• 人们往往没有意识到,应该经常自己第一真的只是众所周知伪装吗?

    People tend not to realize that the first question you should always ask yourself, is this really just something that's well-known in disguise?


  • 很严肃,但也是不会经常问自己题。壂。

    It 's a serious question and one you're likely not asked all that often.


  • 经常自己还是男孩的时候,我把枪名士兵这样就能保卫我们祖国

    I often ask myself. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a soldier with a gun so that I could defend our motherland.


  • 新的赛季慢慢到来时候,经常自己新赛季开始之前最后一个月假期些什么

    As the season approaches, I often get asked what I do for my last month of vacation before the season starts.


  • 此外本文旨在回答很多IT人士经常自己的一完成本地化项目我们需要哪些资源技术

    Furthermore, this text aims to answer the question that many people in IT frequently ask themselves: What resources and technologies do we need to carry out localization projects?


  • 经常自己这样一个出身于蓝领家庭小孩如何这些启发地方如此成就一起工作。

    I've often asked myself how a kid from a blue-collar family like mine ever got to work with so many accomplished people in such intellectually stimulating places.


  • 某种程度上,经常自己,“如果在面试,在这家公司找工作,那么创业者的这些答案是否能有信心他们工作呢?”

    In a way, I'm also asking myself "if I were interviewing for a job with this person, would these answers give me confidence to work for them?"


  • 经常问自己如果不这么做,会对我的任何或者结果有什么影响? 当任务列表过长以至于没法完成时,排除不必要的任务就非常重要了。

    Shaving unnecessary tasks is important when the list gets too long to complete.


  • 迈克尔·彼得森是那个经常捉弄我们的人吗?”我问自己

    "Is Michael Peterson the one who always pulled pranks on us?" I asked myself.


  • 怀疑大都投资银行品牌权威有关—对此我们不得不为什么各家银行经常把银行客户收缴的50%左右的费用放进自己口袋呢?

    I suspect a great deal has to do with the authority of the investment bank's brand - which begs the question why individual bankers frequently pocket 50% or so the fee charged by the bank to clients.


  • 进行设计的时候,经常发现自己使用一个元素后,立刻自己一个这个设计元素的目的到底是什么过之后我发觉我需要那个元素。

    When creating a design I often find myself throwing out elements I don't need after I ask myself what is the purpose to this design element?


  • 或者是否经常冰箱前自己,“晚饭吃啥?”

    Or, are you constantly standing in front of your refrigerator asking yourself, "What is for dinner?"


  • 她们经常自己一些从不曾男性脑中出现

    They are always asking themselves questions which don't even appear in the minds of men.


  • 做了这么策划网站推广经常自己属于策划者还是技术人员

    Made so long plan and website promotion, I ask myself via regular meeting, it is to belong to machinator or technical personnel.


  • 每个办公室这种人,不但自己每天别人吸收几倍温热液体,还会经常其他人是否要来咖啡”。

    Every office has one. The worker who asks if anyone wants a cup of tea with a frequency that outstrips most human beings' capacity to absorb hot fluids.


  • 记得牧会早期,我经常教导经文,在那段时间里,我时常自己我是不是给自己教会领导一个太高标准,会不会自己和长老们太过严格了。

    I remember from the early days of my pastoral ministry, I taught this passage. I often ask myself, am I setting a standard that is too high for the church leaders?


  • 下次感到低落的时候,自己十个证明自己想象还要好的吧(试试,记下来这些题,以后可以经常拿出来练习哦)。

    The next time you're feeling down, ask yourself these 10 questions that prove you're doing better than you think (go ahead and bookmark that so you can repeat this exercise as needed! ).


  • 以后若干年学校的日子经常梦中出现,在梦里自己为什麽在这儿

    My days there continued to haunt me in my dreams for many years after I had left. In my dream I would ask myself, 'Why am I still here?


  • 以后若干年学校的日子经常梦中出现,在梦里自己为什麽在这儿

    My days there continued to haunt me in my dreams for many years after I had left. In my dream I would ask myself, 'Why am I still here?


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