• 患有某种类型精神错乱

    He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder.


  • 菲利普斯谋杀了自己妻子精神错乱为由逃脱了罪责

    Phillips murdered his wife, but got off on a plea of insanity.


  • 3年前今天一个精神错乱广场上开枪打死14个人

    Three years ago today a deranged man shot and killed 14 people in the main square.


  • 祖父母计划组织中,父母逼着生育孩子可以获得一些客观的信息——关于生养他们自己的孩子可能带来的精神错乱

    At Planned Grandparenthood, children targeted by their parents to reproduce could obtain non-biased information about the insanity of having their own kids.


  • 停了下来涨红了脸然后继续低沉悲伤地说:“来折磨了,我精神错乱了。”

    He stopped, blushed, then continued low and sadly, "Ah, my malady persecuteth me again, and my mind wandereth."


  • 精神错乱,谁都认得了。

    He became delirious and couldn't recognize people.


  • 进行那些恐怖的谋杀精神错乱

    He was insane when he carried out the grisly murders.


  • 护理精神错乱非常耗力的任务

    Nursing a demented person is an all-consuming task.


  • 以后生活可能会某种神经官能症精神错乱

    He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.


  • 罗伯特•尼罗扮演一个失去工作精神错乱执迷波士顿袜子队球迷

    Robert De Niro plays an obsessed Boston Red Sox fan who becomes unhinged after he loses his job.


  • 可怜没有朋友老鼠,毫无疑问一定是虐待精神错乱了。

    Poor little friendless rat, doubtless his mind has been disordered with ill-usage.


  • 每次拜访斯隆家,都会他们干净无比家里寻找他们精神错乱痛苦甚至后悔迹象似乎从来没有找到

    Each time I visited the Sloans, I'd search for signs of insanity, misery or even regret in their super clean home, yet I never seemed to find any.


  • 忧虑可能使他陷于精神错乱

    His anxieties threatened to unbalance his mind.


  • 临床心理学主要精神错乱评估诊断治疗

    Clinical Psychology is focused on the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.


  • 严重精神错乱对于他们来说鬼神附体结果不是人力和医药能解除的,要靠神力医治。

    Severe mental disorders, for them, are the result of being possessed by spirits - entirely not in the domain of men of medicine but in that of mystic healers.


  • 不过她声称自己孩子命中注定要被地狱销毁”,最终以精神错乱为由被宣告无罪

    She claimed that her children "were doomed to perish in the fires of hell" and was eventually found not guilty by reason of insanity.


  • 患有精神错乱病人反应总是刚才那样。”医生回答

    Patients who suffer from insanity invariably respond in the manner you have just done,’replied the doctor.


  • 患有精神错乱病人反应总是刚才那样。”医生回答

    Patients who suffer from insanity invariably respond in the manner you have just done, ’replied the doctor.


  • 几天以后拜妲送回巴库监狱医生认定没有精神错乱

    A few days later Baida was transferred back to the jail in Baquba after doctors determined that she had no psychological disorder.


  • 答辩中,海伦提出一时的精神错乱为借口

    In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity.


  • 这种微生物可以感染脑部引起头痛精神错乱虚弱发烧

    This microbe infects the brain and can cause headache, confusion, motor weakness and fever.


  • 拉德斯托克引用了大量坚持认为精神错乱具有相似性观点来开启对这一课题研究的篇章

    Radestock begins the chapter in which he deals with the subject by citing a number of opinions which insist on the analogy between insanity and dreaming.


  • 精神错乱原因治疗方法研究帮助形成精神病治疗很多观念

    His studies on the causes and treatment of mental disorders helped form many ideas in psychiatry.


  • 托马斯的辩护律师团队争辩说由于停车场青年压力而导致“非精神错乱的无意识行为”。

    His defence team argued it was "non-insane automatism" brought on by the stress of the youths in the car park.


  • 相反极不寻常,我们寻求所谓特别裁决——一个精神错乱无罪的裁决。

    Instead, very unusually, we seek what is called a special verdict - a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.


  • 仅仅因为愚蠢记者一些毫无意义惹人发怒问题精神错乱吗?

    But am I going to flip out just because some dumb reporter asks a bunch of pointless and infuriating questions?


  • 根据芝加哥拉什医学中心调查员做的研究大约有50%的85岁以上的变得精神错乱

    Roughly 50 percent of people who reach 85 will become demented, according to studies conducted by investigators at Rush Medical Center in Chicago.


  • 根据芝加哥拉什医学中心调查员做的研究大约有50%的85岁以上的变得精神错乱

    Roughly 50 percent of people who reach 85 will become demented, according to studies conducted by investigators at Rush Medical Center in Chicago.


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