• 清代新疆自乾隆统一之后一个半世纪内,一直重要的流放地。

    Xinjiang was an important penal colony for 150 years after the Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.


  • 东西柏林统一之后,柏林洪堡大学经历根本性重组所有教授必须重新申请他们职位

    Today after the unification of East and West Germany, the university got through a radical restructuring and all professors had to reapply for their positions.


  • 除了民调一些知名文化人士艺术名流,也不吝对两德统一之后暴露的种种弊端大加挞伐

    In addition to public surveys, various cultural and artistic figures have not held back in unleashing all sorts of abuse since reunification.


  • 东西德统一之后整整二十过去了,作为欧盟最大的财主,德国已经开始主张自己的权利,而且不再感到有取悦他人的必要了。

    Fully 20 years after reunification, Germany is asserting its interests as the union's chief paymaster, and no longer feels the need to please.


  • 这些不满1990年德国统一之后留下的余音,当时耗资极其庞大,如一副重担压国家肩头,不得不再十年重获竞争优势

    These discontents are reverberations from German unification in 1990, which saddled the country with gargantuan costs and led to a decade-long quest to regain competitiveness.


  • 德国民众难以置信打通二十之后统一德国首都的一道消退中的伤疤

    Twenty years after Germans crowded disbelievingly through the wall, it is a fading scar in the capital of a united Germany.


  • 三个多星期之后共和党领导人统一达成一项权力分享协议北爱尔兰纽里法院大型汽车炸弹爆炸时,没有受到伤害。

    Less than three weeks after unionist and republican leaders in Northern Ireland reached a power-sharing deal, a large car-bomb exploded outside a courthouse in the town of Newry. No one was injured.


  • 意大利离开之后统治20之久的国王伊德里斯一世领头的君主政体,对成就一个统一利比亚没有丝毫兴趣。

    And the monarchy - headed by King Idris I, who showed no love for ruling a unified Libya - had for almost 20 years largely left matters as they were when the Italians left.


  • 之后磁盘操作系统为提供一种统一方式通过BIOS连接程序硬件

    Later, it was the Disk Operating System which came along and provided a consistent way for programs to interface with hardware through the BIOS.


  • 物理学统一有着悠久的历史:19世纪电学磁场学统一之后人们发现质能可以相互转化;

    Unification in physics has a long history – electricity and magnetism were unified in the 1800s, and later mass and energy were found to be interchangeable.


  • 自从引入软件服务统一建模语言(uml) 2.0概要文件之后描述服务建模语言思想已经实现了

    The idea of having a modeling language for describing services has been realized since introducing the Software services Unified modeling language (UML) 2.0 profile.


  • 食品行业试图在“聪明选择之后卷土重来时,IOM已经着手研究如何在包装正面统一标签了。

    Even as the food industry has attempted to regroup after Smart Choices, the IOM work on developing recommendations for consistent front-of-pack guidance has proceeded.


  • BIOS工作大部分会被忽略掉操作加载scsi驱动程序之后,就自行扫描scsi总线

    The work the BIOS did is mostly ignored; the operating system, once it loads a SCSI driver, will do its own scan of the SCSI bus.


  • 甚至消极剧本里这样声音都会所有其他的论调全部淹没:扩大之后将会来者一个更大的话语空间的权利。同时他们不会为了统一的和谐而让渡出去属于自己的优势

    Even in a negative scenario, such voices would struggle to win all their arguments: enlargement has given the newcomers a big say, and they are not about to harmonise away all their advantages.


  • 统一桌面尚未成熟时候,人们可能大量实验之后发现不得不抛弃Dashboard

    In the immature genre of unified desktops, Dashboard might well turn out to be the one you make to throw away after a sufficient amount of experimentation has been achieved.


  • 有幸成为了可以参会人员中的名,并且报道哥本哈根气候大会开幕式(缔约方第15次会议),这次会议的目标希望各缔约国在《京都议定书》之后能够达到一个新的统一认识。

    I am one of those lucky 15, 000, here to cover the opening of the Copenhagen climate conference (COP15), which is supposed to hash out some sort of agreement to follow the Kyoto protocol.


  • 在1901年之后杀害德国驻华大使八国联盟进入我国作为一个统一军事力量进行了第二

    In1901, following the murder of the German Ambassador, the Eight-NationAlliance entered China as a united military force for the second time.


  • 企业统一过程过渡期之后生产阶段

    In the Enterprise Unified Process the Transition phase is followed by a Production phase.


  • 聋人经历数百压抑之后产生一种聋人紧密结合在一起文化,聋文化的语言统一让今天的聋人颇感自豪。

    After hundreds of years of repression, Deaf people are now proud of their language and the unity they feel in having a culture that binds them together.


  • 我们可以某个问题意见不统一讨论这个事情之后,我们还能握手,一起咖啡。

    So we can hammer out a point of disagreement but thenshake hands and go for a coffee.


  • 之后房间里统一一个共同理解上于是模型第一个草案产生了。

    After a while, the people in the room converge on a common understanding, and a first draft of the domain model emerges.


  • 第一元世祖忽必烈统一战争结束,确下令拆毁南方城市的城墙,拆毁之后严禁重修。

    First, Yuanshizhu Emperor Kublai Khan ended after the unification war, firmly once issued an order south demolishing the city city wall, after demolishing strictly prohibited repairing.


  • 尽管目前关于断裂性质的问题还没有完全统一作者认为郯庐断裂的性质为晚寒武之后形成的走滑断裂

    Even there are different views about the Tan-Lu Fault's characters, the author think that the Tan-Lu Fault is a huge transcurrent fault which was formed after the Cambrian.


  • 签署巴黎协定之后越并没有立即采用军事手段统一南方

    After signing the Paris Agreement, North Vietnam didn't conquer the South Vietnam by force at once.


  • 签署巴黎协定之后越并没有立即采用军事手段统一南方

    After signing the Paris Agreement, North Vietnam didn't conquer the South Vietnam by force at once.


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