• 例如摩根大通银行经济学家目前预期新屋建设进一步下降30%,而且他们预计2008年底平均房价下跌7.5%到15%。

    Economists at JPMorgan, for instance, now expect the pace of new-home building to fall by a further 30%, while they expect average house prices to tumble between 7.5% and 15% by the end of 2008.


  • 此外华尔街日报》进行调查中,受访经济学家认为目前看来下半年实现经济复苏的可能性要比几个更小了。

    Meanwhile, economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal agreed that a recovery in the second half of the year is now less likely than it appeared just a few months ago.


  • 越来越经济学家认为目前重组相比于日后发放永远无力偿还贷款欧洲整体付出的代价要小。

    A growing number of economists think restructuring now would be cheaper for Europe as a whole than giving more loans that may never be repaid.


  • 目前关于经济增长理论强调经济学家所谓的“人力资本积累重要性

    Current theories about economic growth stress the importance of what economists call "human-capital accumulation".


  • 世界贸易组织首席经济学家目前亚洲看到经济复苏仍然暂时的。

    Patrick Low, the chief economist of the World Trade Organization, says the recovery seen in Asia is still "tentative".


  • 休斯敦大学经济学家史密斯正在密切关注目前的局势,对休斯敦的经济前景进行了预测。

    One person keeping a careful watch on the situation is Barton Smith, a University of Houston economist who provides economic forecasts for the city.


  • 然而依照这样衡量方法目前高级工作人员经济学家阵容过去届经济顾问委员会学术方面来说第二高素质的了。

    But by this measure, the present cohort of senior staff economists is the second-best-qualified in academic terms of any of the past ten CEAs.


  • 戴尔莫坦森也是一名美国经济学家目前西北大学工作

    Dale Mortensen is also an American economist, currently at Northwestern University.


  • UBS经济学家乔纳森估计全球食品价格或许目前主要食品价格通胀率基础上50%达到2008年高点

    Jonathan Anderson, an economist at UBS, a bank, reckons that global food prices would have to rise by another 50% from current levels for headline food-price inflation to reach the heights of 2008.


  • 此外经济学家表示印尼需要更多企业目前他们占到全部劳动力人口1%。

    Also, economists say Indonesia needs more entrepreneurs. They now make up less than one percent of the workforce.


  • 国际大米市场目前正面临着求大于价格大幅上涨特别困难情况,”粮农组织高级经济学家ConcepcionCalpe

    "The international rice market is currently facing a particularly difficult situation with demand outstripping supply and substantial price increases," said FAO Senior Economist Concepcion Calpe.


  • 许多经济学家预计美国陷入上世纪八十年代以来严重的衰退一些人预计2010年,失业率目前的6.1%上升到8%以上

    Many economists forecast that the U.S. will fall into its deepest recession since the early 1980s, with some predicting unemployment above 8% by 2010, up from 6.1% today.


  • 法国银行Natixis首席经济学Patrick Artus认为,目前法国工业规模太小,即使变得竞争力很难对经济实质性帮助。

    France's industrial base is now so small that making it more competitive will have little effect, says Patrick Artus, chief economist at Natixis, a French bank.


  • 美联储经济学家认为2010年美国劳动力供给每年0.4%的速度上涨大大低于目前一半水平。

    By 2010, the Fed economists reckon, Labour supply in America will be rising by a mere 0.4% a year, well under half its current rate.


  • 部分经济学家将其归咎于失业救济时间延长目前美国失业者可以领取99的失业救济,等同于法国

    Some economists blame the extension of unemployment benefits, which America's jobless can now claim for 99 weeks, as long as in France.


  • 不过多数经济学家认为目前这轮经济低迷将不会严重,不会导致失业人数大量增加问题

    Still, most economists think the current downturn will be shallow and not result in problems such as mass unemployment.


  • 与会经济学关注的焦点是,目前世界各地人口持续增长能源需求不断扩大情况下能够采取哪些措施能够减少气候变化带来的影响。

    Economists at the conference focused on what steps could be taken to lessen the impact of climate change as the population expands and energy needs rise around the world.


  • 芝加哥麦斯洛金融公司的首席经济学戴安娜·斯旺克认为,由于房屋库存量极大过剩,市场目前需要就是大量新建房屋

    Given massive inventory surpluses, the last thing the market needs is an infusion of newly-built dwellings, according to Diane Swonk, Chief Economist at Chicago-based Mesirow Financial.


  • 根据目前形式经济学家——来自咨询公司普华永道会计师事务所斯蒙德·波尼——预计经济增长顶多也就是疲软式的。

    On current form, economists such as Esmond Birnie of PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consulting firm, expect lacklustre economic growth at best.


  • 经济学家神经团队目前确认内某一区域其中具有关键作用

    A team of economists and neuroscientists has now identified a brain region that seems to play a critical role.


  • 蒂姆·哈福德著作卧底经济学家》(The Undercover Economist)(布郎出版社(Little,Brown))目前已经出版平装本

    Tim Harford's book "The Undercover Economist" (Little, Brown) is out now in paperback.


  • 经济学JaimeSerra20世纪19年代担任贸易部长参与谈判北美自由贸易协定,他指出目前墨西哥出口乘数效应非常

    Jaime Serra, an economist who as trade minister negotiated NAFTA in the early 1990s, points out that the multiplier effect of exports in Mexico is unusually low.


  • 我们所选择8 位青年经济学家中的最后位是•蒂罗尔(JeanTirole),他在1988 年就已经是著名的微观经济学家目前在提供数量惊人的第一流研究成果

    The last of our eight, Jean Tirole, already a leading microeconomist in 1988, still produces staggering amounts of top-notch research.


  • 多半经济学认为我们目前处于经济萧条阶段

    Most economists are of the opinion that we are currently in the stages of a recession.


  • 多半经济学认为我们目前处于经济萧条阶段

    Most economists are of the opinion that we are currently in the stages of a recession.


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