• 持续经济自由化会促进经济增长

    Continued economic liberalisation enhances growth.


  • 目前欧洲一体化已经通过经济自由化得到推动

    Hitherto European integration has been pushed through economic liberalisation.


  • 以此为前提,经济自由必要性作了完整的论述

    On these basis he demonstrates the necessity of economical liberty.


  • 经济自由指数上升明显东欧苏联国家

    The biggest success stories in the Index of Economic Freedom continue to be the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.


  • 真实经济周期理论属于西方经济中的经济自由流派

    The real business cycle theory belongs to the liberal school of the western economics, which breaks through the monetary cycle theory.


  • 从来不希望成为在追求经济自由失去了健康、家庭的人。

    I never wanted to be somebody that went after financial freedom and lost my health or lost my family.


  • 乌克兰全球经济自由指数排行榜上位列倒数17,排名低于俄罗斯白俄罗斯

    Ukraine lies 17th from bottom in the latest global index of economic freedom, below Russia and Belarus.


  • 截至目前,去年加入世界贸易组织越南为了实现经济自由没有其后尘

    So far, Vietnam, which is intent on liberalizing its economy after joining the World Trade Organization last year, has not followed suit.


  • 可是一旦优先事物井井有条关注经济自由那么就是一个奇妙的世界

    But if you keep your priorities in order and focus on financial freedom, it's a wonderful world.


  • 这种泡沫经济产生的起因中国人当初开始享受经济自由而且他们破费才干也有所提高。

    This bubble economy has arisen because the Chinese people are now beginning to enjoy economic freedom and their spending power has increased.


  • 人们一旦体验经济自由好处会向往更大自由表达自己观点选择自己的领导人

    And when they experience the benefits of economic liberty, they desire greater freedom in expressing their views and choosing their leaders.


  • 中国一样,需要时间看到结果,过去的十年里经济自由带来快速的,降低贫困增长

    As in China, it took time for the effects to show up, but over the past few years economic liberalisation has been fostering rapid, poverty-reducing growth.


  • 环境正义经济效率、环境安全经济自由相辅相成,共同构成循环经济目的价值系统

    The system of the goal values of the circular economic law consists of the environmental justice, the economic efficiency, the environmental security and the economic liberty.


  • 这种经济自由来说重要不是能使经济更加繁荣而是一些基本道德原则一致性

    The most important part of the case for this economic freedom is not the way it produces greater prosperity but its consistency with certain fundamental moral principles of life itself.


  • 但是社会性转移注重大了,真正能够提高收入经济自由化不够重视,”黄亚生表示

    "But there is far too much emphasis on social transfers and not enough on the economic liberalisation that will really raise incomes," says Prof Huang.


  • :苏丝·奥尔财经畅销书作者作品包括《掌握经济自由步骤勇敢个有钱人》等。

    Note: Suze Orman is a bestselling financial author whose books include "The 9 Steps to financial Freedom" and "The Courage to be Rich."


  • 阿塞拜疆亚美尼亚格鲁吉亚波黑摩尔多瓦立陶宛罗马尼亚经济自由指数创立之初增长了至少20

    Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Lithuania and Romania have all gained at least 20 points of economic freedom over the life of the Index.


  • 寿司兴起某种程度上来说是经济自由产物经济自由显著的表现就是针对富有阶层的奢侈品服务急剧增加。

    The sushi boom is partly a product of economic liberalisation, which has most visibly led to a proliferation of luxury services targeting the better-off.


  • 但是报告批评了实行经济自由政策印度在印度自从1990年代中期以来3亿抛入了饥饿人口行列

    But the report criticises economically liberal India where, it says, 30 million people have been added to the ranks of the hungry since the mid-1990s.


  • 本刊关注六个年度排名中,意大利性别差距项中有所进步,而在其他五个指标,包括廉政指数经济自由指数,都有所恶化。

    Out of the six annual rankings we consider, including corruption perceptions and economic freedom, in only one, the gender gap, has Italy improved.


  • 长期经济停滞衰退几乎总是使社会变得更加刻薄、更缺乏包容性通常还会阻止或逆转权利自由进步

    Lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.


  • 认为那些鼓吹完全自由市场经济人不是很了解经济,完全没有考虑到其产生社会后果

    He dismissed advocates of a completely free market as economic troglodytes with no concern for the social consequences.


  • 自由市场经济主义者辩论说,政府需要过度干预货币利率过程

    Free-marketeers would argue that governments do not need to intervene in the currency and interest rate process unduly.


  • 成长一个私有化消费者选择增多时代如今精通技术工人们已经在爱情经济接受自由市场

    Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today's tech savvy workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics.


  • 成长一个私有化消费者选择增多时代如今精通技术工人们已经在爱情经济接受自由市场

    Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today's tech savvy workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics.


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