• 标志尺寸大小必须能够保证内容和细节清晰可辨。

    The size of the logo must be such that the details of the logo are easily legible.


  • 分辨率是指图像更大孔径开口处精确清晰细节

    Resolution refers to precise and sharp details on images which are better of larger apertures, or openings.


  • 软件团队拥有广大的人才队伍清晰路线图,和乔布斯细节关注完美的热情追求这种自上而下的苹果文化渗透

    The software teams have great talent and a clear road map, and Jobs' attention to detail and passion for perfection permeate Apple's culture from top to bottom.


  • 这样可以重述需求使清晰无二义性提供足够细节支持设计

    Then you would restate the requirements to make them clear and unambiguous, providing enough detail to support a design.


  • 检查模型是否完整清晰,是否提供了关于区域硬件软件以及连接规范细节详细信息

    Check whether the model is complete and clear and provides detailed level of information about the zones, hardware, software and connection specifications or details.


  • 最好选择直接清晰而无需提供过多细节的措辞:已经离开以前公司,目前正在寻找机会

    It's best to choose words that are direct and clear without providing much detail: I'm no longer with my company and I'm looking for opportunities.


  • 随着上周四令人猝不急防股市大崩盘更多细节逐渐清晰,没什么证据表明交易员数据输入错误引发崩盘

    As more details of last Thursday's dizzying collapse become clear, there is less evidence to suggest a 'fat-finger' data-entry error caused the collapse.


  • 乔森先生:“拼图显示大量细节尤其是轮廓清晰版本。”

    Mr Jonsson said: 'My new Mosaic reveals an enormous amount of details, especially in the sharpened version.


  • 这样的话,如果没记下一个关键点忘记记录背景细节,你仍然能够清晰记得想法

    That way, if you missed a key point or forgot to record contextual details, you still have the idea fairly fresh in your mind.


  • 拍照小技巧如果用上三角架,然后放慢快门速度拍摄移动对象可以一张有强烈对比的照片,有清晰的部分有模糊掉的细节

    Photo Tip: If you use a tripod and a very slow shutter speed to shoot a moving subject, you can get a dramatic contrast between sharp and blurred detail.


  • 判断中,感觉指纹压缺乏细节,没有清晰脊线皱纹可以做适当的比较

    In Hanley's judgment, the impression lacked the kind of detail-the clear ridges and furrows-that is necessary to make a proper comparison.


  • 认为某种行为需要加强时候,就要完善奖励系统细节创立清晰人人法则

    After you identify the behaviors that you want to reinforce, develop the specifics of your reward system, and create rules that are clear and easily understood by all employees.


  • 因为实现细节随着测试的进行越来越清晰

    The implementation details come into clearer focus.


  • 阳光触摸屏多个层次上反射使液晶显示器图像清晰细节很难区分色彩暗淡

    Sunlight reflecting off the many layers of the touch screen and LCD is the primary element that washes out the image, making fine detail difficult to distinguish and colors to become muted.


  • 竞选宣言承诺清晰精确只给出关于她的观点的极少细节(几乎不进行活动面对极少重要的挑战者)。

    Her election platform promised transparency and rigour, but gave few details of her views (she barely campaigned, and faced no serious challenger).


  • 虽然由此使得右边颗牙齿丢失了一些细节左边因为方式而显得更加清晰

    While the two on the right lose detail as a result, the new method makes the one on the left much clearer.


  • 模型是以特定观点对系统描述忽略了相关细节,同时清晰看到关注特性

    A model is a description of a system from a particular perspective, omitting irrelevant detail so that the characteristics of interest are seen more clearly.


  • 电脑屏幕显示文字分辨率细节清晰方面都不如印刷体所以文字显得很模糊

    A computer screen displays text at a lower resolution, with less detail and sharpness than a printed page, so letters are fuzzier.


  • 克劳斯肖像作品可以网上看到体验(作品的)艺术冲击力的话,你到需要亲身去体验一下,因为这些作品一般很大(2-3),而且细节也相当清晰

    You can see Close's portraits online but you really need to see them in real life to experience their impact because they are typically huge (2-3 metres high) and incredibly detailed.


  • 对比度确定了显示器看到细节程度对比度高,色彩更丰富、线条清晰

    Contrast ratio determines the level of detail that can be seen on the display, with the higher ratio providing richer color and crisper lineation.


  • 回答:“清晰表达之舟撞上轻视细节礁石而沉没吗?”

    My response: "Is the ship of clarity to founder on the rocks of insufficient attention to detail?"


  • 这些报告大部分备用摘要一些详细叙述,它清晰阐明这场战争中公众无从得知一些细节

    The reports - usually spare summaries but sometimes detailed narratives - shed light on some elements of the war that have been largely hidden from the public eye.


  • 从中可以看出ccpermitscc:requires语句如何清晰分项描述此许可细节的。

    You can see how the cc: permits and cc: requires statements break down the specifics of the license very clearly.


  • 受限拉氏算法有效地控制了图像噪声使处理的图像边缘更加清晰,又保护了图像细节

    The noises of image is effectively suppressed by restricted Laplacian sharpening algorithm. The edges of image after processing are distinct and the details are deserved.


  • 幅图片非常巨大并且细节惊人,需要50万台高清晰电视才能完整呈现。

    The image is so big and detailed that you'd need 500, 000 high-definition TVs to view it at its full resolution.


  • 怎样编写一个更佳计算程序帮助清晰地掌握当前的PCR检测结果细节信息

    ", "how to write down a better calculating program which can provide me with clearer or more-in-detail information on our PCR screening results?


  • 怎样编写一个更佳计算程序帮助清晰地掌握当前的PCR检测结果细节信息

    ", "how to write down a better calculating program which can provide me with clearer or more-in-detail information on our PCR screening results?


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