• 那时39岁不再年轻经历坎坷

    She was 39 then, no longer young, with a bumpy life.


  • 中国现代戏剧文坛上白薇生存环境恶劣生活经历坎坷

    In the modern literary world of China, Baiwei lived in a bad living condition and her life was full of frustrations.


  • 静下来想想这样出身贫寒经历坎坷的人,居然92实在有点奇怪

    To think quietly, it's really weird that person like me, born in poor and go through difficulties, can live till 92 years.


  • 那个父亲问题经历坎坷努力赢取那个姑娘(乃至观众整个国家)芳心的

    He is the one with the thorny father issues who is trying to win over the girl (the audience, the nation).


  • 当然我们每天都会遇到难题坎坷但是别人经历困难相比大多数都是微不足道

    Of course, we all encounter problems and obstacles every day, but most of them are trivial compared with the problems many people experience.


  • 期间经历许多坎坷恐惧压力,当然还有闪耀着人性之光美妙时刻交战终于1962年结束了。

    I lived through many ups and downs, fears, stresses, and also wonderful moments of common humanity during the seven year war that ended in 1962.


  • 作为女人她自己经历坎坷不平人生,所以很能理解友谊价值

    As a woman who weathered a bumpy personal history, herself, she understood the value of friendship.


  • 宽恕走过坎坷一段宝贵人生经历,而坎坷阻碍成为现在的自己。

    It is the experience of moving through blockages that keep us from being alive right now.


  • 那些一生碌碌无为的他们经历挫折坎坷平平淡淡地一生什么也没有留下

    Life of mediocrity that people who do not experience setbacks and ups and downs, flat faint to over a lifetime, nothing left.


  • 成珠是因为经历一个痛苦过程,商人成名历经坎坷

    Pearl mussel disease because it went through a painful process, become famous businessman also experienced a bumpy.


  • 本文拟通过短暂坎坷生活经历艰难曲折写作生涯及其文学理论作品探讨,以求揭开作家一生死亡情结

    This essay is intended to discuss Poe's short and rough living experience, hard and tortuous writing career, his literary theoretical works, finally, his lifelong partiality for death.


  • 经历风风雨雨,越过艰难坎坷

    I have experienced troubles and undergone frustrations.


  • 经历沧桑岁月坎坷

    Has experienced vicissitudes' years and the rough road.


  • 成长过程总是经历坎坷遇见几个然后看清世事的。

    The process of growing up always have to go through a few rough, meet a few people, and then see the world.


  • 经历人生坎坷不必过分悲愁,因为在属于未来太空里,我们找到自己星群

    Experienced the frustrations of life, please do not have too much heavy-hearted because of the space in the future, we will be able to find their own constellation.


  • LaGuardia音乐艺术表演学校名艺术老师,“经历了太多坎坷,现在这些磨难生命走向尽头的时候一起。”

    Mintz, an art teacher at Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts. “He's been up and down a lot. He sees it all connected, coming at the end of his life.


  • 一生一定经历一些坎坷,才使变成这么一个粗暴人吧。知道一点经历吗?

    He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl. Do you know anything of his history?


  • 那些经历风雨坎坷困难不停跋涉所以一生过后他们就留下了价值的脚印

    While those who experienced ups and downs of the weather and the people during difficult times non-stop journey, so after a lifetime, they left a valuable footprints.


  • 经历挫折坎坷生命,犹如温室娇艳,经不起风霜的洗礼就会逐步走向自己的坟墓

    Life without sinuations and frustrations is life the flower in greenhouse, which can not stand the challenge from wind and rain , frost and snow , and will srely die away in the end .


  • 一生一定经历一些坎坷,才使变成这么一个粗暴的人。

    He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl.


  • 经历许多坎坷曲折之后,这个天真小姑娘最后变得世故起来学会如何应付困难

    With many twists and turns, the naive little girl finally became sophisticated, learning how to deal with difficulties.


  • 其实人生不得不经历各种事情面对不同生活压力,可能碰上许多坎坷就是人生。

    Actually, we have to experience all kinds of things in our life, face to different situation of life. And may be encounter lots of difficult circumstances. Such is life!


  • 多少过后自己长大了,人生的坎坷路上经历许多风风雨雨耳畔神奇般的回响着母亲句话八月收获的季节,果实很甜

    After many years, their grown up, walking in the rough life on the road, gone through many ups and downs, but magical ear like mother's echoing phrase: August is the season of harvest, fruit sweet!


  • 儿啊不是小时候不想科学家只是经历辈子坎坷

    You said, son, not mother don't want to be a scientist when I was young, but mama experience in this life is too rough.


  • 国际气候制度演进经历艰难坎坷历程

    The evolution of the international climate regime has undergone a long and arduous process.


  • 幼年丧父,家道中落,早年坎坷经历,造就了孔子坚毅执著性格

    When Confucius was very young, his father died, so the family began to decline. He developed a firm and persistent character owing to the early years' experience of frustrations.


  • 幼年丧父,家道中落,早年坎坷经历,造就了孔子坚毅执著性格

    When Confucius was very young, his father died, so the family began to decline. He developed a firm and persistent character owing to the early years' experience of frustrations.


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