• 操作简捷。画面清晰结果公平公正玩家乐此不疲。

    Limpid, finally impartial operation tableau justice simple and direct makes the play family always enjoy it.


  • 教育机会平等主要三个层次起点公平过程公平结果公平

    The opportunity equity of the education includes three arrangements of ideas mainly: starting equity, process equity and result equity.


  • 因子分析结果表明感知公平包括结果公平程序公平交互公平三个维度

    The factor analysis shows that the perceived justice has three dimensions which are distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice.


  • 机会公平结果公平都和效率矛盾关系但是长期来看二者有一致的方面。

    There is contradiction between equity and efficiency. But they would consist with each other in the long run.


  • 效率公平具有内在统一性机会公平提高社会整体效率,社会整体效率促进结果公平

    Performance and fairness are inner unison: the fairness of opportunities can increase social whole performance; and the latter also promotes result fairness.


  • 同时本文强调公平事件控制结果公平程序公平组织公平三个方面论述公平问题

    Besides, this dissertation emphasizes control on unfair incident also, from result fair, procedure fair and organization fair, the fair problem is described.


  • 当前必须正确把握处理效率结果公平关系确保社会在获得较高效率的同时逐步趋向结果公平

    At present, we must correctly grasp and deal with the relation between efficiency and the result fairness, and guarantee that the...


  • 为体现公平内涵本文交通公平定义有限道路资源条件下,为出行者提供对出行目的可达性的均等,考虑个体之间的差别存在,交通公平的含义是机会公平而不是结果公平

    After analyzing those three concepts, this part gives a clear meaning of the word of equity and presents the definition of transportation equity based on what equity means in transportation field.


  • 为什么同意特定程序即使是一个公平程序,证明该程序的运行产生任何结果是正当的?

    Why does agreement to a certain procedure, even a fair procedure, justify whatever result flows from the operation of that procedure?


  • 分配奖励方式应该透明公开的,这样员工就会认为奖励或者说结果公平的,并且付出相等

    The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given.


  • 尽管不能完全保证,但是集中控制集体组织可以产生更顺畅公平结果

    Central control and collective organisation can produce smoother and fairer outcomes, though even that much is never guaranteed.


  • 这种结果孩子来说并不总是公平有时候,他们只是证明,大人的观点不一定正确

    The result isn't always fair to our kids, who sometimes just want the chance to prove us wrong for once.


  • 不同态度公平其它的态度是一样的时候,结果均衡的。

    The result would be an equilibrium in which various attitudes to fairness do just as well as each other.


  • 公平来说,CT(计算机层析成像扫描)的检查结果通常高级外科医生的诊断观点更为正确,对于病人具有意义,因为总是希望医生在给你做手术百分百的把握。

    In fairness, CT results can be often better than even a senior surgeon'smedical opinion. It also makes sense for patients: you want your surgeon to bedarn sure before they operate on you.


  • 因此,几个丈夫情人看见苔丝受到欺负,感到不公平,就化解这场吵,帮着苔丝说了几句话;但是他们努力结果,却是更加战事激化了。

    Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her; but the result of that attempt was directly to increase the war.


  • 围绕这些关切问题来工作,则公共卫生政策健康结果更加公平途径方面寻求共识部分内容

    Taking these concerns on board is part of the quest for consensus on ways to make public health policies, and health outcomes, more equitable.


  • 阿里巴巴部分雅虎持股避免负面丑闻和提供更加公平搜索结果上享有更好的声誉

    Alibaba, part owned by Yahoo, has a much better reputation for providing fair search results without scandal.


  • 我们得到教训是,如果没有提供服务公平系统,特效干预措施购置这些措施资金不能买到更好健康结果

    As we learned, powerful interventions and the money to purchase them will not buy better health outcomes in the absence of equitable systems for delivery.


  • 世界银行首席经济学家尼古拉斯·斯特恩认为重要发达国家坎昆谈判中争取公平谈判结果方面起带头作用。

    World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern believes it is important for the rich countries to take the lead in negotiating a fair outcome to the Cancun negotiations.


  • 最终结果就是一个公平史实-尽管如果公平就可能平淡一些的风险

    The net result is a fairer story—though when books try to be fair there's always a risk of being bland, says Thalia Dragona, a Greek educational psychologist.


  • 2的比分看似公平结果似乎也不能决赛中力挺荷兰——不过这个荷兰来说可能好事。

    The 3-2 scoreline seems like a fair result, but it does nothing to make you rate Holland the favorite in the final-which for the Dutch is probably a good thing.


  • 系统收到一个搜索请求应该某种随机排列标准为根据结果进行排序,这样所有供应商才是公平和平等的。

    If a search order is required (it will be) then it should be fair and equal to all suppliers based on some form of random order.


  • 首先我要说虽然米兰周五晚上仅仅收获了平局认为支球队来说一个公平结果因为双方都有幸运躲过了对手的必杀。

    I want to start off by saying that although Milan drew Friday night I believed it was a fair result for both teams as we were lucky to escape from two clear cut chances, as were they.


  • 委员会显示卫生公平现象全球国家地方级运转复杂系统结果

    The Commission demonstrated that health inequities are the result of a complex system operating at global, national and local levels.


  • 不要抱怨生活多么公平,你一直可以视为选择孩子结果

    Instead of complaining about how unfair life is you could always look on it as a result of your choice to have a child.


  • 不过想想也许利物浦市民本身有关系,这样也许公平但是研究队伍向南重新实验得出的是相似的结果

    Thinking, perhaps unfairly, that this might be something to do with Liverpudlians, they moved south and repeated the test, only to find similar results.


  • 内容提供者希望搜索结果中获得良好展示位置无需承担超过平等分配成本来支持搜索引擎,也无需面对来自搜索引擎的公平竞争

    Content providers want favorable placement in search results without paying more than their fair share of the costs of supporting search and without facing unfair competition from search engines.


  • 我们看到指导公共卫生领域国际工作相同原则保证卫生结果公平实现这种公平共同承担责任

    We see the same principles guiding international work in public health: a commitment to fairness in health outcomes and collective responsibility for its pursuit.


  • 我们看到指导公共卫生领域国际工作相同原则保证卫生结果公平实现这种公平共同承担责任

    We see the same principles guiding international work in public health: a commitment to fairness in health outcomes and collective responsibility for its pursuit.


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