• 他所有伟大的科学成就背后,是他永不停止努力的精神、总是挑战自己的精神、以及他对祖国和全世界人民的

    Behind all his great scientific achievements are his spirits of never stopping trying his best, always challenging himself and his love for his country and the people all over the world.


  • 那具有冒险精神的诗歌这样的:“抛开了中途的旅程,一飞冲天越过尼神山同时追求的是散文韵律未曾尝试过的事物。”

    His adventurous song is one that "with no middle flight intends to soar above the Aonian Mount, while it pursues things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhyme."


  • 并不只是情感上瘾那么简单还是复杂精神过程

    But there is more to love than emotion and addiction. It is also a complex mental process.


  • 思想里,自私被清理出来上帝法令进去,那么你就会全心全意灵魂,用精神上帝自己那样邻居

    Selfishness is taken out, and God's Law is written in your mind so that you love Him with all your heart and your soul and your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.


  • 电影作品永远大放异彩,她的精神永远我们同在,她的也将永远我们心底

    Her legacy will never fade, her spirit will always be with us, and her love will live forever in our hearts.


  • 而言,那种重要,需要总体上理解就是对,神父观点不同意的地方,相信精神精神上的。

    And that kind of love for me is very important in understand in love in general. And that was my argument against the priest that somehow you believe in a spiritual love, which is pure spirit.


  • 孩子们觉得父亲他们关心照顾剥夺了,并且可能造成精神上的创伤,而这些伤口以后的生活中很难愈合。

    Children may feel deprived of their father's love, attention and care, and may become victims of psychological traumas that are not so easy to heal in the future.


  • 意义-不管是通过教堂或者精神升华,或者是通过那些带来激情或者事物找到意义。

    Meaning. It's often useful to find meaning, either through a church or spiritual way, or through those we love in life or through the things we're passionate about.


  • 发自内心觉得充满活力精神焕发幸福无比

    When love radiates from your Heart you feel vibrant, energized and blissful.


  • 同时沃克提供经济精神支持,还将其介绍知名荷华作家工作坊建议成为作家。

    Offering both financial and psychological support, he introduces him to the renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop and suggests the life of a writer.


  • 但是慢慢了解了斯内普的过去知道因为对莉莉莉莉的真的改变自己之后,甚至杀了邓布利多也是听邓布利多的命令而行,你会为他的精神而感动。

    But then you discovered more about Snape's past and learned that he had truly been transformed by his love for Lily and her death. He had even been ordered to kill Dumbledore, by Dumbledore himself.


  • 私心清除,他们全心全意灵魂,用精神上帝自己那样邻居

    The selfishness has been taken out, and they love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds, and they love their neighbor as themselves.


  • 无论想逃离抱怨或是见到一团糟屋子作为团队精神教育观点选择会生活产生不同的结果

    Whether you're willing away early morning grouchiness or seeing a messy house as a chance to teach teamwork, your choice of perspective will make all the difference between just living and loving.


  • 注意力依赖于新奇感---需要娱乐精神、细致入微的以及建立新的联系

    Attention craves novelty—it needs to be entertained and loves to leap from branch to branch, making new connections.


  • 出风头父母希望自己的孩子始终都是赢家,给孩子们极端的压力导致他们精神崩溃甚至出现自杀倾向

    Pushy parents who want their kids to be winners all the time put kids under extreme pressure leading to nervous breakdowns or even suicidal tendencies.


  • 女儿小女儿叛逆精神最终迫使调整立场并且允许她们做出一些自己选择

    Her love for her daughters, and the rebellious spirit of her younger daughter, finally forced her to moderate her stance and allow her them to make some of their own choices.


  • 德加·。波创作了许多有关神秘恐怖精神错乱死亡短篇小说诗歌一生短暂而且幸福。

    Edgar Allan POE wrote stories and poems of mystery and terror, insanity and death. His life was short and seemingly unhappy.


  • 并不那么认为精神,我认为精神是,包括所有人类价值包括,对身体

    I don't think of spirit that way. I think of spirit as incorporating all human values including the ones that involve the love of the body.


  • 神明会用他温柔拥抱所有虔诚地向超自然力量祈求治愈疾病通过精神力量获得健康的人的心灵

    The tender and spiritual touch of divine love embraces everybody who sincerely searches for metaphysical healing or for health through spirituality.


  • 几乎有一半受访者她们精神忧郁时间床上出家门。其中有13%失去工作

    Almost half of respondents to the survey said they had stayed in bed or not left the house for a long period of time when depressed while 13% had quit a job.


  • 因为追寻续篇记得过,叫做自然精神和谐》。

    Because the sequel to the Pursuit of Love is the book I think I've mentioned, called the Harmony of Nature and Spirit.


  • 我们忙碌时,便省略关系减少时间精神精力的关系上。

    When our schedules become overloaded, we start skimming relationally, cutting back on giving the time, energy, and attention that loving relationships require.


  • 昨日法庭精神病学家详述了JosefFritzl与其母亲不良关系,并称禁锢女儿行为乃是出于对童年的一补偿

    A court psychiatrist yesterday described how Josef Fritzl had locked up his daughter as a way of compensating for a loveless childhood as she detailed his troubled relationship with his mother.


  • l(love):无条件地奉献出情感身心心,以及精神

    L love (love) : unconditionally devote your emotional and physical and psychological love and your spirit of love.


  • ScottStuart博士大学精神病学家心理学家,具有轻微中度抑郁孕妇病人在指导下摄如dha后病情有所改善

    Scott Stuart, a University of Iowa psychiatry and psychology professor, said his pregnant patients with mild to moderate depression had improved when taking DHA while seeing a counselor.


  • 正是这种忽视带来了精神贫困

    It is this neglect to love that brings spiritual poverty.


  • 正是这种忽视带来了精神贫困

    It is this neglect to love that brings spiritual poverty.


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