• 黄色的鲜花代表欺骗或者结束段关系

    Yellow blooms signify deceit or a relationship break-up.


  • 如何结束一段关系比起具体主仆关系这个问题有普遍意义。

    The first, which is more a human question than one specific to DS or SM, asks how to end any relationship.


  • 现在太多的方式结束一段关系无论是公开还是私人的,其中多数方法都虚拟的。

    There are now many more ways to break up -- both in public and in private -- and many of them are virtual.


  • 放弃关系并不注定要结束一段关系因为从某种意义讲,意味着人生更好章节就要开始了。

    Letting go of a relationship doesn't always mean that it is the end because somehow, it signifies that a better chapter of your life is about to start.


  • 科学家们认为,在结束关系女性往往要男性承受更多情感上的伤害,好消息,女性往往要比男性恢复更快

    Scientists believe that women actually suffer more emotionally than men when a relationship comes to an end. But the good news is that they bounce back much faster.


  • 尼日利亚不幸插曲感到高兴——英联邦关系现在结束,尼日利亚正在恢复英联邦的合法地位。

    I am delighted for an unfortunate episode in NigeriaCommonwealth relations will now come to an end and Nigeria is resuming its rightful place in the Commonwealth.


  • 但是如果不起勇气结束一段糟糕关系,黎明的曙光可能还无尽的黑夜中不可及。

    However, if you haven't summoned up the bravery to end a bad relationship, the light at the end of the tunnel might seem impossibly far away.


  • 所以自己温柔些,就对待刚刚结束一段重要关系朋友

    So be as gentle with yourself as you would a friend who just ended a primary relationship.


  • 比如很长的情感关系刚刚有悖意愿结束了,这种痛苦的、最近受到拒绝的经历,可能个让踌躇不前原因

    A painful, recent rejection - a long relationship ending suddenly against his wishes, perhaps - might be one reason why he's hesitant to put himself on the line.


  • 我们那时都结束一段认真关系,还在学校走廊里聊这件事。我们约好两个朋友共进晚餐但是没有多什么

    We fixed up to go round to dinner with two of his friends but it didn't cross my mind that anything would happen.


  • 只要段关系结束不管是恋情还是商业活动,当面沟通总是最佳途径。小企业咨询顾问、《追求心仪的职业》(CourtingYour Career)作者肖恩格雷厄姆

    Whenever a relationship ends, whether in a romantic or business context, an in-person conversation is best, says Shawn Graham, a small business consultant and author of Courting Your Career.


  • 感情最初激动消退情侣就认为他们关系已经结束而且放弃继续尝试

    Once the initial excitement of a new romance wears off, some couples think their relationship is over and give up trying.


  • 叛逆天王星考验恋爱关系稳定程度如果关系稳固,那恋情在今年不会结束某些恋爱关系需要从长计议

    Rebellious Uranus can test the stability of committed relationships. If a relationship is solid, it's not going to end but some relationships may need to be renegotiated.


  • 个例子说,可能结束婚姻关系,与生意伙伴分开或者离开代理商

    You may have had to leave a marriage, break up a business partnership, or leave an agent, as a few examples.


  • 段关系结束无论,你都去了,也改变不了任何所以关于过去最好就是停止自责

    Once a relationship ends, you can't go back and change things no matter how much you want to, so it's best to stop beating yourself up about the past.


  • 能够恋情结束时候很好的控制局面因此能很好避免可能随之而发生的不愉快场面,而一段关系好聚好散。

    You can pull a situation out of the fire before it stops being loving, thus saving many a scene that would otherwise have turned into a bust as far as mutual pleasure is concerned.


  • 女人段关系结束的时候,女人哭天抢地,女朋友倾吐心声还会写名叫所有男人都是白痴”的打油诗。

    Women: When a relationship ends, a woman will cry and pour her heart out to her girlfriends, and she will write a poem titled "All men Are Idiots".


  • 某些人来说,单身不再段关系结束,另时间开始自然而是陷入地方

    For some, being single is no longer a natural phase between the end of one relationship and the beginning of another but somewhere they have become trapped.


  • 如果关系波动,恋情在今年不会结束某些恋爱关系需求从长计议

    If a relationship is solid, it's not going to end but some relationships may need to be renegotiated.


  • 假如关系稳固恋情在今年不会结束某些恋爱关系需求从长计议

    If a relationship is solid, it's not going to end but some relationships may need to be renegotiated.


  • 反弹式爱情关系就是结束爱情很快又进入了新的爱情关系

    A rebound relationship is one when you land up in a relationship right after coming out of another relationship.


  • Schaeffer说:段关系结束不但失去生活中的做斗争,而且会出现相伴化学物质退

    When a relationship ends, not only do you have to struggle with the person's absence, from your life, there is a concomitant chemical withdrawal, Schaeffer said.


  • 最佳一段工作友谊开始变质时,结束段关系保持办公室和睦最佳方法

    When a work friendship begins to sour, sometimes the best way to keep the peace in the office is to end that relationship.


  • 玛丽亚如果恋爱充满激情,而且恋爱关系维持了时间可以做到,不过恋情没有超过结束了。

    Maria: I figure if it's a very, like if the relationship is very, it's very passionate or you've been going on for a long time because both of my relationships were under one year I think.


  • 不论只是约约会或是已经结了婚,也不论有没有孩子段关系结束的时候,总是伤人的。

    Whether you were "just dating" or married, with or without kids, it hurts when a relationship ends.


  • 不论只是约约会或是已经结了婚,也不论有没有孩子段关系结束的时候,总是伤人的。

    Whether you were "just dating" or married, with or without kids, it hurts when a relationship ends.


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