• 害虫感染发生主要感染的害虫有

    Pest infestation also easily occurs, mainly rice weevil and corn weevil , etc.


  • 随着时间过去,如果这种状态被过度破坏维持下去,甚至可以1998年帕尔岛被漂白那样的打击恢复

    It will remain so over time, even recovering from shocks like the bleaching Palmyra experienced in 1998, if it is not unduly disturbed.


  • 看到我们三个汽车周围安静在送葬一样,营业室门口停了下来

    The three of us, standing quiet as mourners around Mimo's car, stopped her short of the lobby door.


  • 上百万其他难民一样,37岁的瓦夫埃 阿 努阿怀揣着三个孩子过上更好生活创造个更好的条件的希望逃离了伊拉克

    Like millions of others, 37-year-old Wafaa al Nuaimi fled Iraq in the hopes of giving her three children a chance at a better life.


  • 个儿妇说:“你们各人回娘家去吧耶和华待你们,你们恩待已的人一样。”

    Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, "Go back, each of you, to your mother's home." May the LORD show kindness to you, as you have shown to your dead and to me.


  • 普尔还表示,爱卡这个中的其它成员被人们发现能够发出类似声音而这种声音和以前曾记录在案的任何一种大叫声明显不同

    Poole said others in Mlaika's group have been heard to make a similar noise, which is quite different from any call previously recorded in elephants.


  • 塞达琳低脂的乳酪样式面卷饼起来好过于健康而变成一个笑话,甚至连我们的墨西哥煎饼旧货商都喜欢这种由杂色的豆、大豆干酪、番茄有机温暖的小麦薄饼里的食物。

    This almost sounds too healthy to be fun, but even our burrito junkies loved this dish of pinto beans, soy cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and organic brown rice, wrapped in a warm wheat tortilla.


  • 3种猛犸种群一直俄罗斯弗兰格尔存活3700年前它们现代很近的血缘关系

    A population of 3 metre-tall dwarf mammoths survived on Russia's Wrangel Island until 3, 700 years ago. They were closely related to the modern elephant.


  • 1灰色岩石带子的各个带层之间,约80%的海洋物种灭绝了,其中许多生物物种,笔石动物,再也不会在这个世界上存在了。

    Between one edge of the three-foot-thick gray band and the other, some 80 percent of marine species died out, many of them the sorts of creatures, like graptolites, that no longer exist.


  • 猛犸价格质量而定。 一根5长的可以数万美元

    Depending on quality, five-metre-long mammoth tusks can sell for tens of thousands of dollars.


  • 非洲的体重超过6(5 443kg),站立可以达到12英尺(4)。

    An African elephant can weigh more than 6 tons (5, 443 kilograms) and stand as tall as 12 feet (4 meters) at the shoulder.


  • 产下一只的时间是24,幼诞生200(91公斤),3英尺(1)。

    Cows usually give birth to one calf every two to four years. At birth, elephants already weigh some 200 pounds (91 kilograms) and stand about 3 feet (1 meter) tall.


  • 569岁的妈妈产下了她的第一个宝宝,高达达260

    Standing more than three feet tall and weighing nearly 260 pounds, the calf was born to 9-year-old first-time mother Temi on May 6.


  • 采用进口寻找目标高清晰度CCD快速定格雪花点适应任何场合隐蔽精致发射接收距离500以上

    Imported double mirror, looking to target fast high-resolution CCD, quick freeze image without snow adapt to any occasion, subtle delicate, transmitting and receiving distance of 500 meters.


  • 口子上看到营业具有震撼力的一平方歪歪上。

    In in four villages openings, I saw has a video recording hall in todo business, has shocks the strength a square meter big character, askew Niu Niu's writing on red paper.


  • 同时组反射镜产生具有22.8直径望远镜解析度

    Together, the mirrors will produce images with a resolution of a 22.8-meter telescope.


  • “我们现在所用法国制定的。”艾尔文先生的面孔看起来一张死板的建筑图纸。

    "The metric unit, you know, meters and centimeters, all that stuff, is set in France," said Mr. Irving, once again in his serious pose.


  • 那样的行家也跑不过罗拔特,这家伙又不需要太空服,又长著条腿,还一身钢筋铁骨。

    Jimmy, expert though he was, couldn't outrace Robutt, who didn't need a spacesuit, and had four legs and tendons of steel.


  • 太上,通高1。96,贴金彩绘神态严肃慈祥讲经说法,又似在沉思冥想

    As Lao, 1. 96 - meter high, with the painting, expression serious and kind - looking, as in lecture that appears in a silent meditation.


  • 因此上帝告诫子民:「先知向你们说预言你们不要他们的话……所说,是出于自己不是出于耶和华」(耶利书23章16节)。

    So the Lord told His people, "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to youThey speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord" ( Jer. 23:16).


  • 阿尔塔包括一系列房间塑造S型。

    The Altamira Cave consists of a series of rooms and passages shaped like anS.


  • 真诚地告诉说是了,有点他们家的了。

    He told her sincerely that she was getting fat and her back looked like their rice bucket.


  • 40英里(约64.4千)木质栈道阶梯观景台连接着旅游巴士路线珍珠瀑布一样主要景点

    Nearly 40 miles of wooden walkways, stairs, and observation decks connect tour bus routes to prime attractions like Pearl Shoals Falls.


  • 按照说明书推荐用量做但是做出来的东西为什么呀?

    I made it according to the recommended recipe from the manual, but the stuff I make out is very thin, like rice soup, does not like rice mash, why?


  • 长得有点纳姆这样可以了吗?

    Kind of looked like Eminem. Does that help you?


  • 凭借天生的直觉,丽成功训练这些小狗,同时其他十岁的小孩一样害怕甜水农场之外世界,担心不被别人注意接受

    Highly intuitive, especially with animals, Emily trains the puppies, aching, as only a preteen can, for attention and acceptance even as she fears the world beyond Sweetwater.


  • 凭借天生的直觉,丽成功训练这些小狗,同时其他十岁的小孩一样害怕甜水农场之外世界,担心不被别人注意接受

    Highly intuitive, especially with animals, Emily trains the puppies, aching, as only a preteen can, for attention and acceptance even as she fears the world beyond Sweetwater.


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