• 萨饼成为意大利人最喜欢的一道菜,但在第二次世界大战后,当成千上万的美国士兵从欧洲回国后,比萨饼真正成为了一道国际菜肴。

    Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy, but pizza really became an international dish after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe.


  • 第二世界大战期间霍珀加入美国海军

    During the Second World War, Hopper joined the United States Navy.


  • 这个国家饮食问题可以追溯到第二世界大战

    The problems with the nation's cuisine can be traced back to the Second World War.


  • 第二世界大战快餐店兴起整个社会充斥着工业生产廉价食品

    The rise of fast-food restaurants after the Second World War produced a society full of cheap, industrially made foodstuffs.


  • 第二世界大战期间低温的易碎性首次成为人们关注主要问题。

    Steel's fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War.


  • 例如第二世界大战企业政府试图说服妇女腾出工厂工作岗位,岗位留给退伍军人

    After the Second World War, for example, businesses and government sought to persuade women to vacate jobs in factories, thus making room in the labor force for returning veterans.


  • 20世纪40年代空中交通管制中心能够而且确实利用第二世界大战中新研制雷达改进无线电通讯但是这个系统还处于初级阶段

    In the 1940s, ATC centres could and did take advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War, but the system remained rudimentary.


  • 我们这一代经历第二次世界大战都还清晰地记得当时的混乱无能为力

    People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.


  • 影最后,他们在第二次世界大战中去世了。

    They died during World War II at the end of the movie.


  • 部电影是关于第二次世界大战的,澳大利亚导演很有名。

    It's about World War Ⅱ and the Australian director is famous.


  • 第二次世界大战期间,数百万德国人失去了生命。

    During the World War II, millions of Germans lost their lives.


  • 为数百万的年轻人在第二次世界大战战斗,所以我们才可以生活在和平。

    Millions of young people fought in World War Ⅱ so we could live in peace.


  • 近,在做关于第二次世界大战的历史作业时,他在自家房子后面有了一个惊人的发现。

    Recently, while doing his history homework about World WarII, he had a surprising discovery behind his family's home.


  • 第二次世界一系列变化重构了学校午餐

    After World War ll, a bunch of changes reshaped schools and lunches.


  • 第二次世界美国工人福利支出赶不上生活成本

    After World War II, benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living.


  • 祖父参加第二世界大战希望有一天也能像一样

    My grandfather served in World War II, and I hope to be just like him someday.


  • 尽管这座城市总体保持良好的风貌,但一些城市遗产第二次世界大战遭到了破坏。

    Although the city preserves a good look in general, some of its heritage was destroyed in World War II.


  • 虽然这个城市整体上保留良好风貌,但是一些遗迹第二次世界大战遭到了破坏了。

    Although the city preserves a good look in general, some of its heritage was destroyed in World War II.


  • 第二次世界许多日本人放弃包办婚姻,这他们急于采用美国征服者民主方式一种举措。

    After World War II, many Japanese abandoned the arranged marriage as part of their rush to adopt the more democratic ways of their American conquerors.


  • 认为一个伟大的爱国者不仅因为卡通赞扬美国而且,在第二次世界大战期间,他的工作室美国士兵制作训练电影

    He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons praise America, but, during World War II, his studios made training films for American soldiers.


  • 那些第二次世界我们军队包裹在上面注明礼物逃避税款普通公民,根本没有费心发现“礼物”在德语中是“毒药”的意思

    Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German.


  • 后来成为一名电报记者报道第二世界大战包括亲赴于德国轰炸任务追随联军登陆北非

    He became a wire reporter and covered the Second World War, including flying on dangerous bombing missions over Germany and accompanying Allied troops landing in North Africa.


  • 第二世界大战末期英国工人每天要劳动小时养活四口之家这个数字如今已经降低三分之二

    At the end of the Second World War, it took the British working man about six hours of Labour a day to feed a family of four; a figure which has now dropped by two thirds.


  • 第二世界大战末期1980年,金融业从业人员其他行业相同资历人员,平均所获薪酬一样多。

    From the end of the Second World War until 1980 or thereabouts, people working in finance earned about the same, on average and taking account of their qualifications, as people in other industries.


  • 第二次世界大战末期引爆核弹之后,世界步入原子时代,深深陷入超级大国之间对峙之中

    After the detonation of nuclear bombs at the end of world War II, the world moved deeper into the atomic age and the nuclear standoff between the superpowers.


  • 甚至超过第二世界大战打败日本人边府宣告白人亚洲大陆霸权统治结束,东方崛起开始。

    Even more than the Japanese victories in the second world war, it announced the end of white supremacy over the continent and the beginning of the rise of the East.


  • 第二次世界大战灾难,加之国家在几十年间限制主权教会德国人崇尚权力多元主义价值。

    The catastrophe of the second world war, and decades of living with limited sovereignty, taught the Germans the virtues of soft power and multilateralism.


  • 爷爷四十多岁的时候亲手种的,为的是纪念奶奶兄弟泰迪第二世界大战的时候牺牲了

    My grandfather planted these three oak trees in the forties as amemorial to my Great Uncle Teddy, Grandma’s brother who was killed in theSecond World War.


  • 爷爷四十多岁的时候亲手种的,为的是纪念奶奶兄弟泰迪第二世界大战的时候牺牲了

    My grandfather planted these three oak trees in the forties as amemorial to my Great Uncle Teddy, Grandma’s brother who was killed in theSecond World War.


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