• 目的地SCA系统总线系统异常目的地设置

    This destination is set in the SCA system bus system exception destination.


  • 7显示交付所有事件存储SCA系统总线队列中

    Figure 7 shows that all events being delivering are stored in the queue of the SCA system bus.


  • 按照指令译码结果,这些指令执行不会用到系统总线

    As with instruction decoding, the execution of these instructions does not make use of the system buses.


  • 例如希望普通用户级代码能够访问系统总线以及直接读取内部通信

    For example, you wouldn't want ordinary user-level code to be able to gain access to the system bus and directly read internal communication.


  • 分析了楼宇可视对讲通信系统主要功能结构系统总线

    The main functions, construction and system bus in the building visual talk back communication system were analyzed.


  • 暂停暂停秒钟启动过程中等待缓慢设备登记系统总线

    This pauses the pauses the boot process for five seconds, waiting for slow devices to register with the system bus.


  • 同时设计还使用缓存方式,降低系统总线占用率。

    In the meantime, the module takes advantage of on-chip cache to reduce the pressure on the system buses.


  • 作为处理器接口系统总线部件直接影响存储系统效能

    As an external interface of the processor, system bus component affects the efficiency of memory system directly.


  • 例如我们希望普通用户级别代码能够访问系统总线以及直接读取内部通信

    For example, we wouldn't want ordinary user-level code to gain access to the system bus and directly read internal communication.


  • SCA系统总线SCA运行时用于与SCA组件SCA模块之间异步通信

    The SCA System Bus is used by the SCA runtime for asynchronous communication between SCA components and SCA modules.


  • 发明实施主要需要总线系统设备中,axi系统总线等。

    The embodiment of the invention is mainly used in the bus-required systems or equipment, such as AXI system bus.


  • CLB总线系统总线一般用来连接速度、高数据宽度IP

    The CLB bus is a kind of on-chip system bus which is usually used to connect IPs with high speed and high data width.


  • 本文介绍了微型计算机系统总线作用分析了PC I局部总线发展趋势

    This paper explains the function of the System Bus of a microcomputer, and analyses the trend to PCI local Bus.


  • 因此研究系统总线协议及其实现技术对于隐藏访存延迟提高访速度具有重要意义。

    Thus, it is important to study protocols and implementation of system bus to hide memory latency and increase memory access rate.


  • 系统总线CPU相连CPU与系统硬件外设相连总线分开的。

    The system bus connects the CPU with the main memory and is separate from the buses connecting the CPU with the system's hardware peripherals.


  • 论文研究实践工作完成一个系统总线外设总线之间总线模块设计

    The research and practice of this dissertation complete the design of a bus bridge module which between the on-chip system bus and the peripheral bus.


  • 本文详细研究这种分离事务流水执行技术应用技术实现X处理器系统总线部件

    We study the split transaction pipelining technology in detail, and apply it to the implementation of system bus component in X processor.


  • 所有型号8 (2x4)M B缓存在二级系统总线财经事务局1066兆赫

    All models have 8 (2x4) MB cache in the second level and system bus OF FSB 1066 MHz.


  • 通常情况下,所有SCA系统总线创建常规目的地配置为将失败消息路由恢复异常目的地

    In general, all the regular destinations created on the SCA system bus will be configured to route failed messages to the recovery exception destination.


  • 1553B总线控制器,采用SOC设计方法,研究航天器系统总线设计实现

    The SOC design and implementation of the spacecraft system bus was studied, for example of the 1553b bus controller.


  • 简单介绍51单片机外部系统总线,进行特殊的外部扩展连接给出相应实现程序

    Briefly introduce that use the outside system bus skillfully to connect the MCS51 to peripheral devices specially and then show the relevant program to realize it.


  • 超频处理器系统总线产生不可预测结果系统不稳定而这些现象可能并不一目了然的

    Overclocked processors or system bus can produce unpredictable results or system instabilities, which might not be readily apparent.


  • 模式更改正确模式(例中MESCASYS因为该模式SCA系统总线创建的模式)。

    Change the schema to the correct schema (in this case, it is MESCASYS, because that's the schema you created for the SCA system bus).


  • 电源优化的处理器系统总线始终处于断电状态,直到感知来自芯片组数据通电从而减少处理器的耗电量。

    The power-optimized processor system bus remains powered down until it senses incoming data form the chipset, allowing to the processor to consume less power.


  • 当然如果一个应用程序需要接收来自系统总线消息不如直接连接系统总线——不过,它可以发送消息受限的。

    Of course, if an application wants to receive messages from the system bus, it can connect to it as wellbut the messages it can send will be restricted.


  • 我们观察所得,只有提高频率国旗模型使之多样化其余加速器频率的工作系统总线进入内存数量

    We observe only raising the frequencies of flag models and diversifying the remaining accelerators by the frequencies of work, the system bus of access to the memory and its volume.


  • 系统存储器结构数据通信通道组成系统总线结构进行了分析;讨论了算法划分、算法的多处理器映射调度

    The memory structure, constitution of data communication channel and system bus are analyzed, and the algorithm allocating, algorithm mapping and scheduling on the multiprocessor are discussed.


  • 叙述了I2C总线的特点,给出了I2C总线工业测控系统作为系统总线通信总线构成复杂系统的具体形式。

    I2C as systems bus and communicate bus used in measurement and control system design is introduced. Three different applications are given.


  • WebSphereJDBCAdapterSCA系统总线中的队列交付事件时,由于意外因素可能无法事件交付给事件接收者

    When WebSphere JDBC Adapter delivers events to the queue in the SCA system bus, it is possible that events fail to be delivered to the recipient of events due to unexpected factors.


  • WebSphereJDBCAdapterSCA系统总线中的队列交付事件时,由于意外因素可能无法事件交付给事件接收者

    When WebSphere JDBC Adapter delivers events to the queue in the SCA system bus, it is possible that events fail to be delivered to the recipient of events due to unexpected factors.


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