• 对象绘制字符串直线圆弧椭圆许多其他形状方法

    Object has methods to draw points, strings, lines, arcs, ellipses, and many other shapes.


  • 对于其中参数曲线生成目前算法绘制曲线的过程中会出现绘制点疏密不均的现象。

    For the pixel-level generation of parametric curves, we find that the point densities chosen by the existing algorithms are not even along the curves.


  • 例如绘制圆形,在中心周围创建半径逐渐减少的阿尔法混合圆形可以获得优美的渐变效果。

    For example, when drawing a circle, create decreasing radius and alpha-blended circles around the main point for a nice fade-out effect.


  • 使用这些像素坐标我们可以绘制这些为起直线,重新设定直线颜色连接直线、颜色填充周围区域或者GD 可以执行的任何其他操作。

    With these pixel coordinates, we can draw lines emanating from the the points, recolor them, connect them, fill the surrounding area with color, or anything else GD can do.


  • 空间定义颜色只有几个stroke用来更改颜色,point用于绘制像素

    A few colors are defined for the space, stroke is used to change colors, and point is used to draw a pixel.


  • line函数接受四个参数代表在其间绘制线条

    The line function takes four arguments, representing the points between which a line is drawn.


  • 本质上索引目的返回一个绘制面上已知对应的

    Basically, the purpose of this indexer is to return a point corresponding to a given row and column on the drawing surface. Follow these steps.


  • GRAIL号根据类似名叫Grace地球重力绘制任务制造的,Grace号也是利用了拉格郎日

    GRAIL is closely based on a similar Earth-gravity mapping mission called Grace, which also made use of a Lagrange Point.


  • 很多时候人们不会注意因为他们认为不同明暗绿色绘制了图所以草地图块,我可以铺满任何想铺的地方。 我该继续画下一个图块。”

    A lot of the time they don't really notice it because they simply think "I have random green dots in a tile, so this is a grass tile, and I can just throw it all over the place...


  • 如果绘制图像的第一数据起始数据不是100%,如果我们后面同步变化的拖动到一起会怎么样?

    Rather than anchoring our projected values to the first data point of 100%, what happens if we anchor against a later point in the plot?


  • 讨论该解决方案地图绘制部分之前,需要了解如何一个简单的三个字母字符串(den)转换地图

    Before I can get to the mapping part of the solution, you need to understand how a simple three-letter string like DEN gets converted to a point on a map.


  • 但是第二个一些没有起来,它不是条线加上是绘制了,抱歉每个圈圈

    But figure two has not connected the dots, not drawn a line, it's actually planted each, or plotted, excuse me, each point as a red circle.


  • 所以,空中每一细微光亮代表宇宙史上的不同也是文学家能够绘制出宇宙进化的原因。

    So all those tiny points of light represent different points in time and that's how astronomers can build a picture of how the Universe has evolved.


  • LRO太空飞行器31英里高度月球飞行,设计该飞行器的目的绘制空前详细月球表面地图帮助确定未来载人飞行任务可能着陆

    Orbiting the moon at an altitude of just 31 miles, the LRO spacecraft is designed to map the lunar surface in unprecedented detail to help identify possible landing sites for future manned missions.


  • 所以,空中每一细微光亮代表宇宙史上不同也是文学家能够绘制出宇宙进化的原因。

    So all those tiny points of light represent different points of time in the history of the Universe and that's how astronomers can build a picture of how the Universe has evolved.


  • 为了补偿我们添加了支持允许容器定期地(比如每隔0.1)重新绘制它自己

    To compensate for this we added support to allow the parent container to periodically (say every 0.1 second) repaint itself.


  • 例如给出一个集合{10,20,30,40},立刻就可以知道绘制4因为集合中包含4个元素

    For example, given a set {10, 20, 30, 40}, you immediately know that you want to plot four points because the set contains four elements.


  • 如图4所示,包容问题解决方案绘制条从所关注的开始水平线

    As you see in Figure 4, The solution to the point-in-polygon problem is to draw a horizontal line starting at the point in question.


  • errorlines样式相似的绘制的y轴之间绘制线段

    The errorlines style is similar, but it also draws line segments between the y-points plotted.


  • 最后我们Header方法标题底部绘制了一黑线,一直穿过页面内容区域

    Finally, our header method draws a two-point black line all the way across the page's content area at the bottom of the header.


  • 该图显示绘制三个象限中的兴趣

    Graph shows points of interest plotted in three quadrants.


  • rect函数绘制一个矩形并且定义位置后面两个则分别定义宽度高度

    The rect function draws a rectangle, with the first two points defining the location and the next two defining width and height, respectively.


  • 为了使用 Draw2D进行绘图,事实上必须创建一个图形定义将要绘制线

    To plot a graph in Draw2D, you must first create a graph virtually that will define the points and lines to be plotted.


  • 知道,我绘制4个但是一眼过去,我会以为只有3个

    That in particular, I know I plotted four points, but it a quick glance it looks like they're only three.


  • 然而中国反对这个意见绘制自己地图9状岛屿构成的岛链勾勒出中国所宣称的版图。

    China, however, objected to that submission and tabled its own map, with nine dotted lines outlining its claim.


  • 头部模型确定头发生长区域头发的生长采用分层模型生成和绘制粒子

    The growth area and growth points of hairs are defined from the head model, and layered model is used to gene - rate and draw particles.


  • 方法绘制经过数组每个基数样条

    This method draws a cardinal spline that passes through each point in the array.


  • 其中图形库模块主要完成系统流程画面动态实时趋势显示绘制编辑

    The graphics module mostly completes protract and edit of flow menu, dynamic drop and real time trend display in system.


  • 如果我们绘制百分比过冲上升时间表,我们得到一系列每个对应一个不同的PID增益

    If we plot percent overshoot versus rise time we will generate a series of points, each of which corresponds to a different set of PID gains.


  • 幸存者数据里删除之前这个男孩也是米煞绘制疑似克隆中的一

    Before the survivors had been removed from the data, this boy had been one of the dots on Mshak's scatter graph of likely clones.


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