• 故影重温——再次呈现《国家地理》120年来那些记录历史瞬间经典照片

    Flashbackwhere those classical photos recording history moments during National Geographics 120 years would be reviewed.


  • 磨坊被改造成展示作品博物馆里面收藏了他的经典照片2000张。

    A museum is dedicated to his life's work at an old mill that houses about 2, 000 of his vintage images.


  • 一系列以“真实”留存于世经典照片都有着定义完美夸大真实冲动

    The impulse to define, perfect, or heighten reality is manifest in a roster of iconic photographs that have come to reside in the world as “truth.”


  • 经典照片1972年12月7日,阿波罗17号的成员前往月球的途中拍摄的。

    This classic photograph was taken on December 7, 1972 by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon.


  • 经典照片拍摄白金汉会客厅,几个英国皇家邮政摄影师拉纳尔德·迈克肯尼所摄。

    This superb image was captured in the White Drawing Room of Buckingham Palace by Royal Mail photographer Ranald Mackechnie a few months ago.


  • 相比当年哈勃拍摄经典照片-被称为创造之柱老鹰星云照片中的景象甚至更具震撼力。

    Reminiscent of Hubble's classic image of the Eagle Nebula dubbed the 'Pillars of Creation' this image is even more striking in appearance.


  • 一项经典研究中,保罗·克曼拍下了人们表现出愤怒厌恶恐惧快乐悲伤等情绪照片

    In a classic research, Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness.


  • 经典文化艺术已经低俗的故弄玄虚外国仪式假期照片所替代

    Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications, exotic rites and vacation photos.


  • 应用超声波技术创建胎儿三维图像这些照片仍然是人类生殖经典图片

    He would go on to use ultrasound techniques to create three-dimensional images of unborn children, but these photographs remain the most iconic pictures of reproduction ever taken.


  • 这场盛大的展览共展出了400多件上世纪的经典设计作品,其中包括椅子建筑模型画作照片电影等

    The ambitious exhibition features more than 400 objects including chairs, lamps, architectural models, paintings, photographs and films.


  • 这些镜头之所以如此令人印象深刻是因为他们并不成为经典”,摄影师Art Streiber,他负责拍摄照片中的两个镜头。

    “What makes these scenes so impressive is that they don’t last long in the movies, but they have become classic,” says photographer Art Streiber, who shot two of the portfolio pictures.


  • 遇上过这样问题段时间以后,所有这些经典照片一张都开始指向同一个方向

    As my photo source. The problem I've been running into however is that after a while, all these vintage photos tend to direct each piece in the same direction.


  • 此类照片中的经典当属爱丁堡外科医生二十世纪三十年代拍摄尼斯湖水怪照。

    The classic of the genre is, of course, this 1930s shot of the Loch Ness monster, which was taken by a surgeon from Edinburgh.


  • 2004年10月约翰克里一架有点土气跟踪野鸭装置前的照片可谓经典

    The classic example of the shooting photo-op was John Kerry's appearance in rather too pristine duck-hunting gear in October 2004.


  • 塔弗·莱希同一卷胶卷上拍摄包括所有太阳图片经典8字曲线照片可能,但是是个风险极大的事情

    It's possible to make a classic analemma that includes the pictures of the sun and the foreground on the same piece of film-but that's risky business, according to Tafreshi.


  • 100中,只有来张惹人注意,例如“DilDekeDekho”、《巴黎一夜》、“Kashimirkikali”,这些照片均因经典影片朗朗上口的歌曲而愈显珍贵

    Of his more than 100 pictures only a dozen or so shone (" Dil Deke Dekho ", "an Evening in Paris", "Kashmir Ki Kali"), treasured for the moves and the hopelessly catchy songs.


  • 照片,两位口碑颇佳的演员同坐绿扶手椅,身着维多利亚时代经典件套西服,看起来干净利落。

    Dressed in classic three-piece suits, the critically acclaimed actors cut dapper figures in the image, which sees them share a green leather arm chair.


  • 喜欢坚持经典涉及项目艺术照片

    I like to stick to the classics when it comes to items like art prints.


  • 这场展览通过照片明信片展示福尔摩斯经典作品描绘维多利亚时代伦敦神秘氛围这些作品包括50多个短篇故事本短篇小说

    Using photographs and postcards, the display illustrates the mysterious atmosphere of Victorian London described in the Holmes Canon of more than 50 short stories and four short novels.


  • 可不是一般的舌头它所成就的照片旋即成为经典从而使得这位杰出诺贝尔奖得主人格魅力才华横溢的大脑一样留在了人们的记忆之中。

    This being no ordinary tongue, the resulting photo became an instant classic, thus ensuring that the distinguished Nobel Prize-winner would be remembered as much for his personality as for his brain.


  • 一个经典研究项目中,保罗·克曼下了一组照片,分别表示愤怒厌恶恐惧幸福悲伤

    In classic research Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness.


  • 来源经典电影明星签名亲笔签名照片网络

    Sources for classic movie star autographs and autographed photos on the Web.


  • 比如可以增加照片变成经典爱情风格模板粉红色的女孩风格的模板,一个婴儿漫画杂志封面模版

    For example, you can add your photo into a classical love style template, a pink girl style template, a baby cartoon template, or a magazine cover template etc by just one click in PhotoShine.


  • 二战时期,《生活杂志摄影师美国时代广场抓拍水兵亲吻陌生女士的一幕,张”胜利之吻“的照片奉为经典自称照片主角的格林·麦杜菲因此声名鹊起,近日去世,享年86岁。

    A man who became known for claiming he was the sailor kissing a woman in Times Square in a famous World War II-era photo taken by a Life magazine photographer has died aged 86.


  • 唯一例外一个男人被迫只盒子上、蒙着头套、身缠电线照片照片已成为经典据说告知如果下来就会触电而死。

    One exception, already canonical, is the photograph of the man made to stand on a box, hooded and sprouting wires, reportedly told he would be electrocuted if he fell off.


  • 曾经的“纪实摄影照片近年闪耀出经典艺术光辉,成为拍卖市场上新的宠儿。

    One embraces the other with passion. Even documentary images and vintage photographs from early ages have become the treasures in the art market.


  • 曾经的“纪实摄影照片近年闪耀出经典艺术光辉,成为拍卖市场上新的宠儿。

    One embraces the other with passion. Even documentary images and vintage photographs from early ages have become the treasures in the art market.


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