• 照片记录下了耀斑爆发太阳表面喷发强烈带电粒子云——太阳风暴

    They show the violent nature of solar storms, as burning hot gas creates hurricanes in the Sun's atmosphere.


  • 最后日冕物质抛射,或是CME阵雨携带带电粒子几天到达地球大气

    Finally comes a coronal mass ejection, or CME, a slower moving cloud of charged particles that can take several days to reach Earth's atmosphere.


  • 科学家希望大片大片粒子压缩高密度的反粒子块,以便进行实际应用

    The scientists also want to compress large clouds of antiparticles into high-density clumps that can be tailored for practical applications.


  • 这些带电粒子形成粒子(又叫太阳风1415日掠过地球磁场,造就了观察北极光的美妙时刻。

    The southern part of the particle cloud, or solar wind, grazed Earth's magnetic field on the 14th and 15th, resulting in a particularly good night for aurorae.


  • 根据这种观点学者们认为陨星扬起巨大粒子挡住了阳光,阳光长达数月无法照射地球上时,这种大型爬行动物大部分被冻死饿死。

    Under that argument, academics say the giant reptiles mostly froze or starved to death when a huge cloud of particles kicked up by the meteorite blocked the world's sunlight for months.


  • 根据这种观点学者们认为陨星扬起巨大粒子挡住了阳光,阳光长达数月无法照射地球上时,这种大型爬行动物大部分被冻死饿死。

    Under that argument, academics say the giant reptiles mostly froze or starved to death when a huge cloud of particles kicked up by the meteorite blocked the worlds sunlight for months.


  • 虽然这种高层大气几乎构成任何威胁但是地面散发的放射粒子余波应该任何监管机构所关注的。

    Although such a cloud would pose virtually no threat while in the upper atmosphere, the fallout at the ground of radioactive particles from it should be a concern for any monitoring authority.


  • 火球蘑菇放射性粒子推到上空,然后它们吹送到附近远处

    The fireball and mushroom cloud carry radioactive particles upward, and the wind sends them near and far.


  • 然后研究人员推动这个冷却斑,并进一步把反质子压缩,以致可以一个相似大小的中子来与重叠在那时,两个粒子(反质子和中子)成对形成反氢原子

    Then the researchers nudged this cloud of cold, compressed antiprotons so it overlapped with a like-size positron cloud, where the two particles mated to form antihydrogen.


  • Charlson一直对给空气中的湿气冷凝提供凝结未知粒子存有疑惑

    Charlson had been puzzling over what unknown particles provide the nuclei on which moisture condenses, forming clouds.


  • 反物质由于自身发射伽玛射线而显现出来,单个的反物质粒子遇到它们正常物质对应体(这里正电子遇到电子)彼此互相消灭了对方。

    The cloud shows up because of the gamma rays it emits when individual particles of antimatter, in this case positrons, encounter electrons, their normal matter counterpart, and annihilate one another.


  • 相对充满粒子然后探测器相连的圆筒形混合线圈”中电场调整为分层。

    The two clouds of oppositely charged particles are then superimposed by adjusting electrical fields in a cylindrical "mixing trap" lined with detectors.


  • 电子快速运动使得缓动的把电子“看成”不是象分立粒子

    The rapid motion of the electros causes the sluggish nuclei to "see" the electron as a charge cloud rather than as a discrete particle.


  • 自然凝结过程中,部分粒子活化生长雾滴余下部分保持没有活化。

    During natural condensation part of the particle population become activated and grow into cloud or fog droplets while the remainder remain inactivated.


  • 作为耦合结果粒子态被量子覆盖起来。

    As a result of the coupling, the single-particle states are clothed in a cloud of quanta.


  • 凝结计数器计下的粒子,在天然的凝结中往往活化

    Particles which are counted in condensation nucleus counters are very often not activated in natural cloud or fog condensation.


  • 为了解决这个问题选取粒子系统作为天空重要景物建模方法

    In order to solve this problem, we choose the particle system as the modeling method of the important scenery of sky: cloud.


  • 术语描述空气尘埃粒子形成潜在爆炸性混合物的尘埃

    The term dust cloud describes dust particles that along with air form a potentially explosive mixture.


  • 由此可知那些因受热过度而释放出来粒子会导致许多小水滴形成然后测量系统探测到。

    Consequently, the thermally generated particles cause many droplets to form into the cloud, which is then detected by the measuring system of the cloud Chamber.


  • 星际通过它,我们太阳系慢慢移动带电粒子的束状

    This interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged particles through which our solar system is slowly moving through.


  • 观测事实表明,对流分布着许多不同大小泡,本文根据事实讨论有结构的对流降水粒子形成的问题。

    The formation of precipitation in convective cloud with cell structure is inve-stegated, based on the fact that a cloud consists of a great deal of cells in different phases.


  • 连续统一体里非导电性的理论考虑试验粒子极化作用之间的相互作用。

    In the continuum dielectric theory one considers the interactions between the test particle and its polarization cloud.


  • 下落速度不大下降清除较小粒子并不十分有效

    The falling speed of cloud droplets is small and falling cloud droplets are not very effective in scavenging smaller particles.


  • 光学厚度有效粒子半径光学属性参数化方案中的重要参数

    Cloud optical thickness and effective particle radius are the important parameters to parameterize the cloud optical properties.


  • 通过实验数据比较,算法模拟碎片形状及特征实验吻合验证了光滑粒子冲击动力学问题数值模拟的有效性

    The characteristics of the simulated debris clouds are in agreement with the experimental results, which show that SPH method is effective in modeling the hyperveloci…


  • 通过实验数据比较,算法模拟碎片形状及特征实验吻合验证了光滑粒子冲击动力学问题数值模拟的有效性

    The characteristics of the simulated debris clouds are in agreement with the experimental results, which show that SPH method is effective in modeling the hyperveloci…


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