• 梅根不会结束调查

    Megan:Im not going to stop.


  • 首相卡梅伦承诺公开调查要在警方结束调查之后进行。

    David Cameron, the prime minister, promised a public inquiry but not until the police end their investigation.


  • 是否警察最终结束调查时,他说,“谋杀案(调查)是没有时间限制。”

    When I asked if he thought the police would eventually drop their investigation he said “There’s no statute of limitations on murder.”


  • 不可页面结束调查因为页面其它页面,该页面调查主页面。

    The survey cannot end on this page because it has pages after it, or it is a main page of the survey.


  • 周二佛罗里达州高速公路巡警结束调查,给伍兹一张疏忽驾驶的传票,罚款164美元,驾照积分将被扣四分

    On Tuesday, the Florida Highway Patrol closed its investigation and issued Woods a citation for careless driving, for which he will receive a 4 fine and four points against his driver's license.


  • 调查1000名18岁以下孩子母亲后研究发现,大多数情况下,妈妈们从早上7开始日常工作,到晚上11左右结束

    After questioning 1,000 mothers with children under 18, it found that, on most days, mums started their routine work at 7am and finished at around 11pm.


  • 因此很多人相信这些指控的调查结果就是三星受到一点轻微的惩罚而结束

    So many believe the investigations into the accusations will end with Samsung receiving a slap on the wrist, at worst.


  • 布朗下议院讲话时说,既然英国伊拉克军事任务已经结束,现在是对战争进行彻底调查时候

    Speaking before the House of Commons, Mr. Brown said since British military operations in Iraq have ended, the time had come for a thorough inquiry into the war.


  • 缴纳罚金声明发出,受调查终于结束的乐观情绪推动通用股票上涨

    GE's stock actually rose following the announcement, driven upwards by relief that the investigation was finally over.


  • 摩托车周二时还医院里,而头驴子的事故中受了伤目前它被关在阿劳卡的动物待领所,直到调查结束它才能被放出来。

    The motorcyclist remained in the hospital on Tuesday. The donkey, whose legs were hurt in the crash, is being held at a pound in Arauca till the investigation is concluded.


  • 这份原始调查结束之后谷歌将数据名员工业绩表现25单独衡量标准作对比。

    The data from this initial survey was then compared with 25 separate measures of each employee’s performance.


  • 美国金融机构已经禁止银行进行任何交易调查结束后,汇业银行陷于崩溃。

    American financial institutions were barred from dealing with the bank, which has collapsed as a result of the investigation.


  • 调查显示基金经理们认为美元或结束长期跌势

    Some survey results suggest managers are looking for the dollar to end its long slide.


  • 他们俩在调查结束不会知道背叛事情

    Each one is assured that the other would not know about the betrayal before the end of the investigation.


  • 验尸官办公室重申杰克逊死的完整报告要待警方调查结束公布。

    The coroner's office reiterated that it was withholding its full report on Mr. Jackson's death pending the police investigation.


  • 尽管有人担心这个春天普京离任将会挑起前所未有资产瓜分,《Finans》杂志的调查似乎显示这场狂欢结束十分遥远。

    While there have been fears that Putin's departure from the presidency this spring would provoke a fresh carve-up of assets, the Finans survey seems to suggest that the party is far from over.


  • 制药业顾问、曾FDA邀请参与2008年调查的普莱斯(GilPrice)他们宣布调查结束不过从来没有公布的。

    'they declared their investigation was over, but they never said who did it,' said Gil Price, a drug industry consultant who was asked by the FDA to help the 2008 investigation.


  • 只有控方证据在媒体上被宣传,有的是通过合法途径(泄漏)有的是通过合法方式(司法调查结束之后),但都对被告方处境不利。

    The publication of only the prosecution’s evidence, illegally (through leaks) or legally (when the investigation ends), handicaps defendants.


  • 没有人员伤亡而且市内那些壮丽宏伟的建筑无一坍塌(尽管此次水灾所造成具体损坏情况等到调查结束后方可知晓,该调查于12月15开始)。

    Nobody was hurt, he said, and none of the city's glorious buildings had collapsed (though how much damage was done will not be clear until a survey starting on December 15th is completed).


  • 调查深入,直到于1965年现场目击两个凶手被处以绞刑之后,调查才算结束

    There is the depth of his research, which he carried on to the end as a witness at the killers' hanging in 1965.


  • 问题是,该不该斯塔尔调查发起抨击,并且说是时候这个调查结束了。

    The question was whether I should also take a shot at Starr’s investigation and say it was time to end it.


  • 志愿者们详细填写调查评估了从研究开始至三个月结束他们睡眠质量疲乏状况生活质量

    Volunteers answered detailed questionnaires to assess changes in their sleep, fatigue and quality of life at the start and end of the three-month study.


  • 七分之一调查承认他们手机短信结束了上次恋情其中28%男人16%的女人表示用短信结束恋情是因为对方不够重视

    One in seven respondents admitted to ending their last relationship by text, while 28 per cent of men and 16 per cent of women said they had simply ignored the person they were dumping.


  • 这项新的研究研究延后上学半个小时会产生影响研究开始和三个月后研究结束时候学生们要求填写调查问卷

    This new study looks in more detail at the effect of a half-hour delay on school start time by asking students to fill in questionnaires at the start and end of the three-month study.


  • 研究人员任务结束发现,从失真欺骗的角度评价关于欺骗的态度情侣关系的满意度调查

    The researchers at the end of the task then administered an infidelity cheating scale that measured attitudes about cheating, and a relationship satisfaction survey.


  • 研究人员任务结束发现,从失真欺骗的角度评价关于欺骗的态度情侣关系的满意度调查

    The researchers at the end of the task then administered an infidelity cheating scale that measured attitudes about cheating, and a relationship satisfaction survey.


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