 本文阐述了计算机的工作环境微机系统维护保养介绍了一些典型故障诊断维修

    Abstact this article describes the working environment and maintenance of the microcomputer system, and gives some examples of typical defect detection and this maintenance.


  • 介绍微型计算机的日常维护保养着重介绍主机打印机键盘显示器等硬件的基本维护方法

    The daily repairing and maintenance for microcomputer was introduced, and the basic maintenance methods for main machine, printer, keyboard and display were focused on.


  • 介绍了水-乙二醇液压组成特点使用注意事项,阐述了水-乙二醇液压液维护保养方法

    This paper introduces the composition, characteristic and use notice of water-glycol hydraulic fluid, and expounds the its methods of maintenance and administration.


  • 分析使用过程中出现的常见故障原因,并提出了解决办法介绍了日常使用时的正常维护保养

    This article analyzes reasons for constant troubles in operation, puts forward trouble- shooting methods, and introduces corresponding normal maintenance.


  • 正确的维护与保养更好地发挥设备性能,延长设备的使用寿命所以必须定期设备进行维护保养

    The proper maintenance allows the equipment to work much more efficiently with a longer operating life, so the regular maintenance for the equipment is highly required.


  • 本文其在运行中如何加强维护保养作些探讨介绍油液污染、油液温和空气侵入危害应对措施

    The paper investigated the maintenance and service of the equipment and introduced the harm of oil pollution, over oil temperature and air invasion and their counter measures.


  • 海瑞亿仪器有限公司一家集科学器材实验仪器的销售咨询、仪器维护与保养一体的综合型企业

    Company profile: Shanghai Ray-e Instruments Co. , Ltd is an integrated enterprise that includes scientific equipment instruments sales, consulting equipment maintenance.


  • 挤出模具精度直接影响到型材质量只有注重挤出模具的维护与保养才能保证企业生产正常进行

    The precision of extrude mold affect the quality of shape directly, only attend the maintenance of extrude mold, the enterprise production can be assured to proceed normally.


  • 方法:通过对CR设备进行一系列维护保养措施,观察对比其前后的运行状况打印图像信息量改变

    Methods Moving status of CR equipment and change of image information printed were observed after one CR equipment was maintained.


  • 失效产生原因针对性逐项提出了实际生产防止失效的维护保养方法从而对提高齿轮寿命,作出了有益见解。

    Then a service and maintenance way is given to avoid failure of the larger gear in this paper. Finally author shows some help


  • 失效产生原因针对性逐项提出了实际生产中防止失效的维护保养方法从而对提高齿轮寿命,作出了有益见解

    Then a service and maintenance way is given to avoid failure of the larger gear in this paper. Finally author shows som…


  • 发动机做为汽车核心部件维护与保养显得尤其重要本文这此总结阐述了自己对发动机保养一些要点和难点。

    Engine as the core components of motor vehicles on the maintenance is particularly important, the paper concluded on this and this on its own engine maintenance on some of the points and difficulties.


  • 叙述了地观测系统、外线路维护、仪器故障的判断排除以及辅助设备维护保养以此提高观测资料质量。

    It is introduced the geoelectric system, safeguard of its circuit system, trouble clearing and AIDS protection and in order to improve the observation data.


  • 选择适合抄纸工艺造纸毛毯加强毛毯的维护保养,做好毛毯运行监控,对造纸工作者来说,是应该具备基本知识

    The paper workers should have basic knowledge such as the suitable selection of felt species, strengthen the maintenance and upkeep of felt, lead operational control for felt.


  • 通过对壳式热网加热器由于停运维护不当造成起事故进行分析,总结了若干热网加热器停运时的维护保养方法供热电厂参考。

    In this article, with the analysis of several accidents of tubular heater used in heating net due to the poor maintenance during shut-down period, the correct maintenance methods were summarized.


  • 工程部保持有效沟通合作,维护保养客房使房间一直处于一种良好状态

    To maintain effective communication with Engineering for repairing and maintaining of guest - rooms and ensure rooms are in good condition at all times.


  • 维修费统计分析开展仪器设备预防性维护保养提供可靠数据,以便提高设备使用率,同时医院节省维修费用

    To improve the utilization of the equipment and save maintenance costs for the hospital, the statistics and analysis of maintenance costs provide reliable data to carry out the preventive maintenance.


  • 确保所有要求维护保养工作准时完成尤其关注顾客密切相关工作

    Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs.


  • 开展准时完成所有要求维护保养工作尤其关注顾客密切相关工作

    Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs.


  • 技术团队人员一起管理模具寿命设置循环体系预防性维护安排模具维护保养

    Managing die life in conjunction with Technical Team Members, be establishing a system of rotation, preventative maintenance, etc. and scheduling the proper maintenance of dies.


  • 窑炉使用寿命不仅窑体的选材、施工有关,窑炉维护保养密切相关。

    The campaign life of furnace depends on not only construction and materials, but also correlates closely with care and maintenance.


  • 窑炉使用寿命不仅窑体的选材、施工有关,窑炉维护保养密切相关。

    The campaign life of furnace depends on not only construction and materials, but also correlates closely with care and maintenance.


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