• 拥有可支配收入西方人经常表现得好像他们资格任何他们想去的地方,且几乎不考虑后果

    Westerners with disposable incomes have often behaved as if they have a right to go wherever they choose with little regard for the consequences.


  • 对于部分全部地方议会来说新的收入来源存在复杂的,并且经常遭受企业反对因为他们担心更高成本使他们失去竞争力

    The existence of new revenue streams for some but not all councils is complicated, and businesses are often opposed, fearing higher costs will make them uncompetitive.


  • 如果宾夕法尼亚州的服务员经常餐馆账单上写上谢谢”,他们从小费中获得的平均收入大大高于其他情况下的平均收入

    If servers in Pennsylvania regularly wrote "Thank you" on restaurant bills, their average income from tips would be significantly higher than it otherwise would have been.


  • 收入及中等收入国家大约十分之九生活室外空气污染经常达到危险程度的地方。

    Around 9 in 10 people in low-and middle-income countries live in places where they regularly experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution.


  • 为了添补微薄收入经常朋友们一起钓鱼

    To supplement their meagre income, often he used to go fishing with his friends.


  • 经常求职者认为,找工作时有必要掩藏以往的过失,编造一些故事迎合雇主,或者获得更好的薪水夸大以前的收入

    Job seekers often feel they must cover up or invent stories about their pasts to land new jobsor inflate their earnings to negotiate a fair salary.


  • 这种方式经常用来新的销售代表建立他们自己客户之前保证他们收入

    This approach is frequently used to protect the income of new sales representatives for a period of time while they are building up their sales clientele.


  • 收入减少支出经常超过收入

    Reduced income: Often your expenses exceed your income.


  • 深圳公司支付给流水线工人工资仅仅当地最低工资130美元(900人民币一个许多工人为了获得更高收入经常加班

    The company pays most of its assembly line workers in Shenzhen the city's minimum wage of $130 (900 renminbi) a month, and many work significant overtime hours in order to maximize their incomes.


  • 如果收入经常拮据旧式礼服然后改改合身即可。

    If income is often a dilemma, buy a vintage gown and try fixing it up yourself.


  • 仅有收入来自于零星租赁交易这令不得不经常动用退休储蓄

    Her only income came from sporadic leasing deals, forcing her to dip repeatedly into retirement savings.


  • 当然接受的教育越多,你找到工作可能性越大,所以加大教育经常带来收入增加

    Of course, the more education you have, the more likely it is that you'll find a good job, so an increase in education often leads to an increase in income.


  • 另一个经常提及原因大多数阿拉伯国家财政收入依赖石油出口,不是需要公民的纳税来支持。

    The fact that most Arab states rely on oil revenues rather than the taxation of consenting citizens is another oft-cited cause.


  • 经常注意改进现有收入挣得越多,就偿还你的负债

    Always lookout to improve your current income: the more the money you make, the more you will have left over to throw at your debt.


  • 一直面试其它职位经常问及目前收入

    I've been interviewing for other positions and am often asked about my current salary.


  • 爸爸妈妈当然经常孩子零花钱但是舅婶姨也是孩子们额外收入来源

    Mum or dad, of course, provide a regular supply of pocket money, but uncles and ants are always a source of extra income.


  • 这种方法合理简单,也能我们经常挥霍同时保证自己的收入花得比较明智

    This has proven to be a somewhat reasonable and easy way to splurge every so often while making sure that we are wise stewards of what has been entrusted to us.


  • 爸爸妈妈当然经常给孩子零花钱但是婶姨也是孩子们额外收入来源。 人也可以做 supply、source的主语。

    Father, of course, a regularsupply of pocket money, but uncles and aunts are always a source ofextra income.


  • 损益表收入也是为什么经常听到收入被称为“顶行”的原因)。

    The top line of profit and loss statements is revenue (that's why you'll often hear revenue referred to as "the top line").


  • 对于句话,我个人的理解是:亚洲各中央银行通过购买数量惊人的美国的国库券维持美国的经常项目赤字以及强势美元方面起到推波助澜的作用,他们当然也不希望看到美元走走弱他们手头所持的资产就会大幅缩水)。 后一句的extra revenue 我觉得翻成:“过多的收入可能会好一点

    Asian central banks, which have helped sustain both the current-account deficit and the dollar by buying Treasury bonds in startlingly large quantities, have little interest in a weaker greenback.


  • 并不总是正确的,因为收入经常诱惑需要花费更多,而导致节省更少

    This is not always true, as two incomes often tempt or require you to spend more, resulting in less savings.


  • 经常收入收入最好形式

    Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue.


  • 一些国家贫困家庭儿童经常被雇佣从事烟草种植家庭赚取收入

    In some countries, children from poor households are frequently employed in tobacco farming to provide family income.


  • 锻炼身体时间家人待待更健康些(而不是经常的垃圾食品),书,多写点东西来增加收入

    I wanted to exercise and find time for my family and eat healthier (instead of the fast-food junk I'd been eating) and read more and write and be more productive and increase my income.


  • 经济学家经常呼吁收入流动性使他们生活的好些来解释这些穷人反直觉蔑视情绪.

    Economists have usually explained poor people’s counter-intuitive disdain for something that might make them better off by invoking income mobility.


  • 许多金融人士经常媒体上每个人都应当相当于自己36个月收入现金储备

    Many financial pundits in the media say everyone should have cash reserves equal to 3 to 6 months of income.


  • 并且相反是,认为孩子父亲体贴女性更好处理所有其他怀孕压力产假不定期工作时间收入经常搬家等

    And, conversely, women who felt that the father was supportive were better able to deal with all the other stresses of pregnancy: maternity leave, irregular working hours, low income, frequent moving.


  • 1973年1979年许多OPEC成员国已有经常项目盈余,而且大部分额外石油收入存起来

    In 1973 and 1979 many OPEC countries already had current-account surpluses, and most of their extra oil revenues were saved.


  • 2006年,预算赤字超过了国家收入9%;经常账户赤字达到6%。

    In 2006 the budget deficit was over 9% of national income; the current-account deficit was 6%.


  • 2006年,预算赤字超过了国家收入9%;经常账户赤字达到6%。

    In 2006 the budget deficit was over 9% of national income; the current-account deficit was 6%.


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