• 目标使纳税成本征税成本构成社会成本最低。

    A fundamental purpose for tax payment service system is to reduce the overall social cost, which consists of tax payment cost and tax collection cost.


  • 纳税筹划目的为了企业纳税成本降低纳税成本效益提高

    The purpose of tax planning is to lower the tax cost or improve the tax cost-benefit of enterprises.


  • 纳税筹划要根据税收政策来设计业务流程,达到降低纳税成本的目的。

    Tax paying arrangement shall be done according to tax policy in order to lower down tax paying cost.


  • 加强纳税筹划企业科学合法地降低纳税风险减轻纳税成本规避税赋有效途径

    It "s an effective way for enterprises to enforce planning and preparing of paying taxes. They will scientifically and legally lower the taxation risk, reduce the taxation cost and evade taxation."


  • 本文着重降低征税成本纳税成本超税负担三个方面探讨提高税收效率具体途径

    This present paper discusses the concrete ways to improve tax efficiency in the views of reducing tax cost, tax payment cost and tax overburden.


  • 当然不能控制教育成本只是将其转移给了纳税

    Of course, that doesn't control the cost of education! It just shifts it to taxpayers.


  • 历届政府允许这种增长理由投资运营铁路网络成本使用者承担不是一般纳税

    Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than the general taxpayer.


  • 任何一情况下,默克尔如果不作出诸如确保债权人(而不仅仅是纳税人)承担以后救助部分成本之类大幅变动的情况下,不会安全网续展超过2013年。

    In any case, Mrs Merkel says she will not extend the safety-net beyond 2013 without big changes, such as ensuring that bondholders-not just taxpayers-bear some of the cost of future rescues.


  • 这个方案许多长处包括交付纳税资金,由管理层股东承担自己行为成本

    This plan has many advantages, including that management and shareholders bear the costs for their actions before taxpayer funds are committed.


  • 纳税只有银行资本完全枯竭时才会不良资产上受损失,这样就尽量减少潜在成本过度支付资产的风险。

    And taxpayers would risk losses on bad assets only if a "good bank" ran out of capital completely, minimizing the potential cost and the risk of over-paying for assets.


  • 很多电力市场监管的国家里,很多现有公司国家所有建造成本轻松的转移客户纳税人身上

    In many countries with regulated electricity markets, incumbent firms, many of them state-owned, can simply pass the costs of construction on to customers or taxpayers.


  • 保尔森在周日表示预计收购GSE债务不会任何成本甚至有可能纳税带来赢利。

    Paulson said he expects the purchase of GSE debt would come at no cost, and possibly at a profit, to taxpayers.


  • 政策制定者希望金融体系能够在内部消化自身产生风险成本不是将它们转嫁纳税人。

    Policymakers want the financial system to internalise the costs of the risks it generates rather than pass them to taxpayers.


  • 计划成本很可能来自募集债券国有银行贷款,最终纳税人买单

    The cost will be footed by taxpayers, probably through a bond issues or borrowing from state-owned Banks.


  • 理论上减少了未来无偿付能力纳税抒困风险也降低筹集新鲜股本成本

    In theory, this lessens the risk of future insolvency and taxpayer bail-out and lowers the cost of raising fresh equity capital.


  • 因为肥胖问题强加纳税人头上任何医疗成本,使得相同逻辑应用正当化对肥胖课税尝试上。

    Yet the same logic applies to attempts to justify taxes on obesity because of any medical costs obesity imposes on taxpayers.


  • 监管者分拆任何失败金融机构的权利,只是银行并且把清算成本更多地算在存活下来竞争者而不是纳税身上。

    It empowers regulators to dismantle any failing financial firm, not just Banks, and pushes more of the clean-up costs onto surviving competitors, rather than the taxpayer.


  • 纳税将要承担清理成本经济补偿,不管这些金融机构是否获准倒闭

    The requirements are economic recognition of the cleanup taxpayers will incur whether or not these institutions are allowed to fail.


  • 但是纳税付出整体干预成本依赖未来商业状况

    But the overall taxpayer cost of the intervention would depend on business conditions going forward, he said Sunday.


  • 不过我们编辑欧元区成员国议员担心这会让纳税承担过多风险银行不顾风险以更高成本筹集资金

    But our editor says that MPs in eurozone member-states will be concerned that taxpayers would be taking much more risk, and Banks will bolt at raising expensive new capital.


  • 基本上如果公园使用者带来收益大于纳税带来的损失,我们就说公修建公园的效益大于成本

    In principle, the park provides greaterbenefits than costs if the benefits to the users exceed the losses to thetaxpayers.


  • 他们发现购买私人健康保险人,而不是医疗保健医疗补助制度纳税承担由于肥胖而产生大部分医疗成本

    They also find that private payers, not taxpayers under Medicare and Medicaid, bear the majority of the additional medical costs due to obesity.


  • 一转移成本的存在迫使保险公司提高保费从而使它们纳税买单的公共计划相比变得毫无竞争优势

    Such cost-shifting would force insurers to raise their premiums, making them even less competitive with the taxpayer-subsidized public plan.


  • 而且理论上来说,这项计划个人国家置于风险之中——如果银行股份跌破最低价——管理起来成本高昂。股份分发全部选民,还是只给纳税人?

    Moreover, the scheme theoretically exposes the individuals and the state to risk-if banking shares crash below their floor price-and could be expensive to administer.


  • 纳税因为不对等条件支付更多成本银行会从他们愚蠢举动获利

    Taxpayers may thus pay over the odds and Banks may be rewarded for their stupidity. Yet these costs seem small against the benefit of putting a floor under the markets.


  • 这里重复类似的:“电费缴纳人,纳税股东支付的费用来自成本超支取消核电站,及那些今天美元算的话超过3千万的搁置成本。”

    The refrain here is familiar: “The total cost to ratepayers, taxpayers and shareholders stemming from cost overruns, canceled plants and stranded costs exceeded $300 billion in today's dollars.”


  • 它们除了”以外没有任何其它意义:2008年一年纳税人为此支付成本费用就达到8亿4800万美元,其中超过2/3的花费用于铸造硬币上,铸币生产过程中要消耗14823吨的锌、23879吨的铜、2514吨的镍。

    And that ain't money for nothing: The cost to taxpayers in 2008 alone was $848 million, more than two-thirds of which was spent minting coins that many people regard as a nuisance.


  • 它们除了”以外没有任何其它意义:2008年一年纳税人为此支付成本费用就达到8亿4800万美元,其中超过2/3的花费用于铸造硬币上,铸币生产过程中要消耗14823吨的锌、23879吨的铜、2514吨的镍。

    And that ain't money for nothing: The cost to taxpayers in 2008 alone was $848 million, more than two-thirds of which was spent minting coins that many people regard as a nuisance.


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