• 尽管如此,“第二人生不会面临市场次级抵押的窘境。

    Still, Second Life is unlikely to experience the same hard landing as the market for subprime mortgages.


  • 与其他大多数在线程序不同的是,第二人生非常依赖用户创建脚本

    Unlike most online worlds, Second Life relies heavily on user-generated scripts.


  • 第二人生企业用户提供了更多安全保障虚拟人物社区进行了升级。

    The Second Life Enterprise environment provides users an added layer of security and the ability to scale an avatar community.


  • 做过顿公司顾问,林顿公司是网络虚拟世界第二人生制造商

    He has been an adviser to Linden Lab, the makers of "Second Life", an online virtual world.


  • 理论上这样的设计能够减少网络延迟提高第二人生用户使用时的稳定性

    In theory, this will provide reduced lag and improved stability for Second Life users. According to Linden Labs, early results are promising.


  • 第二人生提供了LDAP(轻量级目录访问协议)整合功能,用于账户创建验证

    Second Life Enterprise provides LDAP integration for creating and authenticating accounts.


  • 第二人生尤其难以驾驭同一时间访问同一个岛屿最高人数大约是80人。

    Second Life in particular is hard to navigate, and the number of avatars that can visit an island at the same time tops out at about 80.


  • 就像Alex Iskold说明一方面我们第二人生其它虚拟世界快速增长

    As Alex Iskold explained, on one hand we have the rapid rise of Second Life and other virtual worlds.


  • 第二人生也许拥有超过八百万的“居民”,其中仅有11%的用户过去一个月内上过线

    Second Life may have morethan 8 million residents, but only 11 percent have logged in during the pastmonth.


  • 实验室采取措施控制《第二人生中的兑换率使相对稳定265林登兑换1美元。

    Linden Lab USES several controls to keep the exchange rate in Second Life relatively stable at about 265 to the us dollar.


  • 但是,从长远角度看,认为这套系统可以诸如第二人生》等多人虚拟世界控制游戏角色

    In the longer term, though, he thinks the system will be ideal for controlling avatars (the visual representations of players) in multiplayer virtual worlds such as Second Life.


  • 第二人生》(Second Life)中,美元林登可以通过虚拟环境中的渠道互相兑换

    In Second Life, US dollars can be converted into Linden dollars and vice versa through channels in the virtual environment.


  • 一些来说,第二人生其它虚拟现实继续充当一个成功的商业平台,但短期商业机会并不存在。

    Second Life and other virtualrealities will continue to emerge as successful platforms for some people, butas a short-term business opportunity, no.


  • 比如,73%的认为第二人生”(Second Life)这样虚拟世界网络没有商业价值

    For example, virtual worlds such as Second Life were seen by 73% as having no business value.


  • 看法,从长期来看第二人生有趣的试验不是公司利润和收益的一个主要可靠来源

    My line on Second Life for a long time is it'san interesting small experiment, but it's not a likely major source for profitsand revenues for companies.


  • 第二人生企业最终提供整合协作应用能力,也就是说公司可以整合Sharepoint协作工具。

    Second Life Enterprise will eventually provide the capability to integrate collaborative applications, meaning if a company wanted to integrate Sharepoint they could do so.


  • 今年8月,特拉华州女子指控策划现实生活绑架虚拟互动世界第二人生”中结识男友

    In August, a woman was charged in Delaware with plotting the real-life abduction of a boyfriend she met through "Second life," another virtual interactive world.


  • 第二人生美国公司Linden实验室开发的游戏玩家可以创造一个虚拟的另个我也就是一个化身

    The brainchild of American company Linden Lab, Second Life players can create a virtual alter ego, an avatar.


  • 有些小企业表现相对较包括King所称做“”交易的——那些帮助人们建造第二人生的公司。

    Some small businesses are doing relatively well, including what King calls the "picks and shovels" businesses--thosethat help people build a Second Life presence.


  • 虽然组实验参与者减掉体重相当,但是在“第二人生接受训练减肥确实更多地改变自己习惯

    While both participants lost about the same amount of weight, the group that received their training through Second Life actually made more changes to their habits.


  • 并不是所有人爆笑办公室里的德怀特一样,在第二人生创造一个除了以外方面自己相似的人物。

    Not everyone can be like Dwight from "The Office," who created a Second Life avatar that was similar in every way to his real self, except he could fly.


  • 由于第二人生这样虚拟环境变得更加流行,像这样的劝说策略也许用到更多使用这些环境的人也许做些笔记。

    As virtual environments such as Second Life become more prevalent, persuasive strategies such as this may also be employed more often, and users of these environments should probably take note.


  • 所有这些使得第二人生变成了一个极速增长经济体如果相信设在旧金山游戏供应商林登实验室数据的话。

    All this transformed Second Life into an extremely fast-growing economy, if you believe the Numbers of Linden Lab, the service's San Francisco-based owner.


  • 现在,《第二人生每次虚拟人口都多于8万4千人,充分说明了人们因特网狂热多么短暂

    Now populated by no more than 84, 000 avatars at a time, it has turned out to be a prime example of how short-lived Internet fads can be.


  • 现在,《第二人生每次虚拟人口都多于8万4千人,充分说明了人们因特网狂热多么短暂

    Now populated by no more than 84,000 avatars at a time, it has turned out to be a prime example of how short-lived Internet fads can be.


  • 在真实世界进行虚拟货品交易有意模拟现实的虚拟世界允许的,第二人生Entropia宇宙”。

    Real-world trade in virtual items is allowed in virtual worlds that are intended to simulate reality, such as Second Life and Entropia Universe.


  • 即使第二人生觉得回答这类问题很难他们可以自我安慰,因为事实证明,这些问题现实生活中也是很难应付的。

    If Second life has trouble answering such questions, it can take solace from the fact that they are proving pretty tricky in real life too.


  • 诸如第二人生之类虚拟世界可能不仅仅只是模型几乎毫无疑问的如果Twomey了,他们将足以引领航向。

    Virtual worlds such as Second Life may not be the exact model used in the future, but there is little doubt that if Twomey is correct they are certainly heading in the right direction.


  • 诸如第二人生之类虚拟世界可能不仅仅只是模型几乎毫无疑问的如果Twomey了,他们将足以引领航向。

    Virtual worlds such as Second Life may not be the exact model used in the future, but there is little doubt that if Twomey is correct they are certainly heading in the right direction.


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