• 消费者鸡肉产品发现绿色现象时,应该产品退经销者,获取退款更换产品。

    Any consumer that finds green muscle in a product should take it back to the place of purchase and seek a refund or a replacement product.


  • 第三零售商品经销者销售商品必须使用合格计量器具最大允许误差应当优于等于销售商品的偏差

    Article 3 When selling commodities, a retailer must use eligible instruments of measurement, and the allowed maximum error shall precede or be equal to the minus deviation of the commodities sold.


  • 既有成功票息剪券投资者,也成功的债券经销商他们倾向其他阶层成功人们身上赚钱

    There are successful coupon clippers and successful securities resellers and they tend to make their money off of the unsuccessful people in the other class.


  • 投资者经销商高于预期工业产值中受到鼓舞。

    Investors and dealers also took heart from the better than expected industrial production figures.


  • 豪华产品线显然吸引了潜在消费者一旦他们踏上我们汽车市场,他们就会购买各种各样的汽车经销商带来收入

    The luxury line clearly attracts potential consumers who, once they set foot on our auto lot, purchase a wide variety of automobiles that generate revenue for this dealership.


  • 出于汽车制造商经销商尽可能按照他们想要方式销售这些汽车设计我们这些消费者进入的就是一开始就完全没有信任的销售系统

    What we have-by the design of auto manufacturers and dealers, who could sell the cars however they want-is a system in which there's almost a complete absence of trust from the beginning.


  • 卫生队社区医药经销商参与下正在这些接触者进行追踪开展后续工作

    Tracing and follow-up of these contacts is being performed with the involvement of Village Health Teams and Community Medicine Distributors.


  • 丰田现在似乎已经负起责任,经销商消费者沟通更加透明

    But Toyota seems to be holding the course and communicating with much more transparency with its dealers and consumers.


  • 显示消费者商店代理经销商配送角色交互销售网络

    Distribution network showing off the interaction of the roles of consumer, store, distribution broker, and distributor.


  • 经销商说一些消费者买下100盎司,将它们刷成黑色它们门闩

    According to dealers, some customers buy 100-oz. silver bars, paint them black, and use them as doorstops.


  • 对于普通消费者而言影响可能类似经销商那里购买汽车,结果却得到大堆零配件自己组装

    For the average consumer, the effect can be akin to going to a dealer to buy a car and being presented with a bunch of parts to assemble yourself.


  • 一个小型织品经销公司所有者写道许多大型外国制衣企业都取消了明春订单生意不可避免地受到了影响。

    Many large overseas clothing companies withdrew their purchase orders for the coming spring, and my business is inevitably affected, ” writes the owner of a small fabric-selling company.


  • 经销商分析师们说:9.7%的失业率以及持续低迷国内市场价格使消费者信心降低,并使阻止他们走入展厅内。

    A 9.7 percent jobless rate and continued lower home prices have reduced consumers' confidence and are keeping them out of showrooms, dealers and analysts said.


  • 华为需要创立一个消费者认可品牌,同时要靠自己销售渠道而不是依靠经销商

    Huawei needs to create a brand that consumers can identify with and it will need its own marketing channels instead of relying just on distributors.


  • 这会经销商头痛不已最终殃及消费者

    That's going to cause pain for dealers, and, eventually customers.


  • 说,他是带着一种保护弱势群体感情长大的,经销高尔夫设备只是为了给消费者权益活动筹集资金

    He says he grew up with a passion for defending the weak and exploited, and got into importing and exporting golf equipment simply as a way to fund his work as a consumer advocate.


  • 通用今后的制胜诀窍车型上市都能让消费者源源不断地涌雪佛兰经销商处。

    The trick for GM will be to keep customers flowing to Chevrolet dealerships for each new model introduction.


  • 与此相反汽车高档消费品通过精密经销商网络销售个体消费者,年销量达数百万辆。

    Cars, in contrast, are aspirational consumer items, sold in their millions to individuals through elaborate dealer networks.


  • 真正面对时候,受之影响最大的就是手机制造商开发者他们主要手机平台经销商。

    When it comes right down to it, the handset makers are the developers who are most significantly affected by the Android license, since they are the primary distributors of mobile phone platforms.


  • 经销商,在印尼快速增长要求中层消费者中,对麝香猫咖啡的需求量还是很大。

    Retailers said demand was also high among status-conscious members of Indonesia's burgeoning middle class.


  • 他们不再宾馆的拥有者只是特许经销商经理人

    They are now mainly franchisers and managers, rather than owners.


  • 虽然通用福特也制造了一些节油型汽车但是经销商抱怨供应非常有限,而且汽车供应规模减小的时候,消费者肯定会倾向于选择日本韩国的汽车。

    Although GM and Ford make some fuel-efficient cars, dealers complain that supply is limited and that customers anyway tend to opt for Japanese or Korean brands when downsizing.


  • 经销商警告减少其数量汽车制造商带来麻烦,因为经销商当地社区存在紧密关系,他们青年团的赞助者,每年国庆游行供车者。

    Dealers warn that the cuts could backfire because of the close ties they maintain with their local communities, sponsoring teams in youth leagues and providing cars for 4th of July parades each year.


  • 一家消费者提供购车信息网站,它表示12月最后几天,消费者网站经销商咨询访问量出现非同寻常大面积井喷

    A Web site that gives car-buying information to consumers, said there was an unusually large spurt of inquiries on its site and at dealers in the final days of December.


  • 尽管现在消费者已经能够打听得到价格折扣方面的信息70年代那会儿是可能的,但还是极少买车人能像当年齐格勒那样清楚经销内幕。

    Although consumers now have access to pricing and rebate data that no buyer had in the 1970s, few car shoppers have Ziglar's knowledge of the selling process.


  • 尽管现在消费者已经能够打听得到价格折扣方面的信息70年代那会儿是可能的,但还是极少买车人能像当年齐格勒那样清楚经销内幕。

    Although consumers now have access to pricing and rebate data that no buyer had in the 1970s, few car shoppers have Ziglar's knowledge of the selling process.


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