• 论文歧义分为大类词汇歧义语法歧义语义结构歧义

    This thesis classifies three kinds of ambiguity: lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity and semantical ambiguity.


  • 本文综述了几种主要歧义词汇歧义结构歧义语用歧义

    This paper discusses several kinds of ambiguity in general at first, such as lexical ambiguity, structural ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity.


  • 歧义语言本身所固有特征分为语音歧义,词汇歧义结构歧义

    Ambiguity is an inherent property of language. It can be divided into phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.


  • 汉语语义结构歧义探讨语法形式语法意义之间复杂对应关系最佳切入点之一

    Usually we call this kind of ambiguous semantic structure ambiguity. It is one of the furthest points to seek the complex corresponding relationship between grammatical forms and grammatical meanings.


  • 语义结构歧义指的一个语言片段中表层句法结构相同深层语义结构关系不同的歧义样式。

    The English structural ambiguity is a commonly appeared ambiguity because the sentence is with the same surface structure, but with two or more than two deep structures.


  • 第二情况里会有不同水手,而第一例子只有水手,所有女生喜爱就是结构歧义

    Okay so in the second case there are lots of different sailors in the first one there's only one sailor who is loved by all the girls. So that's a structural ambiguity.


  • 本文语音歧义词汇歧义语境歧义语法结构歧义四个方面对英汉语言歧义现象进行了比较分析。

    This paper will discuss ambiguity between English and Chinese from sound ambiguity, vocabulary ambiguity, context ambiguity and grammar structure ambiguity.


  • 汉语介词结构边界歧义汉语结构歧义突出现象之一汉语的句法分析带来了很大困难

    Right boundary ambiguity of Chinese prepositional phrase is one of the most important phenomena in Chinese structure ambiguities, which made Chinese syntax analyzing very difficult.


  • 根据歧义来源将歧义句分为“”字结构歧义移位造成的歧义逻辑歧义三类提出采取不同的手段消除歧义

    This article discusses possible means for eliminating the syntactical ambiguity from three aspects: the ambiguity of the structure of "DE", that of shifting in deep structure and that of logic form.


  • 使用一种组合型概率评价函数解决英语句法分析过程中面临结构歧义问题综合考虑句法分析时的结构特性上下文信息

    This paper deals with the structure ambiguity problem by using a combined probability evaluation function, which employs the sentence structure features and context information during English parsing.


  • 结构歧义产生有很多原因,原型范畴理论图形背景理论基点对英语结构歧义的成因进行认知分析不失为结构歧义研究的另一新视角

    The article makes a cognitive analysis on English structural ambiguity in terms of archetype-category theory and figure-ground theory so as to provide a new perspective for structural ambiguity study.


  • 引入了语义相关度计算为了解决句法分析中的结构歧义

    Semantic relevancy computation is used to solve structural disambiguity in parsing syntactic.


  • 名称空间解决赋予XML元素名称可能发生的歧义结构

    Namespaces are a structure that addresses possible ambiguities when giving names to XML elements.


  • 结构确保一种没有歧义的、一致的方式文本标记内容进行序列化。

    This structure ensures that plain text and markup content is serialized in an unambiguous and consistent way.


  • 转换名词词组过程有些信息丢失,因而名物化结构产生歧义

    During the process of converting a clause into a noun phrase, some information is lost and ambiguity may arise.


  • 歧义结构义项认知理解频率往往不平衡的。

    The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure.


  • 英语VP省略结构具有三个典型特征严格松散释义歧义、局部性效应淘汰效应。

    VP ellipsis constructions in English exhibit three typical properties, which are strict and sloppy interpretation ambiguity, locality effect and the eliminative effect.


  • 这种歧义化学结构计算机处理带来了困难

    Such an ambiguity brings troubles for the computer handling of chemical structures.


  • 英语名词短语结构可以包含多个修饰语中心词,结构关系具有可变性不确定性因而极易产生歧义

    A noun phrase can consist of more than one key nouns and modifiers, which makes the structural relationship variable and indefinite, and so it can easily cause ambiguity.


  • 我们前人解释提出质疑,认为一个歧义结构句子,存在不同层次分析的可能性。

    We have questioned the notes made by the precursors and think this sentence is an ambiguous one and has the possibility of being analyzed from different levels.


  • 歧义语言结构形式意义之间特殊关系,具有一个以上意义的同一结构形式就是歧义的。

    Ambiguity is a special relationship between a linguistic structural form and its meaning. A structural form which conveys more than one meaning is ambiguous.


  • 语言歧义现象引起广泛的关注,歧义结构化解翻译仍无定法。

    The ambiguous phenomena in language has been widely taken into consideration, but it has not yet definite solutions to how to decode and translate them into another language.


  • 一般认为汉语句法结构产生歧义的首要原因是句法结构层次不同句法结构关系不同。

    It is widely accepted that ambiguity in syntactic structure results from the different syntactic levels and syntactic relations in an ambiguous syntactic structure.


  • 本文问卷调查形式考察分析了歧义结构相对歧义绝对歧义度。

    In this paper, the writer investigates and analyzes the relative ambiguity grade and absolute ambiguity grade of the ambiguous structures by means of questionnaire.


  • 语义结构分析比较有效地分解歧义从而较为全面地显示语法研究中的生命力和解释力。

    The analysis of semantic structure can interpret the ambiguity in a comparatively effective way, which shows its importance in grammar research.


  • 今文《尚书》中存在数量众多歧义结构这些歧义结构造成本书读的主要原因之一。

    There are numerous ambiguity structures in the modern script of Collection of Ancient Texts from which the difficulty of reading of this book mainly resulted.


  • 歧义度即指 歧义结构强弱程度,根据歧义结构之间歧义语感的轻重可分为相对歧义绝对歧义度。

    This paper deals with the formation of English structural ambiguity, analyzes its causes and suggests the way to eliminate ambiguity in the application of English.


  • 化合物分子一种以上不同形式化学结构式来表示现象称之为化学结构表示的歧义

    The phenomenon that one compound can be represented by more than one structural diagrams is called ambiguity of chemical structure.


  • 化合物分子一种以上不同形式化学结构式来表示现象称之为化学结构表示的歧义

    The phenomenon that one compound can be represented by more than one structural diagrams is called ambiguity of chemical structure.


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