• 我们等候时出租汽车计程器一直在滴答滴答地走着

    While we waited the taxi's meter kept ticking away.


  • 他们排队等候时紧张傻笑着。

    They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn.


  • 尼身上穿着件脏衬衫,在长长的求职者队伍中等候时,感到尴尬和紧张。

    While waiting in the long line of the applicants with his dirty shirt, Tony felt embarrassed and nervous.


  • 电视小零食,工作嘴里嚼嚼东西开车吃点东西,阅读或者等候也会来点喝的。

    We eat while watching TV, we munch on something at our desk at work, we crunch on something while driving and drink something while reading or waiting.


  • 喜欢排队等候售货员电话长谈

    I don't like waiting in line when a say shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.


  • 购物排队等候时聊天延缓结账惹恼他人。

    Shopping: Chatting while you re in line will slow down checkout and irritate other shoppers.


  • 我们等候时计程车里的计程表一直滴答地响着。

    Which we waited the taxi 's meter kept ticking away.


  • 后来手术室外面床上等候因为恐惧而哭泣

    Later as I waited on a gurney outside the operating room I wept with fear.


  • 在店里放着一些书籍其他出版物,供顾客等候阅读

    She also keeps books and other publications around so customers can read them while waiting for their appointments.


  • 排队等候他们非常紧张经常事先练习脑子里熟记发言

    They get very nervous while they wait in line and often rehearse memorized speeches in their heads.


  • 正当其他办公室员工作人员排队等候,我听到了巨大的响声。

    As I was waiting in line with the other office workers, I heard a loud sound.


  • 排队等候可以眼睛几个缓慢深呼吸帮助你平静下来

    While you wait in line, you can close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths to help you calm down.


  • 不想让使用者等候,您可能要利用这种方式处理背景维护工作

    You might want to do this to handle background or maintenance tasks when you do not want the user to wait for them to complete.


  • 等候手持证件核对对面试室入口处标签是否和试室卡相符

    Please hold your ID and room card while waiting, and double check if the label at the entrance of the test room in front of you match the room card.


  • 万籁俱寂我们安静地面前等候心灵静默就会使上帝的声音显得格外清晰。

    When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God.


  • 尼娜办公桌等候时杰克偷偷来到杰米的旁边,将沃尔什处得到的加密钥匙给了

    While Nina waits at his desk, Jack sneaks over to Jamey and gives her the encrypted key card he got from Richard Walsh.


  • 尼娜办公桌等候时杰克偷偷来到杰米的旁边,将沃尔什处得到的加密钥匙给了

    While Nina waits at his desk Jack sneaks over to Jamey and gives her the encrypted key card he got from Richard Walsh.


  • 尽管如此采纳这些建议可以确保通过眼睛可以观察到很多东西,夜空等候时可以看到令人惊叹的景观。

    Nonetheless, following these tips will ensure you get the most out of your eyes and will help you to see the amazing treasures that await you in the night sky.


  • 电视小零食,工作嘴里嚼嚼东西开车吃点东西,阅读或者等候也会来点喝(当然又是含的)。

    We eat while watching TV, we munch on something at our desk at work, we crunch on something while driving and drink something (sugary of course) while reading or waiting.


  • 购物者付账队伍中等候他们容易会禁不住诱惑放在结账旁边货架口香糖其他一些小东西

    When shoppers are waiting in the check-out line, they can be easily tempted to buy chewing gums and other small items on the racks next to the check-out counter.


  • 虽然他们的士等候时伴娘礼服低价出售的,他们得到了聊天交换数字新娘母亲亚伯特婚礼服装

    While they waited at a taxi stand, gowns cheap sale bridesmaid ALBERT RIVER WINES, wedding outfits for mother of the bride, they got chatting and exchanged Numbers.


  • 出纳员窗外排队等候,她身后一位中年男子:“孩子们20多岁了,可仍然得给他们。”

    Waiting in line at the teller's window, she lamented to the middle-aged man behind 'her, "My children are in their 20's, and I'm still giving them money."


  • 留著黑色长发、戴著黑色口罩歌迷洛·利说:“无论什麽什麽地方,就算价格再高10愿意出。”莱利排队等候还跳起了舞

    "I would pay 10 times that amount any time anywhere, " said Carlo Riley, a Jackson fan with long black hair and a black surgical mask, who danced as he waited in line.


  • 这项专利宣称,“随着汽车使用率上升红绿灯等候的车流量可能将会越来越多,等候将会越来越”,如果等候时汽车的引擎仍然还在运转的话,那么将导致大量的燃料被浪费。

    The patent states that withincreasing vehicle usage there may bemore traffic and longer wait times at traffic signals,” resulting in wastedfuel if the vehicle engines are kept running.


  • 加拿大打球NBA球员曾经低声轻笑,带着难以置信神情跟:“我们必须其他人一样在海关排队等候。”

    An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada—get this—"We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."


  • 有人当你久等,你可以说他在冷却你的脚后跟(让你苦苦等候)。

    When someone keeps you waiting, you can say he is cooling your heels.


  • 看到过一个拥挤斜道等候兽医治疗

    I saw cattle held in a squeeze chute while they were waiting to get some veterinary attention.


  • 看到过一个拥挤斜道等候兽医治疗

    I saw cattle held in a squeeze chute while they were waiting to get some veterinary attention.


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