• 凯思琳·维德曼并非疫苗坚定反对者,只是相信孩子通过自身免疫对抗疾病接种疫苗要好得多。

    Kathleen Wiederman is not staunchly against vaccines. She simply believes it is better for her child to naturally battle an illness than to be vaccinated against it.


  • 反对疫苗接种美国数量不断增加拥有法律学位维德曼其中员,而她却担心麻疹百日咳这样的传染性疾病会再次出现。

    Wiederman, who has a law degree, is among a growing number of Americans who oppose vaccines, raising concerns about a resurgence in contagious diseases like measles and whooping cough.


  • 西班牙俱乐部塞尔塔对外宣布,他们已经年仅17岁的希望之星尼斯.苏亚雷斯出售给了英超球队

    Celta Vigo have reached an agreement to sell highly rated 17-year-old Denis Suarez to Manchester City, the Spanish club has announced.


  • 报道今夏需要切尔西争夺阿贾克斯后卫格里高利··尔。

    According to reports Manchester City will face a battle with Chelsea FC in the summer to land Ajax defender Gregory van der Wiel.


  • 雷尔成就在于他实现了理查·汉密尔顿计划从而揭示出三流形空间深邃的结构

    What Perelman has achieved is the fulfillment of Richard Hamilton's program, thus revealing a profound structure in the space of 3-manifolds.


  • 西班牙电影《深海长眠》(THESEAINSIDE)获得最佳外语片奖。导演亚历-制片人费尔南多-拉上台领奖

    Director Alejandro Amenabar and producer Fernando Bovaira accepted the award for "The Sea Inside," which won best foreign language film.


  • 1851年11月18日,赫尔·梅尔尔的《莫比-迪克《白记》的名字首次伦敦的神学家理查·宾利出版发行。

    November 18,1851, Herman Melville's Moby-Dick is first published as The Whale by Richard Bentley of London.


  • 此外UNIVPMUB科学家其他西班牙萨拉大学格拉纳达,萨尔贝尔格莱大学的研究人员参与本项研究。

    Furthermore, as well as scientists at the UNIVPM and the UB, others from the universities of Salamanca and Granada in Spain and of Belgrade in Serbia have participated in this research study.


  • NPR记者汤姆·报道,宝拉·博另一女性发送恐吓邮件,最终揭露了丑闻

    NPR's Tom Bowman reports Paula Broadwell's alleged threatening emails to another woman, brought the scandal to light.


  • 比莉·布赫尔·梅尔一个天真年轻男人第18世纪结束英国海军服务

    Billy Budd, by Herman Melville. A naive young man is pressed into the service of the British Navy at the very end of the 18th century.


  • 纽斯为智利卡莎庄旗下主力葡萄酒品牌之一,智利本土销售外,外销英国美国日本

    Bodega Manriquez is one of the main brands of Casaverdi, a wine company of Chile. Besides the distribution in Chile, the wines are exported to England, America and Japan.


  • 里奥·费迪南今年有个后卫当选PF A年度最佳的话会是个很好的革新觉得自己队友尼亚·迪奇这个奖项强大竞争者

    Rio Ferdinand says it would make a refreshing change to see a fellow defender pick up the PFA Player of the Year award and he feels team-mate Nemanja Vidic is a strong contender for the accolade.


  • 因为受到爱尔头部冲击科尔将要医院观察24小时但是主教练早期的现象乐观的

    Kirkland will be kept in hospital for 24 hours of observation after sustaining a head injury in a challenge with Johan Elmander, but Wigan manager Roberto Martinez said the early signs were positive.


  • 埃迪尼是现如今最有才华最受欢迎演员之一,”华纳兄弟首席执行官吉格斯发言,“我们为雷梅尼加入罗琳魔法世界激动不已并表示热烈欢迎。

    "Eddie Redmayne has emerged as one of today's most extraordinarily talented and acclaimed actors, " Warner Bros. exec Greg Silverman said in a statement. "We are thrilled to welcome him into J. K.


  • 就算队长加里尔已伤愈复出后防新星卡·理查兹依然下定决心取代加里在国家队的首发位置

    MICAH RICHARDS is determined to keep his England place ahead of Gary Neville - even when the Manchester United captain is fit.


  • 拉队约翰·卡鲁的进球使坐镇主场球迷惊出了一身冷汗,还好凭借点球,阿约的神来之笔以及贝拉米最后一分钟进球成功拿下三分

    Carlos Tevez's penalty, Emmanuel Adebayor's smart finish and Craig Bellamy's last-minute strike gave City victory over a Villa side who had stunned the home fans by taking the lead through John Carew.


  • 拉队约翰·卡鲁的进球使坐镇主场球迷惊出了一身冷汗,还好凭借点球,阿约的神来之笔以及贝拉米最后一分钟进球成功拿下三分

    Carlos Tevez's penalty, Emmanuel Adebayor's smart finish and Craig Bellamy's last-minute strike gave City victory over a Villa side who had stunned the home fans by taking the lead through John Carew.


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