• 整个晚上有一个男人特别健谈经常提出一些想法讲奇闻轶事妻子则静静地坐在旁边沙发上

    Throughout the evening, one man had been particularly talkative, frequently offering ideas and anecdotes, while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch.


  • 我们认为迁徙整个区域就是栖息地因为长途旅行中,它需要经常下来进食睡觉吧?

    We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right?


  • 然而食谱经常包含一些辅助材料,使得主菜更加美味,从而增强整个菜肴的质量。

    However, food recipes often contain references to other recipes that go well with the main dish, thus enhancing the entire meal.


  • 华尔街一般赔偿金支付大约一半收益公司经常等到夏季之后开始裁员,就是他们整个收益更好认识的时候。

    Wall Street typically pays out roughly half of its revenue in compensation, and firms often wait until late summer to cull staff when they have a better sense of revenue for the year.


  • 十分经常10到20群体担当主持人我借环视整个房间这个方法观众进行目光接触,直到每位观众建立足够融洽的关系停止

    I speak quite often to groups of 10-20 people in Toastmasters. When I use this technique to make eye contact as I scan the room, I pause just long enough to build rapport with each audience member.


  • 就XFS而言逻辑日志记录适合高端硬件上,日志经常整个文件系统争用最多资源

    In the case of XFS, logical journaling is a good fit; on high-end hardware, the journal is often the most contentious resource of the entire filesystem.


  • 但是,自打博物馆这些几十个分散馆内互动触摸屏以后,经常:在所有技术无疑领先整个新闻行业的。

    But after playing in the interactive newsroom and interacting with the dozens of touch-screens scattered throughout the museum, I was left wondering where all this technology is leading journalism.


  • 许多实际情景中,所提出的业务要求经常很难找出能适用整个解决方案单个电子商务模式

    In many real-world scenarios, the stated business requirements often make it difficult to come up with a single pattern for e-business that is applicable to the entire solution.


  • 没有专用体系结构资源的情况下,团队成员经常体系结构概念所淹没,而且熟悉帮助管理整个流程建模工具

    Often without dedicated architectural resources, team members are overwhelmed with architectural notation and unfamiliar with modeling tools that can assist them in managing the overall process.


  • 这种反省经常导致个人改进策略可能导致整个过程改进的建议

    This reflection often leads to personal strategies for improvement but can also lead to Suggestions for overall process improvement.


  • 我们可以在任何时间打电话发送电子邮件问题经常他的问题更多,他可以洞穿我的整个思维方式。

    We could call or e-mail him anytime, ” a former Shaw trader said. “He always asked me more questions than I could ask him.


  • 整个过程因而更少创伤病人经常手术一天回去工作

    The whole process is thus less traumatic, and patients are often able to return to work the day after an operation.


  • 由于整个音乐节非常有趣,但是英国本身多雨,因此经常可以看见上千穿着惠灵顿长靴跳舞

    The festival is quite funny because often in England it is very rainy, and sometimes thousands of people will wear wellington boots and even dance in the rain!


  • 整个网页项目处于时间状况经常发生只盯住方面,忽视一些小事的情况。

    Too often, we look at the big picture when creating a web design and ignore the little things when we're in a time crunch.


  • 如果那些讲述职业生涯的故事的话,你可能会经常听到他们承认他们自己对所取得的成就从来没有期望过。这种现象贯穿整个艺术创作

    If you listen to the stories artists tell about their careers, you'll often hear them admit that their hits were something they never saw coming.


  • 经常广播听到一些吹牛大王是如何破坏了整个采访的,因为主持人告诉他们还有30收尾的时候他们懂得如何去结束。

    I often hear blowhards on the radio, wrecking the entire interview because they don't know how to call it quits when the host tells them they have thirty seconds to wrap up.


  • 整个Tk工具集汲取了大多数Perl面向对象特性经常可以看到使用->符号基于对象方法进行调用

    The entire Tk toolset draws heavily on Perl's object-oriented features; you'll frequently see methods being called on objects using the -> notation.


  • 整个20世纪当中,无论是爵士乐摇滚乐还是嘻哈乐,黑人白人艺术家们都在不动声色地,经常也是大张旗鼓地融合着不同的风格和流派,同时倡导种族平等

    Throughout the century, be it in Jazz, Rock or Hip-Hop, black and white artists mixed styles, implicitly, and often explicitly, advocating racial equality.


  • 开始小组Scala学的很开心经常个人发现了一个Scala的特性,然后激动不已,整个团队分享

    The initial team of four had huge fun learning Scala: often one of us would come in raving about this new Scala feature we'd discovered and sharing it with the rest of the team.


  • 是否整个SlowREST”能够作为一个模式今后人们考虑标准的实现方法时,是否会经常想起

    "Slow REST" thingie is a pattern that’s going to pop up again often enough in the future that we should be thinking of a standardized recipe for approaching it.


  • 经常他人文化古迹视为一文不值虽然不怎么样的行为,真正憎恶的是侮辱性的评论——即便如此,一想到华达居民发现我将整个内华达州列入101个名单后的反应,我便惶惶不可终日(不是,是那些损友们逼着我干的!)

    But I really do hate insulting people or places-i live in fear of the backlash that's going to hit when Nevada residents discover I included their entire state. it wasn't my fault!


  • 研究表明,与那些反对他们信仰的咨询相比,人们喜欢有同样的宗教信仰并支持他们的信仰的咨询师。 信教的人经常抱怨说普通的疗法会认为信仰造成疾病的问题或者是疾病的症状,而不会认为它是一种值得尊重的信念并贯穿于整个治疗过程。

    The problem for many patients in therapy is that many patients are far more religious than their therapists.


  • 整个过程紧凑的但是我们意识这些奇特男人经常通过多种途径帮助我们

    The whole process was quite intense, but we're aware that these fantastic men have helped us out in the most enormous way.


  • 帷幕后面经常什么?这里不是一个简单地拨动开关控制杆而是整个软件开发团队

    What's usually behind the curtain, in this case, is not a single man throwing switches and levers, but a whole team of software developers.


  • 调查发现对于这个超级大国将何时落到次席的经常担忧正在整个美国社会焦虑

    Constant worrying about exactly when the superpower will fall into second place is causing anxiety throughout American society, the survey found.


  • 激励人们拼命地工作经常会发脾气但是大家都知道,她才干、尽职,是整个竞选班子中工作最努力的

    She drove people hard, and lost her temper from time to time, but everybody knew she was brilliant, committed, and the hardest-working person in our campaign.


  • 黄河流域的垄播管理:黄河流域严重水土流失导致整个流域经常发生水旱灾害。

    Bed planting and water management in the Yellow River: Serious water and soil erosion in the Yellow River has led to frequent basin-wide drought and floods.


  • 室内空间拥挤,使住户们不得不经常将临时的简易橱柜塞满整个院子,这使得过去空气清新阳光充足的庭院顿时变成了一个拥挤的养殖场。

    Starved for space, the new residents often filled the courtyards with makeshift kitchens and sheds, transforming what had been airy, light-filled spaces into a suffocating warren of rooms.


  • 室内空间拥挤,使住户们不得不经常将临时的简易橱柜塞满整个院子,这使得过去空气清新阳光充足的庭院顿时变成了一个拥挤的养殖场。

    Starved for space, the new residents often filled the courtyards with makeshift kitchens and sheds, transforming what had been airy, light-filled spaces into a suffocating warren of rooms.


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