• 大部分的基因学者已经修正他们方向提高统计标准其他领域仍然需要清理门户,埃尼迪斯

    Geneticists have mostly mended their ways, tightening statistical criteria, but other fields still need to clean house, Ioannidis says.


  • 由于个国家统计结果修正下调,所以导致了总体数量的下降。

    This has resulted in the totals for several countries being revised downwards.


  • 自我报告的肺结核接触修正了原有人口统计资料情况,从而将家庭拥挤程度母亲教育水平较低包括在内。

    Self-reported TB contact modified the profile to include household crowding and low mother’s education.


  • 这次修正英国国家统计局有史以来最大一次修正原因工程及服务业估计的有更改。

    The revision is one of the biggest ever made by the ons and it said the reasons were changes to its estimate of the construction and services sectors.


  • 博闻分析人士都知道购买力平价数据不是衡量一个国家潜在军事实力好方法,修正后的中国购买力平价统计数据来看整个问题不再具有讨论价值。

    Well-informed analysts know that PPP calculations are a poor measure of a country's potential military base, but with the corrected China PPP statistics, the whole question is moot.


  • 劳工统计这份报告中也包括了对前年数据修正虽然就业增长看起来好过之前,但就业水平显得更糟了

    The BLS included its annual revision of the previous year's data in this report, and while job growth over the year looks stronger than before, the level of employment looks worse.


  • 国家统计发布全国GDP并不直接基于各省GDP数字,而是尝试修正某些倾向

    The nationwide gross domestic product figures published by the National Bureau of Statistics are not directly based on the provincial GDP figures and attempt to correct for some of their biases.


  • 居民调查基于60000住户这么一个样本这个统计得出的数据不固定而且从来都不尽兴任何修正

    The household survey is based on a much smaller sample of 60,000 households which is volatile and never revised.


  • 11月15日欧洲统计机构欧洲联盟统计修正希腊去年预算赤字,该赤字高达15.4%。

    On November 15th Eurostat, the European statistics agency, revised Greece's budget shortfall for last year up to 15.4%.


  • 尽管艾滋病患者估计数今年作了修正,但这一数据属于精确统计数据。

    In spite of this year's revision, the Numbers for HIV are some of the best we've got. '.


  • 英国统计发布2010年2季度修正GDP增速,2季度GDP增速一个之前发布的初始统计值1.1%提升至1.2%。

    The Office for National Statistics' second estimate for growth showed GDP rose a quarterly 1.2% between April and June, up from its initial estimate of 1.1% released a month ago.


  • 缺陷修正外部改变本地文件面板自动更新状态中的文件统计更新。

    Bug fix: file statistics on status bar was not updated with automatic update of local file panel on external change.


  • 最新的文献表明这个提出修正检验统计量在假设下的分布比较简单并且容易应用的。

    It is shown that the asymptotic null distribution of the modified likelihood ratio test proposed is derived and found to be relatively simple and easily applied.


  • 对C波段实测雷达海数据进行统计分析,分析杂波“拖尾”特性构造修正方差检验法

    C band real radar sea-clutter data were analyzed and the modified mean square difference test for analyzing the "tail" of clutter was constructed.


  • 基于数据统计模式提出了针对城市蜂窝的模式修正场强传播损耗预测方法

    A new propagation prediction method for urban microcellular systems is presented based on measurement data and statistic model.


  • 迭代主要是以数理统计函数法为基础来建立修正方程,阐述罚函数法和最小方差法等修正方法。

    The iterative methods ate mostly based on the statistics and the penalty function, including the penalty function methods and the minimum variance methods etc.


  • 统计分布规律出发,讨论了简并非简并情况下载流子等异同,提出简并条件下需采用费米分布来修正迁移等。

    First, in the paper the migration rate is amended on the basis of the statistical distribution and the better transient response models are put forward.


  • 本文采用能量统计分布方法研究微机械悬臂噪声模型热机械噪声理论模型进行了拓展修正使适用于低温高频条件。

    A modified model of thermal-mechanical noise is developed to make it adaptable to the micromechanical cantilever in high frequency or low temperature.


  • 尽管艾滋病患者估计数今年作了修正,但这一数据仍属于精确统计数据。

    In spite of this year's revision, the Numbers for HIV are some of the best we've got.


  • 统计学家们正在努力消除错误数据影响修正人口数字

    Statisticians are trying to strip the results of the corrupted data and revise the figures.


  • 通过试验结果统计分析,得到用声波时差表示的模式,若用于现场预测钻速时,还须根据钻井条件身结构对钻速模式进行修正

    By analyzing the results of the tests, a penetration rate mode is derivated. The mode could be modified upon field drilling conditions and casing programme.


  • 修正大型发电机导线角部最大场强经验公式,提出了合理的计算公式。

    The conventional empirical formula to calculate the maximum electrical intensity at conductor circular corner for large generators is modified, and a more reasonable formula is developed.


  • 微观统计角度出发,通过岩石细观力学的分析、综合,修正前人的研究成果,从而建立温度—应力耦合下的盐岩损伤方程。

    Based on previous studies and with the relation of statistical mechanics and fractal rock mechanics, the damage formulation of the coupled damage of temperature and mechanics is deducted.


  • 医学一瞥统计提供简明可达到介绍修正几次复杂主题帮助

    Medical Statistics at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction to and revision aid for this complex subject.


  • 根据腹板厚度螺栓端板强度影响,对板强度T形件方法进行修正

    The traditional T-STUB member calculation method was modified, considering the effects of the bolt and the thickness of the beam web and the end plate on the strength of the end plate.


  • 上个月美国官方统计学家修正他们对2004 - 2006GDP增长率估算平均每年下降0.3%。

    Late last month America's official statisticians cut their estimates of GDP growth by an average of 0.3 percentage points a year for the three years to 2006.


  • 统计上得到修正因子周期变率关系

    There is a power law relation between the modificatory factor and the time derivative of the period.


  • 系统缺陷追踪方面,采用IBM测试管理工具(UVATS),进行缺陷统计、追踪修正

    The system defect management, by using the IBM test management tool (UVATS), carrying on the covariance of blemish and tracking and revising.


  • 系统缺陷追踪方面,采用IBM测试管理工具(UVATS),进行缺陷统计、追踪修正

    The system defect management, by using the IBM test management tool (UVATS), carrying on the covariance of blemish and tracking and revising.


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