• 系列更加了解职业获得社会工作学位必要步骤、社会工作丰富历史以及社会工作帮助他人诸多方式

    Throughout this series you will learn more about the profession, the necessary steps to get a social work degree, the rich history of social work, and the many ways that social workers help others.


  • 系列了解更多关于职业获得社会工作学位必要步骤、社会工作丰富历史以及社会工作帮助他人许多方式

    Throughout this series you will earn more about the profession, the necessary steps to get a social work degree, the rich history of social work, and the many ways that social workers help others.


  • 现在就像在这个系列 第 1部分 过的,比起蓝牙服务器,蓝牙客户机工作多得多,而且只要一下理解为什么

    Now, as I stated in Part 1 of this series, Bluetooth clients have a lot more work to do in comparison with Bluetooth servers -- and if you think about it for a second, you'll understand why.


  • UML工作簿系列一部分我们将来谈谈参与者复杂系统设计角色

    In this installment of the UML workbook series, we'll talk about the role of the actor in designing complex systems.


  • 系列第1部分第2部分了解使用UNIX命令可以完成各种各样的工作

    In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, you learned how much you can accomplish with the UNIX command line.


  • 为了演示JSTL标记我们使用来自一个工作应用程序示例系列余下文章都将使用此应用程序。

    To demonstrate the JSTL tags, we'll use examples from a working application for the remaining articles in this series.


  • 事务--作为工作单一逻辑单元执行的一系列操作执行过程要么所有的操作被执行,要么一个都不执行(称为本地简单事务)。

    Transaction -- a series of actions performed as a single logical unit of work in which either all of the actions are performed or none of them are (also called a local or simple transaction).


  • 下个我们结束这个系列文章。我将描述剩下两个ALM模式基本概念-管理工作管理安全

    Next month, we will continue this article series by describing the two remaining fundamental concepts in working with the ALM schema in ClearQuest — managing work, and administration and security.


  • 这个系列后面文章我们解释如何工作空间修改这个流程交付ProjectArea

    In the subsequent articles in this series, we will explain how to modify the stream from repository workspaces and then deliver it to the Project Area.


  • 系列第2部分研究程序,它实际完成构建gstreamer管道以便We b照相机屏幕另一个系统传输图像核心工作

    In Part 2 of this series, we'll look at a program that actually does the core work of building a gstreamer pipeline to get images from the Web camera to the screen or to another system.


  • Seagull1.3 .xand 2 . x系列Apache工作得很

    Apache: Seagull works fine with 1.3.x and 2.x series of Apache.


  • Web服务系列教程第6部分(也就是本教程)DailyMoon员工将进行相关工作确保Web服务具有尽可能高的互操作性。

    In Part 6 of the web services tutorial series, the Daily Moon staff members work to ensure that their web services are as interoperable as possible.


  • 注意使用BuddyNote工作必须完成系列一部分安装J9插件一节步骤。

    Note: to use the BuddyNote workspace you need to complete the "Install J9 Plug-In" section of the first part of this series.


  • 系列使用ApacheServiceMix演示hsb如何工作

    I am going to use Apache ServiceMix in this series to demonstrate the working of an HSB.


  • 这部电视系列展示了一个严峻的现实:TheWire容易因为唯命是从得到晋升而不是做好工作

    The series presents a bleak story: you are far more likely to be promoted in "the Wire" for toeing the line than for being good at your job.


  • grandes écoles非常注重任人唯贤,报考者要系列紧张测试互相挑战。 尽管如此企业高级管理层被该校毕业生占据,使工作环境不甚良好。

    Although the grandes écoles are superbly meritocratic—candidates compete against each other in a series of gruelling exams—their dominance of corporate hierarchies makes workplaces much less so.


  • 系列第 1部分我们主要介绍工作流程五个步骤

    In Part 1 of this series, we will focus on the first five steps of the workflow.


  • 系列文章详细了解这些组件以及它们如何作为组合业务服务SOA平台协同工作

    In this series of articles, you'll learn about these components in detail, and how they work together as an SOA platform for composite business services.


  • 我们UML工作簿系列第一篇文章讨论了参与者可以扮演各种角色

    We discussed the various roles available to an actor in the first article in the UML workbook series.


  • 根据面向某员工角色工作场景应用程序创建系列页面,员工可通过这些页面完成分配任务

    Based on a workflow scenario for an individual employee's role, you create a series of pages in an application that let the employee work through assigned tasks.


  • 一部分通篇都将使用我们UML工作簿系列请参阅参考资料几部分开发贷款申请

    Throughout this installment, we will work with the Loan Application use case we have developed in previous installments of the UML workbook series (see Resources).


  • UML工作簿系列专栏我们设计了一个参与人(贷款申请人)又能外部系统参与者(征信所)交互的系统。

    In the last column in the UML workbook series, we devised a system that would interact with both a human actor (a loan applicant) and an external system actor (a credit bureau).


  • 尽管系列后续部分重点关注于优化工作,但是可能希望首先熟悉一下网络子系统内存管理机制

    Though the series focuses on tuning in subsequent parts, you might want to start to familiarize yourself with the memory management facility of network subsystems.


  • 首先,被显示我们工作状态(SOW需求本质上系列分解规格说明,这些规格说明不能引导清晰工作分解或者甚至不能会产生许多架构线索

    For one thing, the requirements as stated in our SOW were essentially a set of decomposed specifications that didn't lead to a clear breakdown of the work or even yield many architectural clues.


  • 如果新的解析运行系列以前文章代码示例,那么自己可以,代码示例可能无法工作

    You can see this for yourself if you try running a code sample from an early article in this series with the new parser: it probably won't work!


  • 同时需要一个迭代过程系列能够帮助团队成员自动发现工作错误并将精力具有创造性的和有价值的方面上。

    It also requires an iterative process and a set of tools to help team members automate error-prone aspects of their work, freeing them to focus on creativity and value.


  • 项目区域工作系列迭代完成,迭代的开始结束日期流程状态进行定义。

    The work in a project area is done in a sequence of Iterations whose start and end dates are defined in the process 'state.


  • OSI描述使应用程序通过网络工作所需特性将那些特性分解系列

    The OSI model describes the features necessary to have an application work over a network and breaks down the features into a series of layers.


  • 联合国儿童基金会电台教育紧急情况项目未来数月其他国家和地区也推出系列类似工作

    UNICEF Radio and the education in emergencies programme will be conducting a series of similar workshops in other countries in the coming months.


  • 社会化游戏丰富也增加各种可能个体投入到系列在线工作变得更有吸引力了

    The rise of social gaming further extends the possibilities, and shows how individual elements broken up into a series of small engaging tasks online can become addictive.


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