• 那些细胞分裂后形成许多其他不同类型细胞

    Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells.


  • 因为端粒保护染色体末端阻止细胞分裂

    Because telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes to stop cells dividing.


  • 每次染色体分裂时——即当每次一个细胞分裂两个时——染色体尾部,也就是端区就会发生断裂

    Every time the Chromosome divides—every time one cell divides into two—pieces of the ends of the Chromosome, the telomere, get broken off.


  • 操作显微镜洋葱细胞样本方式以及细胞分裂阶段的仔细观察描绘和解释,让印象非常深刻。

    I was so impressed with the way you handle the microscope and the samples of onion cells, and with how carefully you observed and diagramed and interpreted each stage of cell division.


  • 异常半球中的神经元成熟之前经历过多细胞分裂时,就会发生这种罕见疾病大脑一侧一侧大得多。

    The rare disorder, in which one side of the brain grows substantially larger than the other, occurs when neurons in the abnormal hemisphere undergo too many cell divisions before they mature.


  • 卵子受精之前这种基因会产生一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质存在于卵子细胞中,控制细胞分裂模式从而控制着旋向性。

    Before egg fertilization, the gene produces a protein, found in the cytoplasm of the egg, that controls the pattern of cell division and thus handedness.


  • 观察二月兰一代杂交种子细胞分裂

    Observe the meiosis on the F1 hybrid of Orychophragmus violaceus.


  • 可以帮助建立减数细胞分裂遗传的表达状态

    It can help establish meiotically heritable expression states.


  • 细胞分裂之前复制,其中一个中心粒细胞一端组织纺锤中心体

    Prior to cell division it replicates, and the sister centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell to lie within the spindle - organizing structure, the centrosome.


  • 细胞分裂产生两个细胞进而分化发育成多细胞球形心形子叶胚。

    Then embryogenic cell divided into two cells, which sequentially differentiated through multicell proembryo, globular, heart-shaped and cotyledonary embryo stages.


  • 三名美国科学家因为发现了能在细胞分裂防止染色体散裂保护而赢得今年诺贝尔医学奖。

    The discovery of a "protective cap" that prevents chromosomes from falling apart when cells divide has earned three American researchers this year's Nobel prize in medicine.


  • 细胞观察表明培养后叶肉细胞明显增大细胞分裂形成分生组织,之形成原基。

    Cytological observations showed that mesophyll cells were greatly enlarged, undergoing repeated cell divisions, then forming meristematic mass, from which buds were initiated.


  • 突变可以辐射化学作用、外部病原体(如:病毒)细胞分裂基因组复制错误造成

    Mutations can be induced by radiation, chemical treatment, foreign pathogens (e.g. viruses), or due to errors that occur during replication of the genome each time a cell divides.


  • 而且细胞分裂可能会产生致命基因复制错误据此怀疑主义者们说,走向衰老仍是人类不可避免的未来

    Add that to the dangerous genetic copying errors that occur as cells divide and, for these naysayers, growing old remains an unavoidable future for humanity.


  • 这些断裂由于紫外照射X射线引起同时DNA分子一分为二细胞分裂过程中发生

    These breaks can, for instance, be caused by ultraviolet light or X-rays, but also occur during cell division, when DNA molecules split and form two new DNA molecules.


  • 复制DNA细胞分裂不是100%有效少量dna复制过程中每一端部丢失

    The enzymes that replicate DNA when a cell divides are not 100% efficient, and a small amount of DNA gets lost from the end of each strand during replication.


  • 对于伤组织再分化不仅需要细胞分裂而且诱导培养基生长素浓度影响也是显著的。

    With regard to the callus redifferentiation, not only kinetin is needed, but also the effect of auxin concentration of the induction medium is also remarkable.


  • 这种方法可以验证形态细胞分裂增殖存活迁移相关基本功能)约87%的精度改变

    The method recognized with 87% accuracy changes in the nuclear shape that were related to basic functions such as cell division, proliferation, survival and migration.


  • 布莱克本和卓斯塔克测定粒中一段特殊DNA序列细胞分裂染色体自我复制保护了染色体免受损耗。

    Blackburn and Szostak determined that it was a specific DNA sequence in the telomeres that kept chromosomes from fraying whenever they were copied when a cell splits in two.


  • 衰老过程中IAA氧化酶细胞分裂素氧化酶活性上升可能是导致内源激素含量下降的重要原因。

    The increasing of IAA oxidase and cytokinin oxidase activities may play a vital role in regulating endogenous IAA and cytokinin contents during the senescence.


  • 正常细胞中,如果DNA受损,p21会像刹车一样阻断细胞周期进程防止细胞分裂癌变

    In normal cells, p21 ACTS like a brake to block cell cycle progression in the event of DNA damage, preventing the cells from dividing and potentially becoming cancerous.


  • 块茎绝对生长率加权平均与块茎细胞数量直线相关证明了块茎的生长很大程度上细胞分裂控制。

    A linear relationship between the weighted mean absolute growth rate of individual tubers and their cell Numbers suggested that tuber growth was largely controled by the cell division of the tuber.


  • 这个模型中,细胞分裂时,他们随机选择100个不同的“显型”—清晰的遗传特征产生行为

    In the model, when cells divide they randomly choose from a set of 100 different "phenotypes" - behaviors that result from distinct genetic characteristics.


  • 此外由于响应时间可以缩短毫秒级,所以可用于测量细胞态、突发性变化(细胞分裂死亡等)。

    Moreover, the sensors were able to detect the transient mutation in cells(such as, the mitochysis and death of cell)because of the response time shortened to microsecond.


  • 研究组通过最初方法使用小的探针有效地标记肌动蛋白以及参与细胞分裂结构运动信息传导分子

    The team used these much smaller probes with the PRIME method to effectively tag actin, a molecule involved in cell division, structure, motility, and communication.


  • 威尔·马特之所以这么试验失败是因为很难保证供体细胞能处在细胞分裂周期同一阶段

    Wilmut said there were so many failures because it was difficult to ensure that the empty oocyst and the donor cell were at the same stage of the cell division cycle.


  • 威尔·马特之所以这么试验失败是因为很难保证供体细胞能处在细胞分裂周期同一阶段

    Wilmut said there were so many failures because it was difficult to ensure that the empty oocyst and the donor cell were at the same stage of the cell division cycle.


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