• 设计提交主要成果曲线拨距放大纵断面

    The design submitted by the main results of a curve from the table and for plans to enlarge profile.


  • 本文提出了一个铁路线路平面、纵断面优化设计方法

    This paper presents a new method for the optimization of alignments in rail - way design.


  • 首先,实现了三角形双线性内插算法应用纵断面获取

    Firstly, the algorithm of triangular bilinear interpolation is shown in detail and applied to acquire the profile from TIN.


  • 本文给出了一数字地面模型进行铁路纵断面自动设计方法

    This is an attempt to give a method of railway profile automation design by means of digital terrain model.


  • 本文针对铁路轮渡特点,对栈桥纵断面设计了详细探讨。

    In accordance with the specialities of the train ferry, the paper explores in detail the longitudinal section design of its trestle bridge.


  • 线路纵断面设计参数直接影响到线路等级以及行车安全性舒适性

    The plane and vertical section design parameters of railway line directly affect the line grade and the running safety and comfortableness.


  • 纵断面道路纵断面设计最后成果,也是道路设计重要文件之一

    Road profile drawing is the find result of road profile design and one of the important documents for road designing.


  • 木材纵断面薄膜组织形成淡薄条纹清晰可见。<比重> 气比重值A

    Parenchyma well developed and visible as pale thin stripes on vertical sawn face. weight:A.


  • 曲线纵断面部分线,部分凸形的檐口的线脚,古典建筑

    A molding for a cornice, having a partly concave and partly convex curve in profile, used especially in classical architecture.


  • 本文主要自动绘制纵断面图的方法进行了探讨,提出了一种可行的方法。

    An automatic method for section drawing is discussed in this paper, and a feasible accomplishing a provided. It is very useful especially for data collection manually.


  • 介绍高等级公路平面线形设计纵断面线形设计,以及、面线形组合设计。

    Combined with the alignment design of Taichang Expressway, the paper introduced some experience of horizontal and longitudinal alignment combination.


  • 物料纵断面受力分析表明分选机激振方向分选横向一定角度

    The analysis of forces exerted on material on vertical section shows that there should be an Angle between the vibrated force direction and crosswise of separation bed.


  • 如何平面图基础合理设计驼峰纵断面对其算是本次设计研究主要问题

    How combine on the ground wok reasonable design hump profile of the floor plan as to it's check the key problem of be regarded as this design research.


  • 介绍了水泥混凝土路面处理防止反射裂缝措施道路设计纵断面设计确定

    Introduced hereby are the treatment of the old cement concrete pavement, measures to prevent reflective cracking and the profile design and transverse grade determination in road design.


  • 叙述了低路堤高速公路纵断面优化设计数学模型采用面向对象编程思想编制的算法实现程序。

    The optimized mathematic model for the light fill expressway realizes the program using objects algorithm, which has proved to be effective in engineering practice.


  • 通过研究地铁线路纵断面设计相关理论,将作为纵断面计算机辅助设计研究专业理论依据

    By way of studying the theory of metro route profile design, it is arranged that the professional theoretical basis of CAD development of metro route profile.


  • 机械化驼峰溜放部分纵断面设计质量,对驼峰解体能力作业安全工程运营费重要影响

    The design quality of profile for the rolling section of mechanized hump has significant influence on the sorting capacity, operational safety, construction and operating costs of the hump.


  • 模型建模思想不仅适合道路平面设计,今后可应用于道路纵断面设计、横断面设计、管线综合

    The method of this model suits not only road plane design, but also road profile design, crossing design, pipeline design, etc.


  • 根据地铁线路纵断面设计一般步骤建立纵断面辅助设计软件系统结构指导MRPCAD开发研制

    According to the general approach on metro route profile design, it is founded that the architecture of the CAD software system of metro route profile which guide the MRPCAD system development.


  • 设计主要包括公路选线定线、平面线形设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、路基设计、路面设计等几个主要部分

    Design includes highway route alignment, Horizontal alignment design, Profile design, cross-sectional design, embankment design, road design, and several main parts.


  • 采用倾角度扫描方法获取关节纵断面完整图像,观察两侧关节形态差异个体形态差异,分析特殊CT表现。

    The morphological differences and specific CT manifestations were analysed on both sides of the joints and different individuals.


  • 结合典型长大下坡路段交通事故数据运用数理统计回归分析方法,研究交通事故与道路纵断面参数之间关系

    According to the relative data of typical sections, the relationship between traffic accidents and road vertical section parameters was studied based on statistics and regression methods.


  • 纵断面设计道路线形设计中的重要组成部分纵断面线形设计质量在很大程度上决定着道路安全性使用功能的好坏。

    Vertical section design is a important part in road line design, the quality of vertical section line determine the security and function of the road.


  • 高速铁路车站纵断面技术条件车站设计重要技术标准之一,需综合考虑行车安全、舒适、列车启动、停置、通过等技术要求。

    The profile technical standards of station are one of the major standards for highspeed railway design, Which should take account of many complex factors.


  • 山区公路分离式断面路线设计重点纵断面设计,在纵断面线形设计中通常使用控制参数容许最大纵坡最大容许坡

    The emphasis of montane highway design is vertical alignment's design, there are usually two controls parameters: concessional maximal longitudinal and concessional maximal length of grade.


  • 隧道纵断面结构计算采用弹性地基弹性地基,但这些方法较难真实模拟沉管隧道受力情况,特别是接头的受力情况。

    Immersed tube tunnels are often analyzed by using the method of beam or plate on elastic foundation which can not precisely simulate the behavior of joints.


  • 论文具体分析了汽车平纵组合路段上的行驶速度变化,汽车平纵组合路段上受力状态,分别研究汽车在平面纵断面上的行车受力情况。

    This paper analyzes the force state of vehicles in the combination road sections, and partly study concretely driving force situation when the vehicles is running on the plane and vertical road.


  • 论文具体分析了汽车平纵组合路段上的行驶速度变化,汽车平纵组合路段上受力状态,分别研究汽车在平面纵断面上的行车受力情况。

    This paper analyzes the force state of vehicles in the combination road sections, and partly study concretely driving force situation when the vehicles is running on the plane and vertical road.


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