• 通常情况下飞机不会2月次年10月之间经行极地因为漆黑寒冷天气下是很危险

    Normally planes don't go to the polar post from February to October because of the dangers of flying in the pitch-dark and cold.


  • 上连经行,下入清江

    It connects Jiangxing Valley and Qingjiang River.


  • 航班延误服务管理方面,给出评价体系,对指标量化

    Flight delays in service management, given the evaluation system of indicators to quantify by line.


  • 论文评价指标经行宏观微观分类,分别应用不同层面评价目的

    The paper divides the criteria into macro and micro categories, and utilizes them for evaluation purposes on different levels.


  • 回国后,写了经行记》,讲诉了中亚阿拉伯以及非洲国家情况。

    When he returned, he wrote a book called "Stores on jorney", in which he talked about the countries in mid-Asia, Arab and Aftrica.


  • 根据阿罗汉指示经行思时,在身体上心智上都予以善加守护。

    According to one arahant's instruction, walking meditation should be well-guarded physically and mentally.


  • 血气肝肾亏虚、凝滞气滞血淤导致滞涩不畅、不通则也。

    Qi less blood, kidney and liver insufficiency, Cold staging, gas stagnation blood stasis caused by the circulation of fluid line, General Clauses pain.


  • 方便管理人员对服务管理实时监控调整改进服务措施加强重点服务管理。

    Facilitate the management of service management to the existing real-time monitoring by the line, adjusting measures to improve service, strengthen the focus on service management.


  • 及时准确掌握上市公司绩效状况需要投资者利用上市公司信息分析判断

    Timely and accurate grasp of the situation in the performance of listed companies, investors need to use the information by listed companies to analyze and judge.


  • 搜索引擎根据输入关键词网络上经行搜索,选择包含寻找的词语页面

    These engines search the Internet for you based on the key words you type in, and choose pages for you which contain the word or words you ask for.


  • 接着借鉴西方新古典模型影响区域增长要素,对欠发达地区形成机理探讨。

    Proceeded to the Western neo-classical model of the impact of regional economic growth, less developed regions of the formation mechanism of by-examined.


  • 本文主要是从绿色化学定义、绿色化学的重要性、绿色化学应用几个方面展述。

    That is mainly from the definition of green chemistry, green chemistry, the importance of green chemistry applies these aspects by that.


  • 消息最早周三晚上东海岸突然出现,立刻引起人们冲向各大社交网站乔帮主生涯结束经行哀悼;

    As that news hit early Wednesday evening on the East Coast, people rushed to online social networks to mourn the apparent end of Jobs' career;


  • Elance一个在线中介媒体,专门经行技术设计或是其他类似的专业人才的商业需求的合理匹配

    Elance is an online agency that matches technical, design and other professionals with businesses needing such services.


  • 人们担忧船东可能开始将易受攻击船舶转道好望角不再与日俱增风险经行苏伊士运河。

    There are fears ship owners could start diverting vulnerable ships round the Cape of Good Hope rather than brave the increasingly risky route through Suez.


  • 最终目的Minson说道就是为了经行一次伟大的冒险人们不必非得世界某个遥远角落

    The ultimate goal of the trip, Minson said, was to demonstrate that one doesn't have to go to far-flung corners of the world to have a great adventure.


  • 我们能够套双数模型北极气候的过去现在经行对比,以此对未来冰面气候做出更为精确预测和判断。

    We can run a fully coupled model for the past and present and see what our model will predict for the future in terms of the sea ice and the Arctic climate.


  • 太多易于激起较多精进力定力却比较少所以安排打坐经行各一小时交替进这样能够保持定和精进平衡

    Too much walking tends to arouse more energy but less concentration. So one is scheduled to sit and walk alternately an hour each. Thus, the balance can be kept between concentration and energy.


  • 使我们注意力集中正在的宫位代表的事情上,以至于在对待这些事情上,我们会变得更加容易意识到自身其的感受

    It focused our attention on the matters of the house is traveling through, and we become more aware of how we feel about those issues.


  • 不管怎样现在了68063个粉丝所以我们很长的一段见证赠送iPad成真,但是我们将继续经行随着苹果的微博。

    For what it’s worth, there are currently 68,063 followers so we’re still a long ways from seeing the contest materialize in iPad giveaways, but we went ahead and followed the account anyways.


  • 效法以色列王所的,又照着耶和华从以色列面前人所可憎的事,使儿子

    He walked in the ways of the Kings of Israel and even sacrificed his son in the fire, following the detestable ways of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites.


  • 并使儿子,又观兆,用法术立交鬼的巫术的,耶和华眼中看的事,惹动怒气

    He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced sorcery and divination, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, provoking him to anger.


  • 又使他们儿女,用占卜法术卖了自己耶和华眼中看事,惹动怒气

    They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of the Lord , provoking him to anger.


  • 使他们的儿女占卜法术卖了自己耶和华眼中看事,怒气

    And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.


  • 目的探讨桡动脉冠状动脉造影术的护理验。

    Objective To explore the nursing points in coronary arteriography via radial artery.


  • 目的探讨桡动脉冠状动脉造影术的护理验。

    Objective To explore the nursing points in coronary arteriography via radial artery.


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