• 一些国家紧缩货币政策避免通货膨胀

    Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.


  • 最近牛市显示我们正在接近紧缩底部,而且低估大陆市场的通货膨胀前景引起的反弹

    The bull case is that we are near the end of tightening and that undervalued mainland equities will rebound on an improving inflation outlook.


  • 硬着陆“被定义强有力的货币财政紧缩政策,旨在遏制通货膨胀——即便增长代价也在所不惜。”

    It defines a hard landing as a strong monetary and fiscal tightening, designed to curb inflation even at some cost to growth.


  • 那么方法提高通货膨胀显然解决债务紧缩问题

    The way to get there, then, is to raise inflation, which obviously addresses the debt deflation concerns.


  • 尽管如此欧洲中央银行仍摆出冠冕堂皇理由实施紧缩政策首先他们声称把侧重点放在标题通货膨胀利率而不是核心措施的处理。

    Nevertheless, the ECB has some sound reasons for tightening policy. First, it places more weight on the headline rate of inflation than on the core measure.


  • 由于供应紧缩今年主食批发价格上涨超过了60%,加速通货膨胀紧缩家庭预算

    Wholesale prices for the staple have climbed by more than 60% this year because of tight supplies; that's fueling inflation and squeezing household budgets.


  • 紧缩信贷平息通货膨胀必要手段。

    Tighter credit is necessary to quell inflation.


  • 担心通货膨胀还是通货紧缩

    SHOULD you fret more about inflation or deflation?


  • 它们可能面对政策压力或是一个明确的决定时犹豫这个决定错误倒向通货膨胀这边而不是通货紧缩

    They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision to err on the side of inflation rather than deflation.


  • 相反通货膨胀随着时间降低而且有可能走向事实上通货紧缩我们陷入了更深困境

    On the contrary, as inflation falls over time and possibly goes to actual deflation, we sink deeper into the trap.


  • 如果分析正确,那么真正黄金市场产生影响的就是美元长期走势,而非通货膨胀通胀紧缩

    If he is correct, it is the potential longer-term weakening of the dollar that is the real issue for the gold market, not inflation or deflation.


  • 不过,对于公债私人部门债务紧缩问题通货膨胀并非一个廉价解决方案

    But inflation is not a cheap solution to high public debt and the debt-deflation problems of the private sector.


  • 正常情况下,尤其对当下这种现象不足为惧的:因为少量通货膨胀过于少量的通货紧缩

    Normally, and especially now, this is not a concern; a little bit of inflation is better than a little bit of deflation.


  • 伴随着失业率10.2%众多备用能量美国仍然面对着大的通货紧缩威胁而不是通货膨胀

    With a jobless rate of 10.2% and oodles of idle capacity, America still faces a bigger threat from deflation than from inflation.


  • 瑞典里斯克银行1931年至1937年采用这一目标制来防止其脱离黄金标准所产生通货膨胀通货紧缩

    Sweden’s Riksbank did it from 1931 to 1937 as a way of warding off both inflation and deflation after leaving the gold standard.


  • 通货紧缩通货膨胀难以应付。

    Deflation is also harder to fight than inflation.


  • 自从日本1999年进入通货紧缩时期,日本银行一直以来就坚决反对设定通货膨胀目标,一方面不想被评估,另外也担心如果没有完成目标,给自己带来尴尬的局面。

    Since the start of Japan’s deflationary era in 1999, the BoJ has stoutly resisted calls to set an inflation target against which it can be judged—and by which it can be embarrassed if it misses.


  • 然而现在希腊德国拥有相同货币降低希腊相对成本唯一途径通过某种德国通货膨胀与希腊通货紧缩相结合的办法。

    Now that Greece and Germany share the same currency, however, the only way to reduce Greek relative costs is through some combination of German inflation and Greek deflation.


  • 失业率升高到灾难地步过去几年美国通货膨胀数据日本急速滑入腐蚀性通货紧缩前期情况几乎完全吻合。

    Unemployment is disastrously high, while U.S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan’s relentless slide into corrosive deflation.


  • 不过还有其他可能比如复苏停止或是通货膨胀进一步放缓出现通货紧缩(各经济领域出现价格大幅下滑)威胁

    But there are other scenarios: if the recovery falters, or if inflation slows much further and a threat arises of deflation, a debilitating fall in prices across the economy.


  • 失业率升高到灾难地步过去几年美国通货膨胀数据日本急速滑入腐蚀性通货紧缩前期情况几乎完全吻合

    Unemployment is disastrously high, while U. S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan's relentless slide into corrosive deflation.


  • 欧洲央行已经避免了通货膨胀通货紧缩由16个国家组成的欧元区通货膨胀为1%。

    The European Central Bank says it has avoided both inflation and deflation: Annual inflation in the 16-nation euro zone is running at about 1%.


  • 通货紧缩已经变成通货膨胀危险敌人随着很多国家利率达到接近零,各国央行已经不得不寻其它政策工具

    Deflation has become a more dangerous enemy than inflation; with interest rates in many countries at or close to zero, central Banks have had to reach for other tools.


  • 大多数发达国家目前所处通货紧缩环境来看,这些意味通货膨胀即将爆发

    Nor does a new outbreak of high inflation seem imminent, given the pervasive deflationary conditions in most of the rich world.


  • 不过同样重要的是我们需要防止通货紧缩甚至需要防止通货膨胀太低。

    Equally important, however, we need to steer clear of deflation, or even excessively low inflation.


  • 如果老龄化使得通货紧缩泛滥修补通货膨胀目标无济于事。

    If ageing has helped make deflation endemic, tinkering with inflation targets will make little difference.


  • 通货紧缩情况下名义价值上升表示其真正价值也有一个大的上升,所以认为无论是在通货膨胀或是通货紧缩情况下,实质的黄金价格都会上升。

    A rise in nominal values in deflation represents an ever greater rise in real values, so I think gold's price ascent in real terms will be nearly identical in inflation or deflation.


  • 人们可以通过黄金价格日元比对衡量市场通货膨胀还是通货紧缩图表)。

    One could see gold priced in yen as a measure of the market's views on the deflation/inflation question (see chart).


  • 欧美担心通货紧缩之时,亚洲新兴市场开始考虑如何应对截然相反问题通货膨胀

    While the West still worries about the ravages of deflation, emerging markets in Asia are beginning to contemplate what to do about the opposite problem: inflation.


  • 欧美担心通货紧缩之时,亚洲新兴市场开始考虑如何应对截然相反问题通货膨胀

    While the West still worries about the ravages of deflation, emerging markets in Asia are beginning to contemplate what to do about the opposite problem: inflation.


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