• 选举的时间安排在振兴经济措施出台的时候。

    He timed the election to coincide with new measures to boost the economy.


  • 但是如果英国银行不能降低利率仍然可以提高货币基础(即:现金商业银行准备金),振兴经济方法

    But if the bank of England can no longer lower interest rates, it can still raise the monetary base (cash and commercial-bank reserves), which gives it another way to boost the economy.


  • 你们需要利用你们所有课堂培养创造力智慧创办公司增加就业机会,振兴我们经济

    You'll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy.


  • 振兴全球经济

    Revitalize the global economy.


  • 美利坚合众国参议院我们振兴经济帮助代人以来严重衰退影响的美国人民渡过难关制定了法案。

    In the United States Senate, we have legislation that would boost our economic recovery and help Americans who've been affected by the worst recession in generations.


  • 各国中央银行准备好更进一步行动振兴经济

    He said central Banks are ready to take further actions to bolster the economy.


  • 贝拉克·奥巴马谈及所有变革之中,上任之初所为大多乔治·布什一样意在振兴病态经济推动某些特别目标大规模财政刺激计划

    FOR all his talk of change, Barack Obama will start his presidency much as George Bush did: with a huge fiscal stimulus aimed at boosting an ailing economy and promoting some pet objectives.


  • 需要英国银行货币政策委员会振兴经济了。

    That leaves it to the Bank of England's monetary-policy committee to fire-up the economy.


  • 而讽刺的又是美元最大的危险来自于美国财政部美联储振兴全球经济成功

    Ironically, the greatest danger for the greenback might result from the success of the efforts of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to revive the global economy.


  • 如果戴维·卡梅伦选民们的欢心,不过勉强看在振兴经济几分成绩的份上,他还能赢得下一大选么?

    IF DAVID CAMERON is loathed by voters but grudgingly credited with economic competence, can he win the next general election?


  • 美国在全力振兴经济实施出口倍增计划

    The US is also rejuvenating its economy and implementing the program of doubling exports.


  • 城市希望艺术振兴经济

    The city hopes that the arts will spur economic development.


  • 建设航天中心振兴文昌经济”,标语这样写到,标语背后是阳光普照沙滩,浪花拍打着的海岸

    Building a Space Centre, Take-Off for Wenchang’s Economy”, says one slogan against a background of waves crashing on the town’s sun-soaked shore.


  • 项目5000英亩复垦湿地范围内建立了赤颈保护区,同时富美地区的村民也因该项目重新振兴了当地经济高棉人收入因此增加了两多。

    The project has given the cranes a protected home in 5,000 acres of reclaimed wetlands and the villagers of Phu My a reinvigorated economy that has tripled incomes of the Khmer ethnic minority.


  • 振兴经济活动保持大量银行交易量高位(虽然利润率将比2009年中期的特别水平有所下降)。

    Reviving economic activity will buoy transaction volumes at wholesale Banks (although profit margins will come down from the extraordinary levels of mid-2009).


  • 真正原因怀疑美国决策者掌控这些问题以及恢复美国经济成长创造工作机会振兴繁荣能力

    It is about the ability of its policymakers to get their arms around the problems, and put the country back on the path of growth, jobs, and prosperity.


  • 另一个另人们期待经济上扬原因货币财政政策正在竭尽全力振兴经济

    Another reason to expect an upturn is that monetary and fiscal policy are working flat out to revive the economy.


  • 去年春天通过振兴经济措施提供税收优惠包括资本利得减免允许更多的企业费用抵税。

    The stimulus package passed last spring offered tax benefits, including capital-gains tax exemptions and increases in the amount of business expenses that could be claimed for tax purposes.


  • 为了帮助人们借贷重新振兴美国奄奄一息住房进而推动整体经济美国联邦储备委员会过去一年已经几次大幅度削减利率

    To help spur lending, resuscitate America's moribund housing sector, and boost the economy as a whole, the Federal Reserve has aggressively cut interest rates during the past year.


  • 就是我们继续处理我们所有共同艰巨任务——经济复苏,就业振兴美国复兴——精神

    That's the spirit in which we continue the work of tackling our greatest common tasks - an economy rebuilt; job creation revitalized; an American Dream renewed - for all our people.


  • 飞涨房地产价格通过更进一步地刺激借贷金融危机起了推波助澜作用房地产业如果不能振兴经济复苏不可能强劲势头

    Soaring property prices played such an important role in the financial crisis-fuelling ever more borrowing-that recovery is unlikely to be robust until the sector peps up.


  • 共和党参议员支持一个规模小得多振兴经济计划,而且主要重点放在减税基础建设支出

    Republicans are advocating a much smaller stimulus package that focuses mostly on tax cuts and spending on infrastructure.


  • 法国振兴经济部长帕特里克·德维让今天法国媒体说:“医院传来的消息一切正常,今天就会出院一点也可以证明。”

    "The news from medical staff is good, he's leaving today, which proves that it's fine," Patrick Devedjian, the minister on charge of France's fiscal recovery plan, told French radio RTL on Monday.


  • 越南高棉族村民生产地转而生产手提包,并因此重新振兴当地经济保护了5000英亩湿地

    Khmer villagers in Vietnam switched from making floor MATS to high-end handbags, reinvigorating the local economy and preserving 5,000 acres of wetlands.


  • 预料参议院星期将会通过旨在创造挽救300万400万个就业机会的参院振兴经济计划

    The Senate is expected to approve this week its version of the stimulus package aimed at creating or saving three to four million jobs.


  • 下次欧盟峰会上27领导人讨论经济振兴计划,之后其中10国领导可先行离开,然后剩下的17继续讨论此次债危机。

    At the next summit the 27 eu leaders will talk of boosting growth; then ten will leave and the 17 from the euro zone will remain to discuss the crisis.


  • 下次欧盟峰会上27领导人讨论经济振兴计划,之后其中10国领导可先行离开,然后剩下的17继续讨论此次债危机。

    At the next summit the 27 eu leaders will talk of boosting growth; then ten will leave and the 17 from the euro zone will remain to discuss the crisis.


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